Managerial Communication Assignment

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Why should business professionals have better

communication skills?
Communication can be understood as the process of transferring meaningful
information from one person to another person or in a group with the use of
mutually understood signs in order to affect behavior and achieve the result. In
other words, communication can be understood as the ability to effectively convey
or share ideas and feelings. Communication is a very crucial aspect for the
professional life. No organization and no group can exist and run without
communication. A person without the communication skill cannot be successful in
any profession. Effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment
of organizational goals. There are various rewards and perks of communication
skill which play pivotal role in the professional life hence business professionals
must have better communication skills for the below mentioned reasons:

1. Communication helps in socializing. In today’s life, one cannot survive without

communication. The only presence of another individual fosters communication.

2. Better communication skill helps to avoid unnecessary delay in the

implementation of policies of the organization.

3. A manager who openly communicates with his or her subordinates can foster
positive relationships that benefit the company as a whole.

4. Communication helps in the controlling process of management. It allows the

manager to know about the grievances of the subordinates and helps the
subordinates to know about the policies of the organization.

5. Effective communication causes productivity to increase, errors to decrease and

operations to run smoother.

6. Effective communication reduces unnecessary competition within departments

and helps employees work together harmoniously.

7. Communication will help the employees to become more comfortable and they
will be able to communicate new ideas in the business.
8. It helps a person to understand the mindset of others and understood the
situation easily which can be essential to get the desired result in unfamiliar

9. Communication serves as a foundation for planning. All the essential

information must be communicated in the managers who in-turn must
communicate the plans so as to implement them.

10. Good skills at communication helps to persuade people and motivate them to
do what you want them to do.

11. Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for

decision- making process.

12. Effective communication helps to impress the clients and gives the proper
knowledge about the products as well as the business.

13. Effective communication helps to smooth functioning of the organization and

which results controversies, conflict and disagreement to be resolved easily.

14. Good communication increases company’s capacity to expand business beyond

national boundaries.

15. Good communication helps to strengthen partnerships among existing and

prospective shareholders.

16. Good communication skills give platform for employees to express new ideas
and hence facilitate innovation.

17. Good communication enables business professionals to communicate even

negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying the trust.

18. Good communication skills can be used to evade off fouls of


19. Effective communication helps to persuade the clients and also retain them.

20. Effective communication transfers the message to the potential receiver and
gives the meaning with the use of semantic codes understood by everyone.
21. Efficient communication also helps to build out the upcoming strategies and
conduct research.

22. Effective communication helps to transfer the message to every customer and
employees and have better relationship and build better trust between them.

23. Good communication helps avoiding misunderstanding at work.

24. Better communication skills will help all to create a positive environment in the
organization and help to get the best out of the human resources of the

25. It helps in managing employees by providing feedback to the employees

regarding their work, understanding the needs of the employees and understanding
the personal goals of the employees.

26. Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the

employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task and
the solutions to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark.

27. Communication is the heart for the business to grow. Profit and loss of the
organization also depends upon the efficient and effective communication.

28. Good communication helps in smooth operation of management. Management

tasks can be carried out only when there is sound communication system.

29. Communication helps in facilitating the techniques or skills of organizing a

business meeting. Good communication skills help in effective ways to manage the

30. Effective communication helps in proposing ideas and builds them to

strengthening the business activities carried out and also helps in supporting the
built ideas to make the effective decisions and to perform the business activities
and achieve the desired goals of the organization.

31. Understanding other company’s strategies and devising best policy for own
will be greatly eased with strategically efficient communication skills.

On the whole, effective communication is a vital aspect of the business and will
help in the prosperity of the organization day by day. Good communication will
not let the organization collapse as it brings co-ordination among the human
resource of the organization. Thus, everyone, including business professionals,
should have better communication skills to pursue better professional success.


a) Communication: concept, modern concept, benefit in professional

life, types, forms and model, sensory limitation and mental filter,

b) Presentation /public speaking: importance of presentation, cause of

fear, ways to overcome, choosing best topic, method of presentation,
making good slides, delivering good presentation, qualities of graphs
and charts,

c) Nonverbal communication: concept, feature, function and types,

d) Barriers of communication: types and ways to overcome

e) Malfunction of communication

f) Interview: types and skills for better interviews

g) Culture: high vs low culture, feature and differences,

h) Case: [ Case of problem/ Sales letter as well]

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