Will - Might For Predictions

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WILL – MIGHT: For predictions

will + base form of the verb

I will – I’ll
You will – You’ll
He will – He’ll
She will – She’ll
It will – It’ll
We will – We’ll
You will – You’ll
They will – They’ll

I will graduate from University next year.

She will pass the exams if she studies hard.

They will take an English course next year.

Negative Sentences:
will + not: won’t

I will graduate from University next year.

I won’t graduate from university next year.

She will pass the exams if she studies hard.

She won’t pass the exams if she doesn’t study hard.

They will take an English course next year.

They won’t take an English course next year.
Interrogative Form:
Will… ?

I will graduate from University next year.

Will you graduate from University next year?
Yes, I will.
No, I won’t.

She will pass the exams if she studies hard.

Will she pass the exams?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.

They will take an English course next year.

Will they take an English course next year?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.
What will you do after graduation?
I will study a master’s degree.

MIGHT: (possibility)
might + base form of the verb (to, s, ing)

I might
He might
She might
We might

I might injure if I go jogging.

She might travel to USA.
He might get good grades.
We might pay with credit card.
might + not: mightn’t

I might injure if I go jogging.

I mightn’t injure if I go jogging.

She might travel to USA.

She mightn’t travel to USA.

He might get good grades.

He mightn’t get good grades

We might pay with credit card.

We mightn’t pay with credit cards.

Might… ?
I might injure if I go jogging.
Might I injure If I go jogging?
Yes, I might.
No, I mightn’t.

She might travel to USA.

Might she travel to USA?
Yes, she might.
No, she mightn’t.

He might get good grades.

We might pay with credit card.

What might I do after leaving school?
You might go to the library after leaving school.
I will graduate in two months. (sure)
I might graduate in two months. (possibility)

I think, I will…

I will probably graduate in two months.

I might graduate in two months.

I ___ probably get the visa to the USA.

a) will b) might

I think I ___ get my diploma next week.

a) will b) might

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