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Lesson 3 of 6

45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

apply communication skills while participating in a variety of cooperative activities involving scooters
identify factors that motivate or impede their participation in daily physical activities.



Safety Requirements

Refer to the Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Education.

Equipment List

4 hoops

4 small balls

8 – 12 foam balls

20 – 30 pinnies of 4 different colours

20 – 30 scooter boards

Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 1 of 6

Lesson 3 of 6
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

Teacher Resource 2: Active Living and Living Skills Checkbric


Students will gradually increase their heart rate by participating in the following activity.

Tunnel Bridge
Choose two or three taggers. Students speed walk in scattered formation while taggers try to tag as
many students as possible.
Tagged students perform 10 jumping jacks, then form a bridge by facing the wall, standing side-to-side
and with their hands against the wall.
As more students are tagged, they run under the bridge, then stand beside the last student in line,
extending the tunnel bridge together against the wall.
When three students are tagged and in bridge position, the tunnel bridge is at its maximum capacity.
When the next student tagged runs under the bridge and joins the end, the first student is free to
rejoin the game.

Minds On

Share and clarify the lesson Learning Goals.

Teacher prompt: “During the lesson, we are going to be participating in a number of cooperative physical
activities that involve using scooters. You will be asked to demonstrate proper safety techniques and
appropriate communication skills while using this equipment. You will also be asked to reflect on the
factors that motivate or impede you to participate in physical activities each day.”

Lead a large-group discussion and ask students to share safety considerations for using scooters.

Safety for Using Scooters

Never stand on the scooter: always sit, kneel or lie on your stomach.
Be careful not to run over your fingers if using your hands to propel yourself.
Always tie long hair back.

Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 2 of 6

Lesson 3 of 6
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

Don’t wear any hanging jewelry.

Tuck t-shirts in so they don’t get caught in the wheels.
No intentional scooter-to-scooter contact.

Move the discussion to factors that motivate students to take part in physical activities. Have all students
march on the spot and call out a number of factors that may motivate grade 8 students to participate on a
daily basis. As each item is called out, students turn and march in the other direction if this is a factor that
motivates them to participate in physical activity.

Ideas for Motivating Grade 8 Students to Participate in Daily Physical Activity:

peer influence (e.g. my friends do it)

increased sense of belonging
increased self-confidence (e.g. it makes me feel good about myself)
feeling that exercising is enjoyable.

Do the same activity for things that impede students to participate on a daily basis.

Ideas Deterring Grade 8 Students from Participating in Daily Physical Activity

It’s too expensive.

None of my friends like to participate in physical activities.
My family has too many other things on the go and I don’t have time.
It hurts.
I don’t like getting sweaty.

A&E - Minds On

Teacher observation with verbal feedback of students’ ability to discuss and share ideas surrounding
safety and motivation


Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 3 of 6

Lesson 3 of 6
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

Scooter Tunnel
Play Tunnel Bridge as above, but have students use scooters to move around.
Students can move forwards or backwards while sitting or kneeling on scooter boards. Taggers can
work together to tag other players.
Students who are tagged use scooters to travel under the tunnel bridge, then get off their scooters to
join the end of the bridge.

Note that students who are “the bridge” do not place hands on the wall. Instead, they should just stand
and wave their hands in the air. Make sure that scooters have enough room to get through between
people and the wall. Ask students the following. Teacher prompt: “How does adding equipment change
the Tunnel Bridge Tag activity?” Student response: “It was harder to move around”; “It was fun going
under the tunnel on the scooter”; “People had to move away from the wall”; “Different muscles were
being used.”

Scooter Scramble
Divide the class into four groups. Identify different groups with pinnies or different coloured scooters.
Have two teams (Fig. 1) or four teams play at once. Designate activity areas.
Each team sets up a hoop with a pylon in the hoop and a ball on top of the pylon a safe distance from
the wall. Teams work together to protect their pylon and ball while trying to knock the other teams’ ball
off the pylon by throwing a ball at the pylon.
Begin the game using 2 – 3 balls. Add more balls as the game progresses.
Students remain seated on their scooters and pass the ball to team members to get into position to
throw. If a student falls off a scooter when in possession of a ball, he or she must give the ball to the
other team.
Additional rules can be added to Scooter Scramble to increase the challenge and the participation of all
students. Additional challenges may include all players on the team having to touch the ball before it is
thrown at a pylon; students having to shoot at all pylons before returning to one they have already
scored on; or the same student may not score twice in a row.

Rules to follow:

Designate a crease around the pylon where NO student is permitted to enter (e.g., place pylon in the
centre of side court basketball key circle. See Fig. 1).
Only foam balls are to be used as throwing balls.
Balls must hit the ground first before the pylon and/or ball on top.
Students can only throw the ball at a target when they are in the opposing team’s “court.” No throwing
of balls from “anywhere” at a target.
No intentional scooter-to-scooter contact.

Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 4 of 6

Lesson 3 of 6
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

Fig. 1

A&E - Action

Teacher observation of students’ safe and active participation and application of relationship and social
skills using Teacher Resource 2: Active Living and Living Skills Checkbric


Students gradually decrease their heart rate to a resting rate by participating in the activity below.
Students should stretch body parts that have been active throughout the lesson. See Appendix for

Have students walk anywhere in the activity area, gradually slowing their pace.
Call out a number between 1and 8, and have students form groups based on the number rolled or
Each group performs a stretch, ensuring that all members are connected in some way.
Repeat several times to meet the recommended cool-down duration.


Students use the ideas generated from Minds On to identify what they did well, what they need to
improve and set a goal for improvement for the next class. Teacher prompt: “What motivated you today
to do well? How can you get motivated and look forward to the next class?”

Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 5 of 6

Lesson 3 of 6
45 minutes
Curriculum expectations: 1.4, A1.3, A3.1
Topics: Movement Competence, Active Living
Scoot Your Way to Cooperation
Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation

A&E - Consolidation

Teacher observation of students’ self-assessment and goal setting relating to the Success Criteria

Ideas for Extension

Perform cooperative relays with scooters encouraging students to work together safely to achieve a group

Additional relay ideas:

moving foot first on the scooter around a pylon

having a student pushing a partner on the scooter around a pylon.

Notes to Teacher

Tunnel Bridge
Ensure there are enough taggers so students are tagged frequently.
Designate more taggers if players are remaining as a part of the bridge for longer than a minute.

When using scooter boards, remind students that they should always be sitting, kneeling or lying on
them. Avoid standing on scooter boards or running and pushing scooter boards.

Grade 8 | Consolidating Cooperation | Scoot Your Way to Cooperation | Page 6 of 6

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