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Google Class Code


Unit Code: L/615/1680 (BTEC 2nd Year)

Instructor: Er. Saurabh Karn

Presentation (AP)

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ISMT College


Topic: Shell
Presented By: Saurabh Karn
Date: 24th Sep 2020

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 Some concepts we should be familiar before discussing about Shell.
1. Operating System
2. Kernel

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 Some concepts we should be familiar before discussion about Shell.
1. Operating System
2. Kernel

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 Some concepts we should be familiar before discussion about Shell.
1. Operating System
2. Kernel

User Applications
Application Programming
Interface (API)
Memory Management

Kernel Services
Process Management

Time Management
File System Management
I/O System Management
Device Driver
Underlying Hardware

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 Kernel and Shell are the important part of an operating system
which is used to perform any specific operation on the System.

 The term is basically denotes a software that is used to provide

an interface to each user of an operating system in order to
excess the services of Kernel.

 When a user gave Command to perform an operation, then the

command will first serve to the Shell part.

 The Shell is also known as an Interpreter which is used to

translate program in assembly language to machine language
and then the made request is transferred to the Kernel.

 It translates the many commands that are typed into the

terminal session. These commands are known as the shell script.

 So, Shell is a program which interprets user commands through

CLI like terminal.

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Shell in Linux

 A shell is a program that acts as an interface between the user

and the operating system (OS) kernel.

 Shells have evolved with time; the first shell that came to
the world was the Thompson shell which was written by
ken Thompson at AT&T Bell Labs.

 It was distributed with Versions 1 through 6 of Unix,

from 1971 to 1975.

 Soon, what we got was the Bourne shell which was

developed by Stephen Bourne at Bell Labs, which was
distributed as the shell for UNIX Version 7 in 1979.

 The Thompson shell was not a scripting shell and soon it

was replaced by Bourne shell as which was accompanied
by many improvements.

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Types of Shells in Linux
1. The Bourne Shell
 The Bourne shell was developed by Stephen Bourne at Bell Labs and distributed as the shell
for Unix version 7 in the year 1979. This shell is denoted by This shell is faster and but lacks
features such as being interactive. It is also the Solaris system default shell. The command
full name path in Bourne shell is /bin/shand /bin/sh. Root user prompt is # while the non-
root user prompt is $.

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Types of Shells in Linux
2. Bash Shell
 The Bash Shell stands for Bourne again shell and it is the default shell of many Linux
distributions today. This shell is very well compatible with the bourne shell and carries
many improvements over the bourne shell. Some of the improvements are Job control,
command-line editing, unlimited size command history, etc.
Below are some of the examples of commands:

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Types of Shells in Linux
3. The C Shell
 The C Shell is denoted by csh. It was created by Bill Joy in the year 1970 at the University of
California at Berkeley. It is a command processor and it runs in a command window.bin/csh
is the command full pathname, the root user default prompt is # while non-root user default
prompt is hostname %.

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Types of Shells in Linux
There are many other shells as well that are available across various distribution of
Linux, some of them are as follows:
1. TENEX c shell
2. The Korn Shell
3. The Z Shell
4. Fish Shell

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