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Mantra Twelve

1. Verse: (Very similar to Verse Nine. Only difference in the Sanskrit is

avidyam/asambhutim in 2nd lines of 9/12, and vidyayam/sambhutyam in 4 th lines) The
demigod worshippers go to deep maya, and the impersonalists go to an even worse

2. Para One and Two: The attempt to figure the Absolute Truth out by one’s brain
power will end up being a process of negation. One will negate the material realm,
and at best end up an impersonalist.

3. Para Three: They will not be able to come to the conclusion of the form of the Lord
or His personality. But through surrender one can understand the Lord.

4. Para Four: Bhagavad-gita explains the process of demigod worship in the 7 th chapter.
It only gives temporary results, of cessation of material pains. But for permanent
relief one has to come to the spiritual platform.

5. Para Five: Different destinations of different worshippers explained.

6. Para Six: If one goes to the planets of the demigods one stays within the material
world, but if one goes to Krsnaloka, which is beyond the material world, and which is
where the Lord enjoys with His associates, then one gets out altogether

7. Para Seven: It is foolish to practice religion with a goal within the material world.
These rascals become misled by atheists and impersonalists, who have imperfect

8. Para Eight: The impersonalists (who often claim to be avataras) and the pseudo-
religionists make a perfect relationship of cheaters and cheated. Srila Prabhupada
explains in the middle of page 88: “These impersonalists generally pose themselves
as incarnations of God to foolish persons who have no knowledge of Vedic wisdom.
If such foolish men have any knowledge at all, it is more dangerous in their hands
than ignorance itself.” They don’t even worship demigods properly.

9. Para Nine: Real knowledge and detachment can only arise from devotional service to
Lord Krsna. They try to make a show of devotional service through philanthropic
work etc., but they don’t actually come up to the standard. They disobey so many
important injunctions, like surrendering to a bona fide spiritual master. (They
sometimes claim to be ex-disciples of some other bogus person).

10. Para Ten: These rogues are actually the most dangerous elements in all society. There
is no religious government to help with this, and thus everything becomes corrupted.
But they cannot escape Krsna. They go to the very worst place.

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