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"I never seem to play conventional necromancers.

My necromancy
is usually based on creative applications of basic methods. The
ultimate demoralizer requires you to have create undead, and
expertise in swarms. You then buy somewhere between 75-163
chickens. You sever their heads, and proceed to keep them in a
brining barrel for three days, pickling them. this, horrifiically
enough, coutns as embalming, and allows you to make an undead
swarm. Of zombie chicken heads. now, the next step, is, of course,
storing a weakn fireball spell in the barrel, contingent upon it's
being ruptured. for roughly 3,500 gp, you have made a seige
weapon that literally spawns flaming zombie chicken heads to peck
people to death on landing. the hard part is getting the barbarian
drunk enough to trust your idea that throwing it will be "totally kick-
ass." this will liekly set you back another few hundred gold. now, if
you've got enough time to add a ventriloquism or ghastly noises
spell when the barrel is thrown, I recommend "Surfin' bird" or "the
funky chicken."
Now, I am not a master tactician. I am no grand strategist. But,
even without the swarms sickening effects, and the massive fires,
the sheer, unmitigated horror upon a party's face when you calmly
describe the effects of the Grand Demoralizng Barrel of Fun on your
enemies is somethign to be relished and savored. The laughter of
the DM as he realizes your surprise for the barricade was somethign
so malevolent, so vile, and so effing crazy, is worth being
experessly forbidden to build necromancers for a few campaigns."

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