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Serving the Republican Women of Humboldt County

V OLUME 35, I SSUE 7 J ULY 2010

Colleen Hedrick, President ∙ Joy Finley, Newsletter Editor ∙ Terry Roberts, Membership Chair

Humboldt Republican Women Federated


Rob Arkley
July 15, 2010
at the HRWF General Meeting
11:30 a.m. Buffet Lunch ~ 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. General Meeting
Elks Lodge, 445 Herrick Ave, Eureka, CA

Topic: National, State and Local Politics - an Outlook for the Year.

Mr. Arkley is the founder and owner of the highly successful real estate asset acquisition and management companies
that collectively comprise Security National Holding Company, LLC ("the Company").

Mr. Arkley began his career as a tax accountant for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell in Los Angeles and then at Arthur Andersen
in Chicago. Upon receiving his law degree, Mr. Arkley joined the Washington D.C. law firm of Dickstein, Shapiro and
Morrin, specializing in taxation. In 1983, he established his own law firm, Dun and Arkley in Eureka, California,
specializing in taxation and general law. In 1987, he left his law firm to devote his energies full time to the Company.

Mr. Arkley received a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and a Master of Science degree in accounting and
business taxation from the University of Southern California. He earned his Juris Doctor from the McGeorge School of
Law, University of the Pacific, and is a member of the California Bar Association. Mr. Arkley also holds a Master's degree
in Laws of Taxation from Georgetown University and held a Certified Public Accountant license in Illinois.

Buffet Lunch & Speaker ~ $14.50 ~ Beverage & Speaker ~ $4.00

Please RSVP to Colleen Hedrick at 268-0101
*Early lunch reservations appreciated and to be honored ~ Payable to Elks Lodge

We are a Diamond Awards Club.




A recent article by Republican Assemblywoman Diane Harkey caught It‟s an election year that presents enough
my attention. She is a member of the 7th Assembly and member of the alarming concerns and enough questions to make an
Budget Committee. She reported that California Assembly Democrats octopus wish for more arms. Maybe at least a couple
(and that includes Wesley Chesbro), unveiled their budget blueprint of of them could be holding onto new claw hammers
liberal spending. This means higher taxes and are you surprised they and the rest could be taking lessons in multi-tasking.
call it, “California‟s Jobs Budget”? We need volunteers to work registering voters, to
Of course, this follows the usual Democrat way of representing staff our Republican Headquarters, and to work in
us. More government, more rules and regulations and more tax dollars our Republican Booth at the Humboldt County Fair
to spend on themselves and their pet projects. Harkey claims it contains (August 12-22, in Ferndale.) These are all tasks
usual to our election year efforts.
the most irresponsible budget proposals she has ever seen while serving
Peter Hannaford, new vice-chair of our Central
in Sacramento. The Democrats ignore the tough cuts proposed by the Committee, has brought attention to the statistics that
Governor. They are relying on massive borrowing and tax increases show our registered Republicans‟ count is around
even though our state has a deficit of $19.1 billion. two hundred down from 2008. Peter is calling on
Harkey is particularly troubled that the opposition has completely shut members of Central Committee and Humboldt
their eyes to the looming pension obligations that are ballooning Republican Women Federated (HRWF) to get our
rapidly. registration count back at least to where we were in
When California voters wake up and see what Democrat control has 2008.
brought us, I hope and pray they will quit sending people to Sacramento It seems likely that our most likely road to
who are fiscally irresponsible and damaging our way of life. In this success in that venture could lie in our going to the
year‟s election, we must do everything to send a loud message to prospects rather than waiting for those not registered
Sacramento that we are through taking such abuse as taxpayers. to come to us. I‟ve watched chickens chase bugs and
also observed spider webs waiting for the drop-in
visitors. The fast chickens cluck up the whole
neighborhood and outdo the slow spinning and
lurking spiders every time.
The HRWF board has feelers out for information
E DUCATION R EPORT on some of the community events in the county and
BY S HERYL F EARRIEN hopes to rent booths at some of these with the
expectation of registering voters, soliciting members
for HRWF, and selling cookbooks and bakery items.
The Humboldt Republican Women, Federated, is working to put Recent newsletters from other Republican Women‟s
together a scholarship program for local high school seniors. We are clubs mention booths at Farmers‟ Markets. That
well on our way financially to fund this and will be finalizing details in venue is one we hadn‟t considered and one possibly
the near future. Our scholarship committee, consisting of Mary Scott, worth exploring. We thought we could also give the
Colleen Hedrick, Debbie Walker, Chris Wennerholm and I, met in June. Redwood Acres Flea Market a second try. It‟s a low
So far we have a consensus that the applicants should be somehow cost venue and requires minimum equipment to test
the waters. If anyone has a suggestion for possible
connected to our Republican women, share our conservative values, places or events that could be good places to offer
have a grade point average of 3.0 or above, submit several letters of voter registration/cookbook sales, please call me at
reference, write an essay explaining how they want to impact the world, 268-0101 or Cindy Lewis at 442-1187. We need
and how the scholarship would help achieve their goal. member support with items for bake sales at some of
I am very excited about this project and must give credit where credit these booths and persons to work the booths. Please
is due…to our own Colleen Hedrick who brainstormed the idea. Our help.
little Mighty Mouse president is small in physical size only. What she Our first try with a community event booth will
doesn‟t have in size, she makes up for in EVERY other aspect of her be at the Orick Rodeo, Saturday and Sunday, July 10
and 11. If you could please contribute baked goods
life. I bet she could straighten out Washington, D.C. in just a couple of for the Orick booth, call Terry Roberts at 599-3255
weeks---refuse to let Congressmen and Senators go home for summer or Margaret Stafford at 822-3255. Possibly some of
until they rescind, revoke, annul and repeal every anti-American act, you have recipes in our cookbook that you could
bill, „stimulus‟ garbage, czar, Supreme Court nominee, etc. and bake and package to send to the booth as a preview
LISTEN, R-E-A-L-L-Y LISTEN, to the 67% of Americans who of some of the book‟s offerings. Our past experience
believe our great nation is moving in the wrong direction. with the bake sales has shown us that packaging
small quantities creates the most popular choices.
————— Staffing for the Humboldt Republican Party
When we see a message that says „VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED‟-- office at 311 Fifth St. in Eureka is broken into three-
hour shifts. Typical working times would be 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m. or 1p.m. to 4 p.m. It is a goal to have two
That doesn‟t just mean “somebody.” IT ALSO MEANS YOU!! persons per shift. Please get in touch with Joy Finley
at 845-2575 or Kathy Rodriguez at 839-8105.
B OARD OF D IRECTORS for serving our

President Colleen Hedrick 268-0101

1st Vice Debbie Walker 441-1126
2nd Vice Joy Finley 845-2575 T REASURER ’ S
Treasurer Mary Jerland 443-1228
Recording Secretary Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832
Parliamentarian Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124
Director-at-Large Pat Murphy 441-9206 Balance 5/31/10 2920.33
Americanism Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 Income 2214.00
Auditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776
Expenses -1489.95
Business Co-Chair Liana Simpson 445-9641
Business Co-Chair Bernice Huston 822-0997 Balance 6/30/10 $3644.38
Care Home Chair Sue Finch 725-5896
Care Home Co-Chair Linda Vann Hills 445-4112 Scholarship Savings
Account Balance $800.35
Chaplain Vee Sorenson 822-2359
Cookbook Co-Chair Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
Cookbook Co-Chair Cindy Lewis 442-1187
Corr. Secretary Donna Bellairs 442-6648
County Politics Joy Finley 845-2575
Education Sheryl Fearrien 726-0147
Co-Chair Mary Scott 442-3056
Hospitality Haline Sundet 442-2623
Host Jim Pell 496-7415
Hostess Margaret Stafford 822-3255
Membership Terry Roberts 599-3255
Name Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 W AYS & M EANS
News Editor Joy Finley 845-2575 Summer is finally here! This
Co-Chair Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 month we have the drawing for the
Co-Chair Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 Gas Grill and Cover donated by
State Legislation Vee Sorensen 822-2359 Shafer‟s Ace Hardware (Jack
Reike). There is still time to
Ways & Means Joy Finley 845-2575
purchase tickets at $15.00 each.
Telephone Kathy Rodriquez 839-8105 Bella Baskets has generously
Debbie Walker 441-1126 provided a great big BBQ Basket ,
Laura Bush 839-5538
too. This is a great opportunity for
Nancy Elcock 443-2529
your family to upgrade that old
Pat Stolte 725-4031
Irene Stidston 445-3732 grill!!
Connie Mortenson 725-5837 Also, Carriage Car Wash
donated two Super Washes.
OTHER CONTACTS: Thanks to all of you who continue
Bulletin Design Scrapper‟s Edge 445-9686 to make our club successful.
Website Master Bill Odonnell 442-4117
Remember, When Women Work,
We Win!!!

Commentary by Colleen Hedrick

My Mother Said If Visitors Don’t Like You…. Just Hope They Will Go Home Soon

The more we see online of the Hispanic and Muslim demands, and insulting demonstrations that clearly
spell grandiose delusions of entitlement, the more it is a reason to ask ourselves, “Where and why is the
media hiding from these stories that are news?”
It is true that, collectively, the American citizenry has a lot of live and let live attitudes to live by and we
are taught to be polite and avoid confrontation. That‟s particularly true when applied to peoples‟ religion,
ethnic origins, and cultural differences. That‟s probably not particularly any great virtue but more likely it‟s
that we just don‟t care.
More and more in recent times, however, we natives are increasingly restless, angry, and plenty resentful.
In an effort to be fair, there‟s a good chance that we‟re already plenty fed up with the garbage pushed at us by
an administration that consistently appears to writing all its policies and dialogue in the pixilated style of
Looney Tunes. Our sore spots are further aggravated by a liberal-dominated Congress that is just this side of,
“If they‟re serious, they should be loaded onto a rocket ship and sent somewhere to be confined until they
figure out what the real world is all about.”
The Muslim maneuvers to build a mosque almost on the 9-11 site where so many of our own were
murdered brought thousands of New York citizens out to represent the more than 3,000 persons who suffered
and died because of religious extremists flying planes into buildings. This is a big country and it shouldn‟t
require much effort to find a better place to build their monument to the kill. This historic building
celebration policy has been well documented by St.Sofia in Turkey and at the holiest Jewish site in
Jerusalem. New York‟s Mayor Bloomberg appointed a handpicked board virtually guaranteed to agree to
Muslims building their mosque where more than 3000 of our own suffered and died. Enough citizen protest
is probably the only shot we have at stopping the building of this huge marker to horror. Muslims want
sensitivity to their right to worship and live as they believe. Shouldn‟t that be a two-way route? Murder of
innocents is murder whether it is committed in the name of heaven and 27-virgins or in the name of pure evil.
Come to think of it, if they are so holy and so Godly oriented, why are they going to all that big time trouble
for 27 virgins? And the moderate Muslims are apparently afraid to show loyalty to this country by deed or
by speech. Almost no U.S. flags flown and few kind words.
Next, let‟s consider the displays of disrespect and hate for this country and its citizens we see in the street
demonstrations and read in the words of the radical and irresponsible Hispanic leaders. There is just about
every potential that most of that mob‟s members have benefited in several monetary ways through being in
the United States. Just to enumerate a few tokens from we Gringos: there‟s medical care, help with welfare,
housing, food stamps, and education packaged up with school meals, Spanish-speaking teachers, and even
admittance to state universities. Then there‟s value in freedom of speech. Some of them use that not to voice
any appreciation for the gains this country affords but, rather to promise that they will dominate this land and
get rid of us. How is it that someone takes every benefit they can earn more easily here plus what some can
beg or steal and still belittle this country with Mexico‟s flag above our upside-down stars and stripes?
Further, their radical leaders boast that their huge birth rate will ultimately force us from the state. If they
displayed as much energy and political will toward change in their own country, maybe these foul-mouthed,
hate-filled, arrogant souls could stay home and work toward a better life. Those who come here because they
want the benefits of this country‟s freedom of religion, its economy and largesse, should dedicate themselves
to building a decent life for themselves and their progeny.
It is reasonable that they offer at least a small amount of the respect and tolerance that they demand for
themselves. If they‟re not comfortable with considering that when they pick their building sites or burn our
flag, there are thousands of U. S. citizens who will be glad to help them on the buses or ships to hurry home
to wherever home happens to be. Once those thriving on hate and threats are home, we won‟t be a bother to
them, so there‟s no reason for rage and we much prefer that they don‟t bother us. Let‟s live better as mind-
your-own-business legal good neighbors.

Americanism Report by Chris Wennerholm

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!! Always remember these truths:
 Freedom is never given, it is won.
 The greatest lesson we can learn from the past. . . is that freedom is at the core of every successful
nation in the world.
 Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either
UPDATES: 4th of July Care Package: HRWF sent a squad-sized gift package to our troops to honor
them on the 4th of July.

OVERSEAS COUPON PROJECT (OCP): This month, I mailed coupons valued at over $15,400 to the
US Air Force base we sponsor in Okinawa, Japan. This is one way HRWF supports our military families
overseas. Thanks to all of you who clip coupons for this worthy cause. Please keep bringing them in.

OCP COMMITTEE NEEDED: I need help in cutting/sorting and adding up the face value of these
coupons as their numbers have doubled and tripled so far. If you can help, please let me know—it would be
so appreciated. Thank you.
Obama's health care plan was written by a committee whose head said he didn't understand it, passed by a
Congress that hadn't read it and whose members will be exempt from it, signed by a president who smokes,
funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and
financed by a country that is broke.
….What could possibly go wrong?
A letter from a wise and compassionate employer…
Dear Employees:
As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President
and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way.
To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But since we cannot
increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our
employees instead.
This has really been bothering me, since I believe we are family here, and I didn't know how to choose
who would have to go.
So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lot and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on
our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a fairer
way to approach this problem. They voted for change...... I gave it to them.
I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic. The Boss

Chaplain’s Corner by Vee Sorenson

We can learn so much from God‟s beautiful creation.
One simple lesson nature teaches us when we plant something is the seed can multiply abundantly. Corn is
a perfect example. Every ear of corn may have 500 or more kernels and each has the potential to seed new
ears of corn. Just look at an entire field of corn and it boggles the mind to think how many kernels have been
produced in a season from just a few kernels.
The lesson of a planting corn can be applied to how we sow seeds of good for ourselves, our families and
our nation. Good deeds or a few words of wisdom can reap untold benefits. That is why it is important to
plant political wisdom into our children‟s minds before government schools begin to brainwash them,
eliminating the God of creation from all discussion. It is well known how they are filling their minds with
untruths about the founding of our nation. Plant those seeds early. It is important.
Also, have you ever tried to dig out roots that are so stubbornly embedded in the soil that it takes great effort
to remove them? They call them “grassroots”. That is where, politically, we are sometimes numbered among
the “grassroots” workers. Underneath the flower that everyone can see lies a root that holds steadfast to the
soil for nourishment that is hard to destroy.
I love to look at God‟s nature and when I do, it leaves me in awe and if we continually look to Him, He can
teach us valuable lessons for living.


July 15 HRWF General Meeting @ Elks Lodge. Speaker Rob Arkley; Topic National,
State and Local Politics—an Outlook for the Year.

July 15 Humboldt County Planning Committee, Supervisors‟ Chambers 6pm

August 5 Central Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. (For info: 845-2575)

August 12-22 Humboldt County Fair

August 19 HRWF General Meeting @ Elks Lodge. Speaker Peter Hannaford, a veteran of
two Ronald Reagan campaigns. His topic will be Serving Well On Political Cam-

August 29 Republican Picnic, Jointly sponsored by Central Committee and HRWF @ Rohner
Park, Fortuna. Candidates, Chili Cook-off, Pie Baking Contest, Fun for Kids

Membership Report by Terry Roberts

HRWF has gained 6 new members!

Please welcome Janine Mahoney, Brenda Ontiveros, Julie Crane, Rebecca Crosby, Ruth Holsinger,
and Beth Powell! A big THANKS to HRWF members who have referred these lovely, conservative
ladies to our group. To date, we now have 200 members and Associate members. For those of you who
have yet to renew your 2010 membership, which is $30.00, please send in those dues so you can
continue to receive our monthly Bulletin which will keep you informed of all of the upcoming HRWF
activities and programs. Also, you can always give me your dues at our meeting. Remember too that,
although we are the Humboldt Republican “Women,” men are also welcome to come to our meetings
and can become “Associate” members.
The next HRWF general meeting and luncheon will be on Thursday, July 15 th at the Elks Lodge.
Lunch starts at 11:30AM and the program will begin at noon. I hope to see you all there!

Big Ticket Drawing

July 15 Meeting
Coleman Gas Grill
3 more great prizes
Summertime and Gift Giving Tickets $15
Can Be Easy
Need not be
if you keep our cookbooks present to win.
on hand for birthdays, showers,
and ‘just-because’ presents.
Call 441-1126 or 268-0101.

Jack R. MacDonald

Bernice Huston, artist/weaver

P.O. Box 785
Blue Lake, CA 95525

Studio: 29 Glendale Road

Joy Finley
Loan Officer
Funding 906 West Avenue
We Make It Happen
Eureka, CA 95503
in Burre Center (Myrtle & West)

707.269-4327 phone
707.269.4306 fax
707.845.2575 cell
Broker DRE License #01194832 Assoc Brocker License #00622612

THE REDWOOD ALERT 2008 Advertising Rates

Please contact: Joy Finley at 845-2575 or
Space is currently available for advertising
Business Card $10 per issue
Quarter Page $20 per issue Prepayment is required.
Full Page $75 per issue Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month
The Redwood Alert PRESORTED
Humboldt Republican Women, Federated STANDARD
c/o Terry Roberts U.S. POSTAGE
4425 Chaffin Road PAID
McKinleyville, CA 95519 EUREKA, CA


(Donated by Shafers Ace Hardware)

First, Second, & Third Prizes will also be awarded at drawing during the
Thursday, June 18 Meeting of Humboldt Republican Women Federated

Tickets are $15.00 - Only 150 tickets will be sold

Aussie Grill also has Grill Cover and is Propane Fueled (not included).
These will go fast!

First Prize: Overnight Stay at Benbow Inn & 2-rounds golf

Second Prize: Gift Basket from Blue Lake Casino
Third Prize: Gift Basket from Cher ae Heights Casino

Call in your order Debbie Walker 441-1126, Margaret Stafford 822-3255,

or Colleen Hedrick 268-0101.

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