Brain and Beauty - Essay

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“A pretty brain is way better than just a pretty face.

Some people, especially teenagers nowadays, depends on the value of looks as

the primary standard in a society. If a girl is pretty, she is lovely, otherwise, not. If a man
is hot and daring, he is worthy, otherwise, not. For some reasons, we judge people
according to their looks. For an instance, we characterize a beggar as unclean and
stinky but if not, he is not a beggar.

According to Richelle Goodreach, physical appearance has nothing to do with

the quality of the person. The outer layer assets of a person is his/her body. His face,
her body, his hair, her face and everything we see from the outside is considered to be
the physical appearance. Sadly, some people value other people if his/her physical
appearance is qualified for their respect. For example, during the 20 th century,
Americans raised the issue of racism between white and black. Some white Americans
don’t accept black American people because of color and race. This clearly shows how
physical appearance affects your relationship to other people.

Despite of this, the quote says, a pretty brain is way better than just a pretty face.
It says that having a good personality and mind set is much better than just having a
glamorous face. Our personality shows who we really are. Our actions are sometimes
accompanied by our attitude. The way we speak is somehow affected by how we think.
The way we reacts is sometimes affect by what we feel. A person’s personality is much
better than having a beautiful face without a good personality.

One study from Olga Chelnokova, during her PhD thesis in Department of
Psychology, University of Oslo, provided some explanation on why do we keep on
looking in other people’s faces. In conjunction with her colleagues from
the investigate gather Hedonic Pharmacology lab, they uncovered that the
brain remunerate framework is included in our assessment of other people’s engaging
quality. Our brain is responsible in giving the feeling of pleasure to what we see or
experience. For example, we were able to eat the food we want to eat or we won in a
lottery that we wish for. This circumstances shows that our brain responded to the
pleasure we are longing to happen in that kind of event. Similarly, when we look into
faces and see the quality we are looking for, our brain sends responses in accordance
to the pleasure we experienced during that time.

Facial attraction may be a quite disturbing criteria in terms of expressing

socialization and other matters. However, facial features do not definitely define a
person. The elders once said that facial beauty vanish as we got older. They were
covered with wrinkles and other marks in our face. But the one thing that still remains is
the personality within ourselves. Personality should be the greatest criteria in choosing
who to love and what to judge. Sometimes, we give criticisms and comments without
knowing the person well. We give judgement by looks. On an awfully fundamental level,
judging individuals by appearance implies puttingthem rapidly into indifferent categories,
much like deciding whether an creature could be a puppy or a cat. Giving this quick
judgment may affect the person’s feelings.

We have to invest more in our mind than in our physical appearance. It doesn’t
mean to neglect the physical features but to give more importance to what we know and
what we should know. Our brain is the control system of our body. It process all the
information coming from any range of our body. Thus, our mind is powerful than the
beauty that our face may have. Also, investing to knowledge and wisdom is never a
failed investment. It was putting our money in a business with the risk of losing it or
gaining it. If we didn’t took the risk of learning, we might end up losing the great
opportunities provided outside of the school.

In this matter, the knowledge invested through education matters the most then
the body that we have. Our beauty can’t do anything if we don’t know anything but our
knowledge can sparkle the beauty hidden within ourselves. There's a
common generalization that individuals can either be alluring or keen, and not both, so
"magnificence with brain" implies that their magnificence does not diminish from
their insights. Immanuel Kant believes that judging in a stylish way is based on the
feeling of pleasure. Beauty is in the hand of the beholder that the other people may not
be able to see.
The philosophers also considered beauty to be counted with values, goodness,
truth and justice. The supremacy of all this values may show beauty not just in the
physical aspect. Investing to what’s more beneficial than beauty is a wonderful thing to
do. As a millennial, let us normalize that beauty is just a bonus gift to us as human
beings. The true meaning of beauty can be find within ourselves, hidden deep down in
our hearts and waiting to be developed with good deeds, values, faith and love.
According to Landau’s report posted in CNN’s website, Research has shown that
women tend to have friends of similar attractiveness. They found out that, both in terms
of one's own perspectives towards beauty, a woman's attractiveness correlates well
with her friends' attractiveness.

Beauty isn't approximately having a excellent skin, or body. It's around what's

within. In the event that you've got a great and a satisfying identity, at that point you've
got to consider yourself excellent from inside. In sake of being excellent, let's fair do
not disregard approximately having a well- worked brain. In our childhood, the most
prominent quotation that we can hear about beauty is the saying, “what is beauty if your
brain is empty”. Today, we can now clearly see that beauty can’t do anything if we don’t
really have the knowledge as a person. However, beauty contributes to the confidence
and attributes of a person.

In conclusion, we must invest more in our education. Be eager to learn not just to
be pretty. Learning is a process of beautification of our hearts and our souls. It drives us
toward a better tomorrow with great opportunities and chances of getting different
wonderful things in life. Through education, we can be successful. With beauty, we can
be somebody.

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