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Choosing a holiday destination role play


You are a group of four friends who are planning to go on a one-week holiday together this summer.
The only problem is that you have yet to agree on a destination.


i. Read the role card your teacher has given you. Make sure you understand everything. Ask if
anything is not clear.

ii. Note down a few other ideas that you can use in the discussion, in particular arguments you can
use to persuade your friends that you destination is the best one.


Have a meeting with your friends and agree on a holiday destination. Try to persuade them that your
destination is the best option. However, since you can only choose one destination, you must be
prepared to compromise.

Useful language for making suggestions

I think we should (do this) _____ because …

Why don’t we (do this)?

How about (doing this)?

We could (do this).

Let’s (do this).

I suggest (that) we (do this).

Useful language for expressing preferences

I’d (much) rather (do this)

I’d prefer to (do this)

Student A
You want to go to Spain for a beach holiday. You are not fussy
about the destination as long as it’s sunny!

You love the sun, sea, and sand, and are keen on water sports,
such as windsurfing and swimming.

You have worked hard all year and want a nice relaxing holiday,
even if it costs a bit more.

You are learning Spanish at school and would like to practise the
language with the natives.

You could book a package tour with everything included (flight,

hotel, meals) for around €800 per person (if you share a room for

Student B
You want to go camping in France.

You don’t have a lot of money, and a camping holiday would be

cheap (for example, one night at the Mérindole site in Port de
Bouc, close to Marseille, costs from €1.95 per tent and €3 per
camper with cars charged at €2.05).

You think camping is fun. You used to go camping with your

parents when you were younger, and love the outdoor life.

You are learning German as a second language.

You hate flying.

Student C
You want to go hiking in the Pyrenees.

You are a keen walker and love the mountains. You often go skiing
in winter.

You could stay in youth hostels for less than €20 per person per

You do not want to spend your holiday lying on a beach

sunbathing, and don’t know how to swim anyway.

You spent a week in London last year.

Your second language is Spanish.

Student D
You want to go to London. You’ve never been there and it would
be a good opportunity to practise your English (you are taking the
TOEIC exam in December).

You have a friend in London who would lend you their two-
bedroom flat for a week, so you wouldn’t have to pay for

You don’t like hot weather and prefer cooler climates.

You get seasick very easily, so would prefer to take the Eurostar
from Paris to London rather than the ferry.

You hate camping.


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