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Serving the Republican Women of Humboldt County


Colleen Hedrick, President · Joy Finley, Newsletter Editor

Humboldt Republican Women Federated

Kay Backer
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Moose Lodge- 4328 Campton Rd, Eureka

Land Use? It’s About the Truth and the Law

Welcome to 2010! We are launching this next year with our first meeting only at Moose Lodge,
4328 Campton Rd. Eureka, CA 95503. We are so excited to have Kay Backer of Humboldt
Economic and Land Planning from Sacramento as our special guest. She will address the massive
array of problems that are present in our local area of Humboldt County Planning Department
issues. A question and answer session will follow. We welcome members, their guests and our
community. Bring your questions, paper, and a pen- see you there! (Kay’s bio- page 2)

11:30 a.m. - Buffet Luncheon- Meeting 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Soup, Salad & Dessert - $12.00

Beverage & speaker - 4.00
Dessert, beverage & speaker - 6.00

*Please RSVP to Colleen Hedrick at 268-0101. Early reservations appreciated.

*Fundraising event for our scholarship.


Six-years ago, Pacific Legal Foundation recommended Kay Backer for Happy New Year. This is a favorite
her current consulting assignment with the Humboldt Economic and Land Plan
(HELP.) HELP focuses on promoting jobs, housing, and individual rights while time of mine simply because I love new
working to persuade the County to adopt a balanced General Plan. Backer is the beginnings.
founder and president of KB International She established this company in 1993
after functioning as the management of more than 25-engineers and six contract
administrators overseeing $300-million worth of international heavy We had a great 2009 in the awards
construction contracts, as well as authoring a Management Manual. As vice arena, made some mistakes and learned
president of Telchert Land Company, Backer master planned over 15,000 acres some things. We tried some new things
of land in various locations throughout Northern California. and most of those we are likely to
For the past 17-years, Backer's Sacramento based company has repeat because they worked. We also
provided land development services to a variety of clients in more than 30-cites
for varied mixed use projects ranging from 800-acre sites down to one-half acre repeated some old things, borrowed
parcels. These projects' uses included commercial use, offices, retail stores, some good ideas and pulled up our red,
residential, industrial, and communication/radio towers. She was asked by the white, and blue socks to become greater
Chinese in 1993 to assemble a team and compete with 14-international firms for activists than we were before last year
the designing of a 22-acre project in downtown Shanghai for the Shanghai started. And, of course, since we had
International Trust and Investment Corporation. The KBI team won and
designed a mixed-use project which included a 60-story building and two 40- old, new, borrowed, and blue and some
story buildings. Another similar contract was awarded to KBI a few years later great women in our membership some
by the city of Shanghai. She and her partners held a contractor's license there of you got married in 2009.
from 1996 through 2003.
Backer has served on more that 30-boards. She was chairman for the
Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, KXPR Radio Station Board, Junior This new year promises to be even
Achievement of Sacramento, US & China Center for Construction and Training busier and more productive than the
and Exchange, and Leadership Sacramento. Other professional activities territory we just plowed. We hope to
included serving as the Sacramento the governor too Planning Commissioner expand our image in Humboldt County
for four years and chagrin that commission during 1994. In 1996 she was
appointed by the Governor to chair the State's Sacramento Task Force on with our community service work by
Housing and Retail. maintaining past projects and
Among her numerous award are: Who’s Who of American Women, expanding into some interesting other
National Business Leadership Award, Who's Who in Sacramento Business, areas of local involvement. The new
Sacramento Distinguished Businesswoman, and California's Certificate of arenas include some community
Recognition. beautification efforts and a visitation
program for care homes. Mary Scott
has prepared a first draft on our
scholarship plan; due to computer
challenges we will be reporting on that
next month. Our Bake Sale at the
December meeting added nicely to our
fledgling scholarship fund. Thanks for
your help.

The arrival of the cookbooks was a big

ending for a year that gave us
considerable cause to celebrate, reasons
to be proud of ourselves as better
informed and more activist citizens,
satisfaction because a lot of hard work
was behind our achievements, and
because we had fun while we did the
whole thing.

Peter Hannaford was recognized as a voice for conservatives at the December General Let’s see if we can out-do ourselves in
Meeting at the Elks Lodge. President Colleen Hedrick thanked Hannaford on behalf of the 2010 as we take on an election year and
Humboldt Republican Women Federated membership praised Hannaford for his editorial
work on opinion pages in the Eureka Reporter and more recently in the Times Standard. a loaded agenda.
Hannaford is also well known for his work on Ronald Reagan campaigns and for his many
This will be
B OARD OF D IRECTO RS updated in
the next issue!

President Colleen Hedrick 268-0101

1st Vice Debbie Walker 441-1126
2nd Vice Joy Finley 845-2575
Secretary Position available
Treasurer Cindy Lewis 442-1187 BY C INDY L EWIS
Parliamentarian Lynda Pozel 443-1283 Balance 11/24/09 3097.50
Advertising Joy Finley 845-2575 Income + 6019.67
Americanism Chris Wennerholm 725-2020
Expenses - 5504.91
Auditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776
Business Cathy Pierson 443-1665 Balance 12/31/09 = 3612.26
Chaplain Vee Sorenson 822-2359
Commentary Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
Corr. Secretary Donna Bellairs 442-6648
County Politics Joy Finley 845-2575
Education Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200
Hospitality Haline Sundet 442-2623
Host Jim Pell 496-7415
Hostess Cathy Pierson 443-1665
HSU Club Margaret Stafford 822-3255
Membership Terry Roberts 599-3255
Publicity Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
State Legislation Vee Sorensen 822-2359
Ways & Means Joy Finley 845-2575 W AYS & M EANS
Name Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090
News Editor Joy Finley 845-2575
It’s January and the season is over,
Program Debbie Walker 441-1126 2010 is here. Our cookbooks arrived
Telephone Kathy Rodriquez 839-8105 before Christmas and they have been a
real hit! The Cookbook Committee did
Voter Registration Sue Finch 725-5896 an excellent job. Although I was unable
Voter Registration Sonja Hauxwell 668-5260 to attend, I understand that the “Social”
held at the Elk’s Club was a huge
OTHER CONTACTS: success. Thanks to all who worked on
the party.
Bulletin Design Scrapper’s Edge 445-9686
Our meeting this month will at the
Website Master Bill Odonnell 442-4117 Moose Lodge and we have another great
line-up for the opportunity drawing this
month. Margaret Stafford donated a
WEBSITES: really interesting Bird House. Bella
Humboldt Republican Women Federated Baskets donated two baskets and L.C.
National Federation of Republican Women Nails donated a manicure. And, as usual,
California Federation of Republican Women I’ll have a couple of surprises for you.
CFRW- Northern Division So Ladies, thank you all for
supporting our club. Last year was a
The Redwood Alert is designed by Sondra Kirtley of Scrapper’s Edge. very ambitious undertaking and we did
To assist Sondra, please submit newsletter contributions as Word it! Remember, When Women Work,
documents, typed with Times Roman 10-point font and single-spaced. We Win!
Send as attachments to:


King David understood rejection. He was well acquainted with suffering and distress. Most of his
anguish was caused by the vicious attacks of his enemies. David also knew God was his deliverer.
David addressed God as his Lord, Strength, Deliverer and Rescuer. God was his rock. When he was
down, he was wise enough to look up.
In the stress of living we are watching economic down turns and witnessed our President ignoring the
National Day of Prayer. The Congress is spending trillions of dollars that our grandchildren and great-
grandchildren will be forced to take care of. Even with the most elaborate security measures in America’s
history, a known terrorist can board a plane and nearly kill over 200 people.
Maybe it is time to look up and declare God as our deliverer.

Education Report by Sheryl Fearrien

I’m still feeling the joy and heartwarming memories of recent Christmas past. One very distinct reason is
I’m listening to my all-time favorite Christmas gift presented to me by eldest son, Tony who shares my
extraordinary fine taste in music! Baby son, Matt says “It’s okay”. But middle son (you know what they
say about middle children), Bret, put a message on his FaceBook page. “Bret did not learn how to survive
(insert name of artist in question) in graduate school. Gitmo may have used Metallica, but they do not
understand human physiology. Listening to (insert name artist in question one more time) is torture!” It
may have something to do with the amount of time I listen to it each and every day…can you say 4-6 hours?

See if you can guess that fabulous, favorite gift. My ramblings are injected with song titles from this 120
minute pure listening pleasure!

Obama’s and his cohorts are experiencing Love on the Rocks because he tried to Play Me and every other
American. Americans just are not as stupid as he thinks. We can’t be Done Too Soon with his illegal,
corrupt ways. If you express disagreement with Obama’s policies, they say you just don’t like black people.
Don’t Go There! We all have our God-given rights to speak out when we see something nasty taking
shape. The fact that we have somehow managed to survive the last twelve months is nothing short of Pretty
Amazing Grace. I often feel like a Solitary (Wo)man, in my misery, but then I look around and everyone
seems to be singing a Song Sung Blue. Our ancestors came to America to earn a better life for themselves
and their offspring. I for one, am not about to throw that away. There is a Beautiful Noise stirring and
better days are ahead. Just ten more months and we will vote those mad dogs in Congress and the Senate
out of office! Do I think we can do it? Hell Yeah because I’m a Believer!

HRWF Membership Application Form

Phone (#1)____________________________ Phone (#2)____________________________
Email________________________________ Email bulletins: ___ Yes ___ No
Meeting Notices: ___ Email -OR- ___ Phone
Membership Dues $20.00 ___ Renew -OR- ___ New
Membership Plus $25.00 (Sustaining)
Associate (men) $20.00 (Men, youth -18 yrs or member of another Republican group)

I would like to make an additional donation of $________

Please complete the form and mail your check payable to HRWF to:
Terry Roberts, 4425 Chaffin Rd, McKinleyville, CA 95519

California Legislation by Vee Sorenson

We must remember to thank those across America who are fighting for justice. Facing us, it seems daily,
are assaults from those who want to take away everything that has made our country great. They strive for
Godless schools, government and making the Christian/Judeo influence seem evil.
The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) recently listed some outrages that have taken place and appropriately
listed them as “2009 Hall of Shame”.
1. A church appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals after a federal judge in San Francisco
decided that the church had grown too much and should split into smaller congregations, rather than
turning a vacant building into a worship center. The PJI is representing the church.
2. A school board in Alameda, turned a deaf ear to hundreds of parents and adopted a curriculum that
pushed acceptance of homosexuality to students beginning in early elementary grades. After the school
district then rejected parents’ attempts to opt out of the curriculum, PJI filed suit.
3. Gov. Schwarzenegger signed into law a bill encouraging schools to celebrate the birthday of
homosexual icon and sexual predator Harvey Milk.
4. The Freedom From Religion Foundation threatened city councils in California and elsewhere over
traditional invocations at meetings. JPI sent legal opinion letters to several city councils offering advice as
to how they could constitutionally continue their invocations.
5. A school district in Castro Valley refused to provide information to parents about a talk given by a
lesbian minister to math and science classes. PJI filed suit on the parents’ behalf.
6. A school district in Oakley stopped a second-grader from performing sign language in a talent show
because her chosen song had Christian lyrics.
7. Pres. Obama signed a controversial federal hate crimes bill into law. The bill prioritizes crimes based
on sexual orientation over crimes against the elderly. It also could be used by overzealous prosecutors to
intimidate and punish pastors who preach against immorality.
And so goes the fight. We must be on the alert and support groups who take on those who are
determined to destroy our freedoms.

All Politics are Local by Joy Finley

It is 2010 and as another campaign season heats up, we see a few familiar faces vying for local positions.
First, we have the Supervisor’s race, with the incumbent Bonnie Neely verses Virginia Bass and Jeff Leo-
nard. This should be an interesting race due to the fact that Bonnie is in her 24th year as the County’s most
powerful force. Mayor Bass and Councilperson Leonard are both politically savvy and Virginia appears to
have the fire in belly, so to speak, to run for her father (O.H. Bass)’s 4th district seat.
With two seats becoming available on the City Council, no clear picture is emerging yet in this race.
Larry Glass is up for re-election and I am sure he’ll try to win by hook, crook, or pure ego. Someone needs
to take him out-someone who actually lives in the disctrict-because ethical candidates won’t lie about where
they live. Mike Jones and Jeff Leonard are both termed out If you are willing or know someone willing to
throw themselves in front of the democrat machine, please let me know.
In the Assessor’s race we have Mari Wilson and Johanna Rodoni. Long time county employee
(20+years) Wilson has been endorsed the current Assessor Linda Hill. Johanna has shown that she is a for-
midable candidate and is used to the rough and tumble politics of Humboldt County.
The only person that I know who is running is for Tax Collector is John Bartholomew, the seat being
vacated by incumbent, Stephen Strawn. I assume incumbent Mike Giacone will run for the Auditor/
Controller office he now occupies.
One of the most important races for the state is the Governor. Meg Whitman now leads fellow republi-
cans Tom Campbell and Steve Poizner in the race. Jerry Brown leads the democrat field.
I am chairing the MEGaWOMEN campaign here in Humobldt County. It is most important that we all
work to get republicans elected to state and local positions. If any one wants to get involved locally, give
me a call.


January 21 General Meeting at Moose Lodgen (4329 Campton Road)
Speaker is Kay Backer, Humboldt Economic & Land Planning

January 23 Leadership Workshop, Courtyard by Marriot, Fairfield

February 6-7 Winter Conference, Hyatt Westlake Hotel

February 14 Remember a cookbook for your Valentine

February 18 General Meeting at Elks Lodge (445 Herrick Ave.)
Panel: Vee Sorenson, Mike Harvey, Dennis Hunter
Topic: Supporting Campaigns & Running Elections
March 18 General Meeting at Elks Lodge (445 Herrick Ave.)
Dr. William Wagoner, How Islam Plans To Change The World.
April 20-21 Advocacy Days in Sacramento
Sept 20 - Oct 2 NFRW Biennial Convention, Kansas City, Missouri

Commentary by Colleen Hedrick

Obamacare Gives Us a Congress That’s Plenty Sick

Now tell us where it gives you a big fat pain. No. It’s not going to make you look fat just talking
about the locale.
The current far left “help send ‘em back to Chicago” administration helped by the basic beliefs of
many congressional Democrats keeps the citizenry in a consistent limbo somewhere between a March on
Washington looking for an empty cave. So far the Senate Democrats appear to be in lock step with The
White House even when their Messiah seems to be leading off the cliff into that vast and blighted
Wilderness of, “I might not get re-elected for my umpteenth cushy term.” Chris Dodd has said he is not
running again. That’s thoroughly understandable when you consider how hard he worked at getting this
whole miserable recession thing going. And of course backing ACORN to the limit could have taken its
toll. If anyone ever needed a rest it’s Chris.
The media complained a bunch about George W. that he didn’t talk enough. Now we’ve got one
that never shuts up. Much of his teleprompter rhetoric has been to tell the world how rotten the United
States has been and how upstanding and trustworthy and open it will be with him steering our ship of state.
It would be most to conjure up actions more shameful than those on display for the whole world to witness
than those taken in our senate in recent days. Blackmail, bribery, and rampant theft from the citizenry all
carried on as if that is the way the government is supposed to function. When public employees are without
shame it belittles its people and makes our country less. I like the mafia better than I like most of Senate.
Congress has fallen into a mode that dictates that what Obama wants matters more than what the people
want. How’s that for, “Hope and Change?”
Here’s a footnote to make you pick up the phone: Taxpayer funds were used to make a
commercial that Calls the Tea Party Patriots, “Nazis.”

Jack R. MacDonald

Bernice Huston, artist/weaver

P.O. Box 785
Blue Lake, CA 95525

Studio: 29 Glendale Road

Joy Finley
Loan Officer
Funding 906 West Avenue
We Make It Happen
Eureka, CA 95503
in Burre Center (Myrtle & West)

707.269-4327 phone
707.269.4306 fax
707.845.2575 cell
Broker DRE License #01194832 Assoc Brocker License #00622612

THE REDWOOD ALERT 2008 Advertising Rates

Please contact: Joy Finley at 845-2575 or
Space is currently available for advertising
Business Card $10 per issue
Quarter Page $20 per issue Prepayment is required.
Full Page $75 per issue Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month
The Redwood Alert PRESORTED
Humboldt Republican Women, Federated STANDARD
c/o Terry Roberts U.S. POSTAGE
4425 Chaffin Road PAID
McKinleyville, CA 95519 EUREKA, CA
Return Service Requested PERMIT NO. 60

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Warm their ‘Hearts’ and taste buds with a
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Cookbook and serve a special dish for your guy or gal
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