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Literacy Service Program

* Required

Name: Year: *

Je-an P. Cautibar, BEED-III

1.What is the meaning of the abrevation NSTP?(6pts) *

just put the meaning of each letter.

-NSTP (National Service Training Program)

2. Give an example of Literacy Service Program(6pts) *

-Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC)

-Literacy Training Service (LTS)

-Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

3. How would you perform your tutoring class this time of pandemic?(6pts) *

-I will perform my tutoring class this time of pandemic through the use of technology. Amid a pandemic
where social distancing is only authorized and face to face is restricted, online teaching is the safest
thing to do in order to continue the tutorial.

4. What does NSTP and LTS aim for? (100words/12 pts) *

-The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a program aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and
defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing
training in any of its three (3) program components. Its various components are specially designed to
enhance the youth's active contribution to the general welfare. For UP students, the following rules
about NSTP are observed: Each student is required to take 3 unit courses for 2 semesters (6 units total).
Students may only take these courses after their first year. The following are the components of the
program: Military Training Services (MTS) Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) Literacy Training
Services (LTS) The LTS is "a program designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and
numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society".[1] Graduates of
the LTS become members of the National Service Reserve Corps, which may be tapped by the state for
the delivery of literacy, civic welfare and disaster risk reduction programs and activities.
5. How would you evaluate your LTS assessment?(100words/12 pts) *

-I will evaluate my LTS assessment by Recording what I know and what I don’t. Determine the right time
to do this, whether it’s after a study session, a lecture, or even a test. The point is to do it, because most
of us don’t. Test the self frequently and in different ways. You won’t really know what you know until
you test yourself. So do it frequently, daily even, and in different formats. The more variety, the better
your brain will remember it.Measure retention over time. If the goal is to retain information for as long
as possible, you’ll need to keep reviewing it occasionally over time. This is where learning portfolios can
really help. But you’ll need to start seeing beyond mid-terms and finals, toward real-world situations in
which you can use the material to your advantage. Note your interest level. The courses you struggle
with are not always the courses you find uninteresting.

6. What classroom environment would you create when you start your tutorial?(100words/ 12pts) *

-The classroom environment I will create if I start my tutorial is a positive and safe classroom
environment, an environment that includes: Building Trust. Trust is the most important element of any
relationship and teacher-student relationship is no exception. Open Communication Good
communication is the key to success of any project and importance of communication cannot be
emphasized sufficiently in a tutorial scenario. Always Display Positivity A positive attitude from the
teacher sends out positive signals to the students that something good and positive is going to happen
in the tutorial. Engage the Students. A good teacher understands her students while a great one engages
with them. Sharing knowledge is not a one-off one-way communication. Have Patience Patience is the
most prized virtue of any teacher.

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