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In the name of Allah, the All-encompassing, the Everlasting, the

Preeternal, the bright light of whose countenance fills the world, to which
He gave the power of His attraction. The fear of His dominion is upon
every angel, jinni, human, devil, and sovereign.
Therefore, all of His creatures were in awe of Him, and the cherubim,
from their highest location, surrendered, humbled themselves, and
The cherubim, the angels, and the masters of the Ruhaniah answered the
summons of His great Supreme Name to whoever uttered it.
They hurried with the answer and the self-evident proof written on the
surfaces of the hearts of the users.
Badouh Ajhazat. I adjure you 0 servitors of this great covenant Gabriel
(x3), Michael (X3), Israfel (X3), Azrael (x3), Tahitmighilial (x3), Metatron
(x3), Sharntiel (x3), Derdiel (x3), Talhekfial (X3), Mehdial (x3), and the
spiritual spirits from the celestials, stellar, planetary, fiery, aerial, watery,
earthly, and the pure, righteous and faithful ghosts to answer my
abjuration and aid and assist me in the affairs of the physical and
spiritual world by all the means contained within your power.
I ask you to infuse me [GOGO BEDI JOEL] with a power from your
power that outpours into my spirit, soul, and body from the spiritual
world, that lifts the veil between you and me and strengthens me in my
spiritual practices.
0 servitors of these names Birhatiih (x3), Tatlih (x3), Mazjal (x3),
Tarqabin (x3), Ghalmash (x3), Qalnahoud (x3), Kazhiir (x3),
Barhayouulaa (x3), Qazmaz (x3), Qabaraat (x3), Kaydahouulaa (x3),
Shamkhaahiir (x3), Bikahtahouuniyah (x3), Touunish (x3), Kariir (x3),
Touuraan (x3), Bazjal (x3), Barhash (x3), Khouutiir (x3), Barshaan (X3),
Namaoshalkh (x3), Bashkaylakh (x3), Anghalaliit (X3), Ghayaahaa (x3),
Shamkhaaher (x3), Shamhaahiir (x3), Bisharesh (X3), Shamkhaa
Barouukh (x3), 0 servants of these names, I entreat you to make haste to
comply with what you are commanded to do, by the right of this pact
that was exacted from you, by the honor of Him who is mighty in the
power of His might.
'Fulfill the covenant of God when you have entered into it, and break
not your oaths after you have confirmed them; indeed you have made
God your surety'.

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