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Butterick 6013 Size:2-5 Part:1 Paper:ad Generated by Patent No: 7,716,143 Any reproduction and/or redistribution is strictly prohibited. PRINT THIS PAGE FIRST! To make sure your printer setup correctly. The below square should measure 1 inch x 1 inch (2.54 cm x 2.54 cm) after printing. Allow square to have 1/16 inch (2 mm) deviation for printer calibration differences. Make sure your printer is set to the same paper size that you sel To save ink, set your printer to Draft or Fast Draft. RowA, Column 1 Butterick 6013 Size:2-5 P prints aqos OVE HSINSOAINGUS HELLNAD RowB, Column 1 2-5 Part ww. printsew cc a -! os 2 <= z ad w SoS OF Jt = Erg z geese & £ Ss 3 é xz 33830 Bme e228 ea 8 j 3D PREPARING PATTERN Indicates the Bustline, Waistline and/or Biceps. Measurements refer to circum- ference of Finished Garment (Body Measure- ment + Wearing Ease + Design Ease). Adjust pattorn if necessary. Lengthen or Shorten at adjustment lines ( —) or where indicated on pattern, If substantial length fs added, you may need to purchase additional fabric. © To Lengthen - Slash between adjustment lines. Spread amount as needed, keeping edges parallel. RowC, Column1 +, gs to fabric before re- wee. |_ needed on right side of fabric should be thread traced. ‘Seamlines - 5/8" (15mm) from cut edge unless otherwise indicated. — Button Marking - Indicates button placement. Buttonhole Marking - Indicates 1 exact length and placement of buttonnoles. and construction delat. COAQO) Centers, Foldlines, Placement lines, etc., are clearly marked; thread trace If desired. PREPARATION DU PATRON, Indique: pointe de peitrine, lignes de taille, de hanches et/ou avant-bras. Ces mesures: sont basees sur la circonference du vetement fini (Mesures du corps + Alsanes conlert + Alsance mode). Ajuster le patron si necessaire. Rallonger ou raccourcir aux lignes de rectifi- cation ( ==) owa endroit indique sur le patron. Si le rallongement est important, un exces de tissu peut s'averer necessaire. © Rallonger - Couper entre les lignes de rec- tification. Espacer les bords (parallelement) pour obtenir la longueur desiree. © Raceourcir - Former un pli a une des lignes, de rectification. Exemple: pli de tem pour raccourdir de 2cm. Reporter tous les reperes aur l'envers du tissu avant d’enlever le patron. Les reperes a reporter ‘sur 'endrolt seront marques au fil. Lignes de couture-a 15mm des. ——7— bords coupes, sauf contre indique- ——- — Ropere-bouton- indique emplace- ment exact. Repere-boutonniere -indique = | __ frandeur et emplacement. Reperes - utilises pour faire Siwemerean CAO Lignes des pliures, emplacements, ot milioux, sont imprimees clairement; si desire, les ‘marquer au fil. w | RowD, Column1 Butterick 6013 Size:2-5 Part’! RowA, Column2 Butterick 6013 Size:2-5 P prints WO eN.z was V ((g-p--z) Gad) sezis Boo eloog ypls9j7ng @ins ama voen w1taa vunusnuo PAROS WANTS women aiza0 aioe avon sa aunuoa lop) d SNIGNI 3A5351S o WioeN).znnwas a wt 2 OF mrt vo ¥ of 2 a =a 8 fj Fa ram a a aa 7 RowB, Column2 “xg a) Butterick 6013. Size:2°5 P w.prints = wu V4 iu WW a i. = a w RowC, Column2 Butterick 6013 Size:2-5 P prints yous SSINaD SKIRT BACK CD SUPE DOS ESPALDA DE LA FALDA RUCKW. ROCKEAHN DIETRO DELLA GONNA CUT 2 Butterick :O B6013 -~_ Sizes (CDD (2-3-4-5)) Te 7 RowD, Column2 Butterick 6013. Size:2-5 P w.prints RowA, Column3 prints ONIdtHOD "aa LNWAWO “I2LHaS0 SSUTGHOA ONIdHOD "Ba SINaHS NVA 39¥SHOO 994 ¥ inous goog mT RowB, Column3 B I Size:2-5 P En . x , A ? a a PATTERN —SCUSSaInE——orcosarne SOT —GCOSSARTT anaecem ~ QUPATRON DELPATRON ERKLARUNGEN| PER MODELLI RowC, Column 3: 7 jutieriokieo poser wie prise DEUTSCH ITALIANO “PPLIQUE APPLIQUE TAPRLICATION “APPLKATION [APPLICATIONE Louse PARTIE BLOUSANTE ‘auusano OpenAL Blusanre I conren once wuEvoOS CENTRO DELAESPaLDA | RODKCW MITE ‘CENTRO DIETRO contrast Conrnaste sontraste ONTRAST cconrrasto CGROTEH UNE UUpnEDE FOURGHE ‘UNEA DEL TiRO| ScHRITTUMIE LINEA DEL CAVALLO cur couren. ‘CORTAR, XZUSCHNEIDEN TaGUARE cur éerron, CaUrERICI pouR Santan iow pana. iasomenenron “TaGUARE Gu pen cur ON FOLD COUPER. sun ‘COMTAR..ALOoBLEZ | .xamsTorreRucH | TAGUARE...ULLA eR ethane uscxnaoen Ween EASE soureur coMoDAR eINHALTEN ‘accomonane FABRIC “nee Tia srorF TessuTo Facina PAREMENTURE vista etka oerRA Foun FOLOUNE PURE. Lowe oeLez. 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