Released Files For Stacy Arras Case

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Yosemite National Park Archives

SAR Slide Collection from Brown SAR Box Located in Archives Office

• All 5 Slides all taken July 18, 1981 from Stacey Arras Search, labeled as such

Stacey Arras SAR Slides Page 1of3

Stacey Arras SAR Slides Page 2 of 3
Stacey Arras SAR Slides Page 3of3

_, ~MY~ *<> ')C..~vo..._ ~-.C>M ~lA.~{o

I ~
0'(\.tj-N ~\ \>~ M.. ~ \M ~

14 Years Old 5'5 11 Tall

120 fbs
er l'.'fI'HBS: Nl·"'-ll J ast seon, she was wea.r ing a white wi rnlbi-e2.kcr, Hght coJ.ored
short ,;leeve blouse ,.,ith s-quar"' nccklh:o, short shorLs with wtde while und
LlVcndc_,r c;t.rires, grey hiking lx:ots (t·mvih out, lX)ssiJJly size 8 or 9) with
v.ibra""!l soles, gold tone ankle bracelet, il.nd >Jhc' had "' rel.aL1er on hor \:1:;;::<er

DESCRIPTICN: White female, approximately 5 '5" tall, 120 lbs., 14 years old.
When her blonde hair is combed forward, she looks 16 years old, and when
her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, she looks 12 years old. She nay have
been wearing blue dot pierced earrings.

CLCYrnES: When last seen wearing an off-white, pullover windbreaker, with

horizontal zipper front pouch about breast-line and a hood that hangs down
the back or tucks inside; all white jersey blouse with 1/4" white lace
around the square neckline (tight fitting); shorts, with vertical 1/2" maroon
and white stipes with intennittent sky-blue pin stripes and an approximate
1/2" slip on the sides (no pockets, pull-on type, no belt or buttons);
grey hiking boots (rough cut, size 8 1/2 or 9) , vibrarn soles. She was
also wearing a gold double-wrap around ankle bracelet.

ADDITIONl\L: She may be carrying a snall Olympus camera, with embroidered

neck strap, multi-colored, predaninately black. She nay also be carrying
cigarettes and gum. She is wearing upper and lower narrow teeth retainers.

If seen contact Yosemite Natl Park

. .

.2_0 9L 3 12 ~ 4 4 61.__ --2_~_____9 .11


r, c:"
//1cC!otc.hy l'~f:'i'/S Service P~rk spnke:;wornDn t..inda Abb-ott
sGid the girl's last h'):~ \Vith her·
YOSElv1ITE -- The s~;arch for father was over footvn;1r. She V.'as
Stacy 1\rrss, 14, v"ho di~;sppr:.ared in \rearing thongs until b~'f father told
the \'o:)cn1ite high cc:n1ty 11 clJ.ys ago btT she should wear h:·;:ing boots if
has been called off. she plarined lo \Valk :;;;~·ay to take {_:,.
The Saratoga teen-?.ger "just c:
s2en1s to have fdsappc;.lred" If she· plannc-fJ on \valking
J\/ational Park Service oif, she v,:ouli:ln'l havt· goTle off in
Superintendent F:.obo;.•rt 0. Dinne\vies, thoriz~;," the spokes\voirr:.n said.
\Vho added thar tbe service \Vould Park officials said St;:i,cy \Vas "-
still like to hear from any
backpacker \vho \Vas in the area for
having sorne farnilv or ·school
troubles and she 1.vaS :-:ifssing her
anY hint of irdorrn.J.fion. teen-age boyfriend.
iv'lortJ th8n 50 volunteers con1bed The search had been ,,:·oncentrated
ti:ie atea around Sunrise Hi~h Sierra in a three- to five*n1i\2.s~·-;are section
Can1p nctdn Sundc:iy, tbe :1inth day of arln1rid SunrisE• Laki:.-i, south oi
a inassive searc.h in which Tenav2 Lake.
volunteers, rangers c:nd others El"evations there r3JE·-~ 9,0tX1 feet,
Jogzed thousands Oi hours. viith a nun1bcr of !akcs,·::Jrescs, open
At the height of the search, 100 r,rar~ite r;df;rs Hlld rncJc\-:,;:.,'s.
persons \Vere invol\ cd, including
1 ~ One seJ.fchcr sajd tht=;:(~ are rnanv
tearns or profcssion::tl se~1rchers, doe pl2ces \','here a bJdy c1~,;-:.J slip in. if
te-arus, rnountain clirnbeis and ::ikifi the girl \~·as injur\.~c\, sh·~ coL!id have
divers aud th,~ par!~'s cornracL cra';:;lc<l llrJder a lccig-:: or into a
lirlic.:1r1ter, \Vhi1..)! logged n1ore tf,~u1 1i:·:. -\O..degrec
.;o hours in th2 J1L f-,,_sgesrd 3,
The p'.1rk :.: 1 ~rvicc is pickid~ up t!Je
r-o~;t ol t;1e st-,n-ch, \-Vhich is r:sti1n:·~rcd Th'~ lack of the us·~:J.1 stunrner
th;tndcrst\.l;'.f(t also ~':.;2v h3vc~
:;!:;J~·ch, ~-sr:g!:'·rs s~•!-:L
StcJ.CY. di:·: :··,>-·ared near il~c i.•n.'J C!i .\ '·:·;,) d;e G,1 <l
-a tl in ;'::-.:·:~. V.'.1('1
1. •,: t:·:::; ~l3
\' l') u;~: .:u:y sc;;,;;t
L~·c:ch;:::e ;-1\
L'.ry ,; ;:.r:;j_i tiort':
fc·vr'i tc;Jt p,··:nt
ha;-; [;;:_.~:o~•i~ a r::ryst.ery. The pa:·L s ~·1vlr:c h:,',!- \:ontact,\:;

ctl~!;r bc1c!:p::;ch~i ~; vL'!i ', filctenE:s::; 1

Son1i:• pPopl'.::' feei tl10 girl n12y

hf\Vf' "ta):er~ ;:1 \' 1 c~·.!~::'' /.nd l'1il=-":.'S :;Iv:.
;:;;J 1\';; 1\ uU int,.:nr.\01;~d~:,', u,:,;x~::~ 1'c-;·
i-i~~·:~\1i1\:1~·~~r~~~~1t ~~i~,;·;.;; ~-~:,~;~;;;t:~i\'.l. 3ny of
fi:1d;:-;1~ 1L~r a\;v;.' tre ·PO\'/ con::;iden·d t·oul plav.1ia'..; JiOt L·~'e;r ruled D\>t,
slin1, rangers said. t_;]!J a p;:ork.offl-c:ial.
. xr..,,t,
l v' I ~-~~ .

_' ~~ '::'.:"~
f->, C1. Bt'"iY 577
vos=:Mrr(" ~~P.Tic:· i..1 f>.-,F~~~

Stacy, \v:-10 was ·on the trip \Vith

her fath0r, fJiled to retun1 frorn a
short hike after arriving at tile
campsite_, according to Sharon Search efror(S h~·ve included 50
, John,on of the National Park pcov!e on foot, th!\'B he!ice::i:srs,
Service. eight dog teams nnd ~;{J...:':-0 voluntfers
The site is about five miles south from the ;•):ount?in t~es..:'t!e
of Tennya J,i,ke. · Asscciation, accord:•:J to the part.
She w<:.s last seen by a 77.year-o!d ser\'ice.
man who said he met her on a trail
and a•:corr,panied her !or 20-30 .\t the time of her disappearnnee,
minutes before turning back towards Stacy was \Vi"aring &horts, a 1-sh:rt,
the camp. , a windbreaker and gray hiking boots.


> ..

J.~-:·.3. {~}\


P. 0. BOX 577 ,.
YOSEMITE, CA. 95399 '.- ...~

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. . . .. ' ' ' • ,, ~ .0~}.J" 'f':' •

. Fingers of light had barely stretched hours traversing ravines ·and descending have to traverse ste~p and potentially
toward the granite domes and p<'aks sur- down creek,Jlrainages, l<>oking for Stacey dangrrous granite ledges. ·
. rounding the Yosemite comP.ground, but Arras. , · The other half work for free, Including
the day already was well under way for The team, nine of them in all, was 225 the San Jose contingent. The search-and-
. the members of.the San Jose Search and miles from Alum Rock Park and other rescue team is a division of the San Jose
Rescue team. places where they normally use their Office of Emergency Ser1ices, said Bob
· They pullt'CI on orange jump suits and skills. Marconi, who works for a Silicon Valley
coiled climbing ropes around day packs, For two days, the team ·joined with electronics firm, and some of it' usual
.. getting ready to spend another eight other rescue teams from around Califor-.. activities Include helping injured hikera
·.·.:. •. - ,!, '.
nia in the search of the well-traveled. but in urban parks or.lending support to fire-
rough, terrain around the Sunrise High men during a big blaze. ·.
Sierra Camp where the 14-year-old Sara, It is a labor of love for Marconi and
toga girl was July IT. · the 35 or so others who are part of the
"The first day was all up. up. up," one team. "You mtght say it's our hobby,"
of the San. Jose searchers groaned. "The said Mike Edwards, an electrician for the
next day was all down. down, down." Southern Pacific railroad who serves as
The search has been carried out .with the operations director. · · . . ·. ..
military precision, and the omnipresent .Members attend weekly ·and monthly· ·
drone of helicopters has made the air . meetings, receive training in rescue
·· above the Yosemite high country seem . methods and first aid, and, Edwards said,
like a war zone. · . . spend a fair amount of their own money
Park spokeswoman Linda Abbott said on equipment, especially paging devices.
·about 60 searchers will continue hunting · The team is one of 13 such search-and- .
for the missing girl during the weekend, rescue units registered with the state.
·concentrating on the Sunrise High Sierra Other volunteerS involved In the search
Camp from which she disappeared. If have a less urban ·flavor. Mountain-res-
.. their efforts fail, Abbott said, the search cue· teams· include the Bay Area Mobn-
probably will end Monday. tain Rescue unit from Redwood City and
At a command post next to the ranger · Sierra Madre Mountain Rescue, from a
station at Tuolomne Meadows, five miles ·town near Pasadena. · '
from the Sunrise Camp, search coordina- The Sierra Madre group included Lin- · i
_ · tors have. spenf mornings and nights · da Stoner and· her 2-year-o!d Gennan
• . studying..:1.aerial photographs and topo- shepherd. "Duke." . ·
. graphic maps. . . Stoner took time off from her jOb a8.a ,
To the·east, west. south and north of nurseinaPasadenahospitaltospendtwo
· the spot where Stacey disappeared, they days walking with Duke around tw.o Yo- ··'
.have drawn lines around natural bound- semite lakes, hoping he might pick up a ·.;
aries, such as steep ravines, which they scent and fmd Stacey.. . · . . . ... ,.
do not be!jeve·shl' could have crossed. Unlike bloodhounds; who· chase the --.:
Within . the prime search area they scent of a particular person. German
have established a grid, and the searchers shepherds will pick up any human scent
- numbl)ring as. many as 90 - Have and hone in on the person emitting it like
moved a&-oss it methodically,: yard by a missile to a target.
. yard. ·' · . The dogs are efficient, she s:Jid, but not
Accordn\g to park Service spokesmen, infallible. They have to be upwind of the
about haU the searchers are paid for person they are trying to find, so wind.
their efforts. The· pay ranges from $4 an direction. and a ·certain amount.. of luck,
hour to about $10 for rock climbers; who plays a part. ·· ··· · " · ·-~
A.;.. • < ,; .. ~~ • "· ,:, ·>·::;,,,; "•!
·.. ,_ -...-,,. :j'
".· •..;:..


f\ Q, 00)( 577 ,.
vMO:ltTE. CA. 95389

• ·~.T

·· .. ~-~ ...

The last picture taken of Stacey

Arras before she disappeared is
taped to the map used at searchers'
TuolOmnt! Meadows h~.adq1.:1arters.
P. 0. BOX 577 - ----
~- 'i'OSt:MJTC, CA. 95389
• ~··~ •,..;.·,M.,,;.~·,~};{.:·.. :.:•




P. 0. P')'( q7 ---~

YOSU.;,-, <., CA. 9::;3_;g

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,'l-r· ~ tf&e.
IL. U.'G of
"We'IJ keep f!f,.f.0.g t:i::n-H .,\•e };avt~ a s;:-ttisfactorv
By Karen Klinger answer" about ·tte p:r.<.'t!.>able fatt.' of the teen-ager,
St<iff Writer
Johmon prom~.
·National Park Service ranger Bob .Johnson used Stacey \vas Ja'f.t:. s.s·~::11 -.July 17 near the Sunrise High
three words Thursday to sum up the sta!tL' of the hunt Sierra (~amp wl~£O:? sh:? ,-had stopped for the nii:;ht \Vith
for Stacey Arras: "Nothing significant found." her father1 Georgi:i. Ar:t'1l:.~. and 10 other mernbers of a
Once more, search teams trudged the high country mule pack trip.
of Yosemite National Park, looking fOr any sign of the Since then. grr:'lllnd s"'1>rchers. trackers with f'.>£1man
missing 14·year-old girl from &tratoga, and again, the shepherd,, rock ci\mt.:;Ts and helicopter p!lots have
efforts were fruitless. crossed and r~ssed miles of territory in every
direction from tile· canc':1>.
''' About 25 peoplr look ]nrt in the search Thursday. If
nothing is found Jxfbre Lhe v;eekend, Johnson said, the
number of searcba'S wi!l increase on Saturday and
Sunday bt_~ause .....,_1re'!I have some more volunteers
WhO are rested. \\'t.;re a.I1 pretty tired right nO\V."
Linda Abbott, a Paik -service spokes\\?oman, said
the operation is h'ltdy t.o cost $50,000 to $75,000,
dependfag on how b:mg iJt last•.
V/hile the field WJJrk ''X1rrtinues, tv:o Park Service
investigators have Ot~rr sp€nding their tin1e on the
phone, talking to t:·tcµ;~~ ~:ho think they might have
seen Sk1cey and Ci.:,-z:bH",!g through a stack cf ~.vilder~
ness permits to fimi ,,:f\er:s who were camping in the
area where she dLs.:~:'.r>:~.a1··...:.d.

.• Park officials bai<i sairti _it. is pu.;sib!e r.~?.:t t'.'".c: strJ

hiked to a road ar>:i :·2·)·. :t'.'.",~~ p3rk. The !n\'(':~t~!~.Jtrir:!.
have been checking_·!";.:!__,: ·:::t:>_gk; tco, ansv«erl:E: n:1eries
about \VfJ::i.t Jbey a.H:· ·1•:Irh a "No ecrnrn;;:nt."
:•. HI can teH you/' ,-".i?:-b.;"?tt said, "that they hHve not
turned up anything ;,ipi\11'3nt."
" 6
g~~; !!
'?~\ ' ..,., .
<~ J;!.:,,

YOSElvU'f'E ~· Approxin1at,~ly IO;'.)

rescuers are search!n~~ for a Saratvgo.
· tccn-aze git! n1issing in· the high coun-
try of Yosemite NG.tional Park since
-c+- Friday. _
C~';f •. , _.


Stacey Arras, 11, \i;~~\!JaAipi~~' wftri~~~t,,l

.- her father when she left cr~n1p to tr.:kc
;) som0 pictures. There has been no sien
h of her since.
The starcl1 tec1ny includes appit!JXJ.f)ff;t'if
inu1tcly 80 people on foot, six dog teains
and t\yo helicopter~~.
The search is concentrated in the
e;cncral area of Sunirse Car11p·, south of
'l'enaya Can1p. l_ ·
Before she lcfl to take photos, the girl she was going to walk alone on a STACEY ARRAS
short trail to a ridge.

_s:ui-'l:R!NTENDC:f{f, )r0SCl'tllJ£ N-8·

P. 0. lcOX 577
Y0'."'.'[;1JTE, CA: 95389

-~ ,!;'

'(; '· ·,
~ I

·' -- iL? ffaC:?

d) l(J
'/lho (L_.;;;::: i-.:'? 'f:_;~-'-~ is
,. -~ ,__ . c;
'<c. ; k ,j..) 9,:. the nJ que,«liun, ;111.d
.... N "v,'holJ, is the ;·.:.n:;;-;,•,rcr,
search for a ~ cJ
in y·ose111ite V:illcv's
t;un1n1e1· theater \Vo~-k~
Saratoga girl missing six days in rUgg-
ed Sierra 1nount1:in cotll1try here 'Nas ,._ ...__,.. shop.
··'L . I
1 0 .,,1.:1~. p-ot to 1\c.atha
·'" cut down to nine volunt·~ers and one J
ranger todny. n &l- Cu.\lSdC s IYHlrcl.c-t n1ys-
j I, '·:'
' ' ' "· 1~ ....,., ' ' -} - <- "' • ·1·· 1 • ·'
The se:.:irchers \Vere re-checking '~ ,·, cs!'1;_~·erryif . ~·.e L.<ouse-
areas that larger groups of 90-100 peo-
ple had combed previously in unsuc- ' 0 ~ f,f_~
, , .. ,,,'1"
tr, p, 1r ,J;;_x,U1ol1(''; \v~th
n o t."'n hu-
11c!li;f. o{ ca-
c.:ssful efforts to find Stacy Arra_;i) 14.
lA-f~~t_Y.. e Gto1:v i r:t~in g
Park spokesman Linda Abbott said-fr ' ' I':!.:ili~ I!1HG,' '.'!!i'
. lj a
fHi\Ce tn
&Iiss AITC~s is not found, an intensive
young cour,1e er.::·;:;~f to
g. , search will be conducted aeain rr~.::<ke a go -in th~;- ctn+::l
Saturday and Sunday with 'about 50 bu~~iness \vo:dd. 'fhcy
volunteers. <'Cd1ve1i: the ffHHiI'-/ rnatiH
IvH;.s Arras after leaving ;-~Orr into ~ gu~.-:ot ·f:.un~~e.
Sunrise Ca1np south of Tenaya Lake for Ihe
a w<ilk along a short trail to take . ~ open1no"' LL'.y. ~uro-
v1ues thcni vlith a
photographs [rorn a ridge Friday. She conglometnHo:n c:f un-
and lier father were 011 a horseback trip usua.l people. id.l 1 sus~
throueh Yosemite's rugged back coun- pects of the Culvet St.
try. 1nurder. Va:=;n,:;: dcscrip-
tiou;--; and
. hi:···h1y
'--" '
. ClOllS Hlind;;;, C8.U2C fin-
gets to po-int, and
rnouths to chatter.
Could it li~ th~ n1ild
ninnneted rnavor? (}r
'vhat aUont tue r1:Jr-
duu z_3, \0.S\ sn~ckcty jndge? ·J~·he
other sjx aia r.L:;o gullfy,
l'IA1:1ru2,\ G~YE uutH provt.::a j_nr;_;Jcc~n·tl
Co1ne solve the n1y~~v~­
Te\~riRger ry1 before it sf_,l,,rz-::-, ".:t~ird
Disnppeurs 'fhe openh1~~- (~;it(_o \vlH be
~4u;t,ust 20 1 D r1.1TL [it
Frnm f-il£~ Ou!!
·x-osc:n1ite 'ValJc~v IJe-
~seen the 31rl.
Stacy 14, oZ
t_:~"ratoga my;;terioi..1sly
dis:<ppc'::~red ls:st Friday
fr1tll-:::r \'terc part of a
gro1Jp that had jtL">t a1Tiv~
cd at the c;.m1p/~rounds
Park infonnntion of-
ficer, i\bbc,tt .'.:~dd
th~1t 1:._pprhT·:irr1~ucly~ ,!?O
~:'~f;~'.:1~~1~:!~~' '~~':::;?i
J\.duiis ·· ;·:;--::'.,.:.;) a ..Jd
1- >11· the .Sunrise 1-lhd1 b'-'· j·,n,·(·eb~'f·i· "fl>" r.irJ S!';;::.rcher'.i a::.csrs 1 cd _, oy cidJdrcn S1 .en.
:·r\ ;, (,':.:n1p Ta lr.-:'t't «~;.-,·;r:i)': i~-~i-:i·,-;:~· ·!;er
Lhre\" bclicoptL.'fS <'tnd
-- ·,;:;rnit;~. SL1cy ~~.nd h;;r c<~nlcr~\ for :i sI;i:~ t hH~e e\[~ht cio>-l l(·rin'.5 ar~~ i;i.-
to·.vu,r.:-I Lcnrb~1 l~ih.;,,:·s. y().lved D-ltli..: inli:;1::.ive
. s:;c•. r;;;h n~':::.r tLz: (?.r::p
1\:1oth~;t' r.dc1nL-:·e1 of
the zrc1up, P. ~,7 ~,c{~Jr ?[d \vhcre th~~ gi1 l v,;113 !a:,t
rr~no <-',:::co.:::-::y;1_n_1ed ner SGCH.
fer sho:t c\i~tcn~(c
· B-y u~ing \'-'il.J:-:rn1:2.s
pern·1it:;. !o d\l•.-.':·rniuc ,:; '_j ;:;~:n !NTEN fJ~:.f 1 rf 1
Y001-:J\'li I f; t~:-~~
th'~'n Ile s1or1JY~d lO
\\•hile ~;he c.;>ntin1_;;::-:d up those hikers \',no r:1::-cy •' 0. PDX 5~'7
the trail. l k told park have h1~e11 in iiic area .,, .:;;-::;:.;\~:TE, Cf\. 9tl389
· contUcts are being 1nade
offici~:ds that he had
spokCn to [i. group Of ill an effort to d-::tcrrnine t

people coxnint-i: r1·u;n the if anyone rnay lE.tVe seen

ditc'.;l\011 tliat Si:·.cy the t£irL · ·
t::-,kcn, but they l:::-od not

,Jul~{ 27,

~·-l.i0~ y;::;;,.t };:.r!.crvt, tir~; i.·~;L:c €.)J>·~;:;;1~;:J.tJ.c)i-is

tfJr t./'i::.;: i:J.tnc~1:y~ J\rr:'lt1 ;;ht»aJ.:x_:l1 1Y...::~Jii.Lt J.11 1.::..:1rr1t~st
()~1 ~:~;:,t.U:J:Xl:1:;{; .:.r1.tl3,r 18. 'l'l 1ii.:; a:;::fa1'.'c1..l 11;:,lS JJlvt)l"lt;xi tf1,~ L(·)l\X)C)l~t-J }1(;:li<;ct;'t(:::c;
l<D;;J~}r 1 ;; :E'l;lir1g Si.,:~x-..ric!e· flc~l:tco~·t(~r a.r\·~i our 01,;-;r1 c~(>r1tr,".t(;:-t h.(Jlio.);}i:i.:::J:'.. coordllia---
ti1..-:n:~ !ia~:. t;«.:.;:.t.::r1 r..:l::itical., l;.t tiffi.~s r !.tit..~ 'tu.t~1<~ ili:"1d tc) fl_'t'" t.-.;ib1 or1ly c)r1e iJ£::lic.\JL>t£:x.· (~t
t'.~urt t11~.~~l t"'f\);111:1 n.ot L~i j.X)}.~:t.1itffJ r:-Jiit_ of c.aJl~{Ol:t~ ir~t.:o ·eac!1 o_ti1e.r.. liohrev<-:r:r, i:lt
t1.ll tltr~1:~3 t,,f;;. h.x1et1· wl17:1X:e: th.c. t:i'lrC:~ t1ali<.X."1_t.1t~:cs VH.:.:J:tj lcJ.:at~;._i.,, i''orturs.te_ly, tti:~~
fli--:.:;~1ts fctr. \-<:tiita· ;~f!f)J~c~s occJ..:rrrtE<l li;1St iM(~laJ{. ·au:)t.i ,Ji1Jr1 l·t o\1erlar;; ·.;11J.t:l.1 ti1t::i seurcli
tJJ-'.•81:.:1t.i0n." 1fl'1i.s l'Wf~;(~1·~st~:u:1et:;; t• 11.lcl;:-·c;ut': sit.\'iitti<.""Jt1 ·is fJJ;;)t acc-:..::'·I~rt.~::i~ v:~~1 tlic.u.t3
is. 2 rr(Jrato:t:iUJ\'1: ()J'.i ad:Inir~ist.rative -fligl1ts v1.Ltl1ot.:.t y(.ri.1r ar;t>l~tJVf1.l <li.;lr·i:r1g tiii~;; S'2i:tS\)r,;~

Last v~1r, \c/C \~).CJ':l?:<i t,rJ.::J0ti1(;:c v1it11 t:I:JE~ 1)>12sea:i:cl1 'f)c:d.cn1tist ·r·i.rl!l t1:ts st.a:ff ct_ruJ.
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l<ir.. JJave l>lcC~oy

.i''1u:rriilDth. Uburlt:.3-in GJ~i Z\rea
Box 24
darnmotll La}((oS, CA 93546

\ /8 11.is11 to c:on.vey ow::- grE1titurJe for your effort.s i:r:t tl1e se...·u:ch for

SU1Coy lu::ras, ti1e .fourteer1~~year·-old girl mis3iJ1g fr01n Sunrise Iti.gl1 Si(~rra Canlj)

t.l1t3 V/t)l1~t.;: of July 17 1 1981.'1 tl1e search was llllliUCcessful aI¥1 no-t

(1ue to tl10 rxcoi\:;ssior1al eff:o1".'·ts ()f argt:1r'!.iZ!:rtior1s st1cl1 as yours~ i<Je lcx.-:>k

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