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Hello there.

I'd like to apply for this game, with a mentally scarred sorcerer who
seeks to unveil the truths of the old ones.

<b>Name:</b> Siegfried Amsel
<b>Age:</b> 47
<b>Gender:</b> Male

<b>Appearance:</b> Siegfried is a tall, fairly broadshouldered man, with a straight

and confident manner. His face, while weathered and starting to show some of the
wear of age, is graced with a strong jaw and a keen, deepseet gaze. His eyes are a
dark brown, though it at times can seem like there are specks of a golden yellow in
them. His hair is brown as well, and hang down just past his ears, while a thick
and well-groomed moustache sits proudly on his upper lip.
He wears simple but finely made clothing, donning the trappings of a gentleman and
scholar in the form of vests and jackets over a white linen shirt, a look both
stately and functional. He is rarely seen in public without his stovetop hat and
solid, ironwood cane.
When he walks, however, it is immediately apparent that the man is not whole. His
right leg moves stiffly, giving him a slightly uneven gait, and his cane is proven
to be more than simply a symbol of status.
For those actually able to see his leg, it is revealed that it ends, just below the
knee. The rest is a sturdy, metal plated wooden prostetic. While it is well made,
it is clear that it is no perfect replacement for his real leg.

<b>Personality:</b> The first impression one would get upon meeting the esteemed
professor Amsel is a polite and somewhat restrained man, treating people with equal
parts detachment and impeccable decorum. A very private person, essentially, though
one who observes with a keen eye what happens around him.
Should one catch his interest, however, or get caught up in a conversation about
his fields of study, one would find an even keener mind, passionate about his work
and with a thirst for knowledge. It even goes so far, at times, that he can drop
his polite facade, revealing an absolutely driven man, almost manic in his pursuit
of greater understanding.

<b>Background:</b> 23 years ago, Siegfried's life was perfect. He had just acheived
his professorate and was looking forward to a highly promising career in studying
and teaching applied sorcery. Aside from being a gifted sorcerer and learned
scholar, he was also a young man in the prime of happiness. He had a beautiful,
loving and intelligent wife and a bubbly, energetic and delightfully precocious 4
year old daughter. Hanna and little Adelina.
It was on a sunny day which he was spending with his family at a local park that
the world came crashing down on Siegfried. It was on that fateful day the Old Ones
He did not understand what was happening as things his mind could not comprehend
started appearing, and the very fabric of reality started being torn apart. All he
knew was that he needed to get his family to safety. Grabbing his daughter and
putting her in his wife's arms, Siegfried pushed them along amidst the chaos and
destruction, his mind and hands at the ready to cast whatever spell he knew to
defend them. His mind reeled as he tried to comprehend, to just see a glimmer of a
pattern in the madness around him, but to no avail.
He was in deep thought when suddenly his beloved family was yanked from his grasp,
and he was flung to the ground. As he quickly turned to see what was happening, he
could only look on in horror as a... thing, a creature that had no logical right to
exist stood before him. dangling from one of it's clawed, spiky appendages hung the
broken, bleeding body of his wife. His beautiful wife, his soul and heart, dead
before she even had time to utter a sound. Her glassy blank eyes looked at him and
through him, devoid of even the tiniest spark of life.
Siegfried's gaze, now hazy with tears, rose above the abomination as a wail took
his attention. There, frightened and in tears, was his little Adelina, distraught
but very much alive. She hung in the air, suspended in front of a hazy figure, an
indistinct and yet at the same time striking figure of bright yellow.
Before he could even form a proper thought, Sigfried had moved in a rage, throwing
out the words to his strongest warding spell, intent ripping his daughter away from
the being and into the safety of his own arms.
The words were spoken, the sigils formed and the spell was unleashed... and then
nothing. It simply bounced of the being, as if water parting around a stone, and
burst into nothing behind it.
The being did not move. It did not speak. It did not look at him. And yet, he knew
it saw him. Acknowledged him. because in that instant Siegfried was assailed by
it's power, his mind ripped apart and put back together infinite times as it's
perverted magic flooded him.
He thought to scream, but could not, for he had no tongue. He thought to close his
eyes, but could not, for he had no eyes. He thought of death, but could not die,
for he was eternal. It was everything and nothing at the same time. He could not
understand it, for it was beyond mortal understanding. But through it all two
things were prevalent. His daughter, taken by the being, disappearing into a tear
in space, and a sign. A yellow sign.

When Siegfried awoke, it was in a hospital bed. The catastrophe was over, he was
told, the Old Ones gone for now. Humanity was picking up the pieces. Salvaging what
was left.
He was told that he'd been found unconscious and barely breathing, but somehow kept
safe within a ward the likes of which no sorcerer had ever seen. Strangely, while
they did not know how it was possible they were certain it had stemmed from him.
Furthermore, for some reason his right leg was gone. It had been like that when
they found him. No wound or sign of damage, it was simply gone from the knee down.
Aside from that, Sigfried had been near comatose for more than two weeks.
Weakened though he were, and confused, Siegfried did not despair. He was
heartbroken over the loss of his wife, but he could not give in to sorrow. For his
Adelina was still out there. still alive. The yellow being did not take her without
reason. It would not kill her, he was somehow certain. And while he could not
comprehend what it had shown him, he was certain of two things.
One, he somehow "knew" more than he did before. His magic was more than it had
been. The leg was the price for that, for power never comes without a price.
Two, There was a pattern to the madness. There was an underlying logic to the Old
Ones, to their very being. There was a purpose. Understanding that was the key to
understanding them, and to find a way to bring his daughter back to him.
Siegfried had to understand the yellow one. But he had only one clue to start with.
The sign it showed him.

That day, and what it caused, became the foundation for Siegfried's life from that
day forward. He worked, studied and taught sorcery, ever striving to improve and
further the cause of learning. He expanded his work to include the study of the
abyss and everything entailed. And in secret from his peers, he focused his work
whenever he could on anything that might be related to what happened to him. For
more than two decades he sought an answer to the one burning question in his mind.
A question he asked anyone that caught his interest, that might have the slightest
chance of knowing what he meant.

Always he asked them: "Have you seen the yellow sign?"

<b>Humanity:</b> 5/5
<b>Health:</b> 10/10
<b>Insight:</b> 0/5

<b>Concept:</b> Sorcerous Academic

<large><b>Base stats</b></large>
<b>Strength:</b> 2
<b>Agility:</b> 1
<b>Endurance:</b> 3
<b>Intelligence:</b> 5
<b>Wisdom:</b> 4
<b>Resolve:</b> 3

<b>4 Trademarks:</b>
- Master of protective warding magic
- Master of binding magic

<b>2 Flaws:</b>

<b>2 Relationships:</b>

<b>2 Minor Skills:</b>



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