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History of Electronics

Year Person Works

1544-1603 William Gilbert Wrote De magnete Researched

Magnetics & Static Electricity
Distinguished between Magnetism
and static electricity

1706-1790 Benjamin Franklin Writer and Scientist Researched

Electricity Researched Weather &
Meteorology Defined Positive &
Negative Charge

1736-1806 Charles Coulomb Experimented in mechanical

resistance Developed Coulomb’s
Law for electrostatic charges

1737-1798 Luigi Galvani Studied effects of electricity on

Frogs! Revealed animals had and
Were effected by electricity

1745-1827 Alessandro Volta Very Interested in Electrical

Experiments going on in late
1700’s Invented the battery

1777-1851 Hans Christian Demonstrated that electricity

Oersted Effected magnetism Initiated the
Initiated the study of
Electromagnetism Discovered

1775-1836 Andre Ampere French Mathematician &

Physicist Invented the
Solenoid Studied the effects
Of electrical currents

1789-1854 Georg Simon Ohm Experimented with Electrical

Circuits made his own parts
Including the wire. Discovered
OHMS Law a relationship
Between current, voltage &

1791-1867 Michael Faraday Great pioneering experimenter

In electricity and magnetism
Demonstrated electromagnetic

1818-1889 James Prescott Joule Discovered the Law of

Conservation of Energy

1824-1887 Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Known for his work on the

Spectroscope. Developed
Kirchhof’s Law

1806-1876 Charles Wheatstone Early work on the telegraph,

Photography & electricity
Developedthe Concertina
(accordion) found uses for
The Wheatstone Bridge

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