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Nandini Soni

January 17, 2020

Career Life Connections: Journal 6
The progress I made this past this week:
My goals and deadlines for January 18 were:
1. Complete 3 sections of research paper
2. Learn how to cite sources accurately in APA
3. Start Citing sources
4. Start preparing for presentation
a. Gather performance pictures from different years
5. Read 10 pages of Bharatantyam by Sunil Kothari
I completed three sections of my research paper. I wrote about Nritta, Nritya and Margam,
which you will learn more about in a research paper. I wrote around 3-5 paragraphs for each
section. This took me a total of ​6 hours​. I spent 2 hours to write each of these sections as
they were quite simple concepts. I did a bit of research on how to cite sources correctly in
APA. I found a website that clearly explained how to write a research paper in APA and how
to list the sources in APA style. I took ​20 minutes​ to find a website that I used to learn about
APA format in writing papers. I used this website:
Because I have not completed my entire research paper yet, I decided that I will wait until
next week to start citing my sources. Instead, I spent that time proofreading all the pages of
my paper. This took me around ​45 minutes​.
I took 1.5 hours to gather pictures. I also emailed some dance teachers and senior students
within the academy if they have any professional photographs of our group performances
during academy shows. I am still waiting on their response. I will be using these pictures for
my presentation. I also read 10 pages of Bharatanatyam by Sunil Korthari. I read a couple
pages every night before I went to bed. I learned about the different Bharatantyam artists.
I wrote 1 hour to write this journal.
I successfully completed the majority of the goals that I created for myself last week and
when there was a goal that I created for myself that was not realistic, I created another one.
What I need to move forward with my Capstone:
I need my laptop to continue writing my research paper and start my presentation.
I need to schedule a couple hours everyday to write and finalize my research paper.
I will also be using my study room as a place to continue writing and my book as well.
I will need my mentors’ contacts to communicate with them and schedule meetings.

Obstacles that I encountered and how I have moved forward:

The main obstacle that I encountered this week was finding the motivation to write. During
the beginning of the week, I procrastinated working on my research paper because it was
hard for me to express my thoughts effectively. The topic I was writing about would be
foreign to many, therefore I felt pressured to write very well for my first draft. Therefore, I
lost motivation during the beginning of the week and began to procrastinate working on the
project. However, on Wednesday, when I was reminded of the due date and wrote down
my to-do list, I realized that I had a lot of work to do. This motivated me to start writing
from somewhere and brainstorm each section thoroughly before writing.
Another obstacle I faced was scheduling meetings with my mentors. I have not had a
meeting with my mentors in a week because of our conflicting schedules. I cancelled one of
my piano lessons next week so that I can have a meeting with my mentors.

Obstacles I can foresee in my next steps:

My goal is to finish my research paper by next week. Completing my research paper by the
deadline I set for myself is an obstacle that I face. I have dedicated next week on working
and completing my supplementals. So, I will need to make a proper schedule for myself to
complete my work on time.
The skills I have used and what I have learned:
I have used my ​written communication skills​ to effectively communicate my ideas. This is a
skill that I have been using throughout as my project mainly consists of writing. I also used
my​ time management​ and ​organizational skills ​to schedule my day so that I can work on my
research paper. I ​used planning skills ​as I planned each of my topics and paragraphs on a
separate sheet of paper. My problem solving skills were helpful when I came across a couple
of obstacles this week such as scheduling meetings with my mentors. I learned something
about myself this week. I realized that when I create schedules for myself, I feel more
motivated to complete my tasks.

My goals and deadlines for next week January 24

1. Complete research paper
2. Reread for mistakes etc.
3. Officially start citing sources
4. Schedule another meeting with mentor
5. Have mentor read my research paper to make sure all my information is accurate
6. Make corrections once mentor gives advice for improvement or corrections

Continue for hours

Total Hours posted on last journal 78.5 hours

Hours used since last journal 8 hours 5 mins

Total Hours 86.5 hours 5 mins

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