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eacepmornes INTER OFFICE MEMORANDUM No. LrawrHseo: om Weltech Manogoment PT. COSLINDO Xepada sll Employees and Contactors of Weltech Penal Re-emphasiz Driving Seet Principles ‘with egard tothe acidens related to vehices and deving that just happened and mvolved employees of ‘ltac PT. COSL INDO and considering tat the safety of erpioyee ithe fest pity of PT. COSLNDO, ‘with this, Weltech Management instruct ll employees without exception for Offi, Warehouse and Field employees to re-enforce and reimplement driving safety princples a follows 1. Fasten Seat Slt while inside the vehi either asa passenger or asa driver. Thsisa must fr every employee, 2. Activate and reimplement PreTrip Inspections prior traveling by veil. This apis tal locations that use vehicles nthe operations, 3. Comply wih the “Speed Limit” ses insta on the road in any area ofthe COSLINDO Weltach operation. alo incudes to ensure the speed ofthe veil according ttt stuation and conditions of the road being pased (Orig for Condition 4. Implement “REMIND EACH OTHER’ and mutual intervenes to both the driver anal pssengs ofthe vehicle if there are any actions or situations that have a potential in vltion of exstingregutions nd the potential for accident tht coud resultin eso fe ands fase. Including ut not lite to, a follows ‘a, Remind each other toute and fasten the Seat elt prope Reminding the aver whether he has carried out are-Trp Inspection onthe vec. Remind the crivrif the speed exceeds the seed limit set or thats not inaccordance with the situations and eondtons ofthe oad ‘This Inter Office Memorandum was made an valid frm the time was sgned ‘Weltech Management encourages that weal pay atantion an take care ofeach ther forthe safety of courses, colleagues and others. Remind each othe so that thre sno casualty rom the people we care about inthe future Jakarta, February 26° 2018, PT. COSLINOO = Weltech Management ‘EaSEpEENAS INTER OFFICE MEMORANOUM oan Weltech Management P. COSL INDO Kepada elu Kayawan dan KontraktorWeltech Perinal "Menekankn kembal Pinsip-PrinspKeseamatan Berendara “Schuburgan dengan kecelakaan tera kendaraan dan mengemudl yang bar saat dan rmelbatian Karyawan Wellech PT. COSL INDO seta mengingatbahwa Keslamatankaryawan ‘erupakanproritas pertams dari PT, COSLNDO, make dengan in Weltech Management rmengiastukstan kepada seluruh karyawan tana terkecual bakkaryawan Office, Warehouse dan Lapangpn untuk menegakkan dan mergimplementaian kembal prspprinsipKeselamatan berkendar sebagai brut 1 Menggunatan Seat lt sat dalam kendraanvargsedang ber, bak sbsga penumpang ‘aupunsebogal pengemud Halil adalah sats heharusan bag etap karyawin 2 Mengtiftan don meaksanakan kami Inspotsira‘Perlonan sebum melakikan peranan dengan kendra, Ha i eroku unt semua los yang menggurakan kendraan saat beropers. 3 Mematuhiramburrambu bata kecepstan yo erpasang sei jlan dl areamanapun Weltech COSLINDO beroperas. Termasuk juga memasthankecepatankendraansesvaidengan kon dan keaaanjalan yrg Slewat {4 Menerapkan“SALING MENGINGATKAN” dan sang Interven balk kepada pengerud dan seluruh enumpang kenceraan ja ada tndakan atau keadan yang mes potensiplangaara terhadop pecaturan yang ada seta potens teadinyakecelakzan yang bisa memakan korn ja dan erugan art, ianarana, ap tik erbatas pds, sebagai bert: a Saling mengngatan untuk menggurakan Seat Belt dengan benar '. Mengingatkan Pengemudlapakshsudoh mlakukan Pemeriscan Pa-Prjlorantrkadap Kendarasn, : Mengingathan Pengernl ka kecepatan mele bates yang tur atau yang db ssa erga kon dan keaézan oan Demikalah iter Ofc Memorandum in buat dan belku seak ltandatanganinys. ‘leltech wanagerent memint gar kita semus perdu dan sling menjoga tehedhpkesclamatan dt sen, rekan kerja dan orang an Saling mengingtian agar jangan sampai ad koban ja dav orang-orang yang kt saya. kara, 26 Februar 2018 FT, COSLINDO -Weltech Management Ah waived DW. Mane

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