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ª Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 Abdom Radiol (2016) 41:136–148

Abdominal Published online: 22 December 2015 DOI: 10.1007/s00261-015-0586-6


Multimodality approach for imaging of non-

traumatic acute abdominal emergencies
Kiran Gangadhar,1 Ania Kielar,2 Manjiri K. Dighe,1 Ryan O’Malley,1 Carolyn Wang,1
Joel A. Gross,1 Malak Itani,1 Neeraj Lalwani 1
Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA
Department of Radiology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6, Canada

Abstract Key words: Acute abdomen—ACR appropriateness

criteria—Acute appendicitis—Diverticulitis—
‘‘Acute abdomen’’ includes spectrum of medical and Cholecystitis—Small bowel obstruction—Imaging—
surgical conditions ranging from a less severe to life- MRI—CT—Ultrasound
threatening conditions in a patient presenting with severe
abdominal pain that develops over a period of hours.
Accurate and rapid diagnosis of these conditions helps in Of all patients who present to the emergency depart-
reducing related complications. Clinical assessment is ment (ED), 4–5% of the patients are symptomatic for
often difficult due to availability of over-the-counter acute abdominal pain [1]. There is a wide spectrum of
analgesics, leading to less specific physical findings. The medical and surgical conditions that can present with
key clinical decision is to determine whether surgical acute abdominal pain. The clinical outcome depends on
intervention is required. Laboratory and conventional a variety of factors based on the diagnosis, severity of
radiographic findings are often non-specific. Thus, cross- the disease, and management. Abdominal pain can be
sectional imaging plays a pivotal role for helping direct categorized as visceral, somatoparietal, or referred pain.
management of acute abdomen. Computed tomography These types of pain can be a manifestation of a wide
is the primary imaging modality used for these cases due spectrum of systemic and local causes. Acute appen-
to fast image acquisition, although US is more specific dicitis, diverticulitis, cholecystitis, and bowel obstruc-
for conditions such as acute cholecystitis. Magnetic res- tion are ‘the usual suspects’ of acute abdominal pain.
onance imaging or ultrasound is very helpful in patients Other important but less frequent conditions that may
who are particularly sensitive to radiation exposure, such cause acute abdominal pain include perforated viscus
as pregnant women and pediatric patients. In addition, and bowel ischemia. One of the key decisions is to
MRI is an excellent problem-solving modality in certain determine whether surgical intervention is necessary.
conditions such as assessment for choledocholithiasis in Imaging plays a major role in diagnosing these condi-
patients with right upper quadrant pain. In this review, tions as well as identifying associated complications.
we discuss a multimodality approach for the usual causes Imaging is also necessary for follow-up of complications
of non-traumatic acute abdomen including acute such as abscesses and in some cases image to guide
appendicitis, diverticulitis, cholecystitis, and small bowel interventions. Abdominal radiographs are the most
obstruction. A brief review of other relatively less fre- common initial imaging modality of choice to grossly
quent but important causes of acute abdomen, such as rule out pneumoperitoneum and give an overview of the
perforated viscus and bowel ischemia, is also included. degree of bowel wall distension and in some cases, the
presence of bowel wall thickening. US and CT have
traditionally been the most commonly used cross-sec-
tional imaging modalities for evaluating acute abdomi-
CME activity This article has been selected as the CME activity for the nal conditions. The high cost, limited availability, long
current month. Please visit and follow examination duration, and increased frequency of arti-
the instructions to complete this CME activity. facts have been major limitations of MRI use in emer-
Correspondence to: Neeraj Lalwani; email: gency settings.
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 137

Imaging modalities to evaluate acute from obstruction. Another example of dynamic exami-
abdominal emergencies and ACR nation is the evaluation of bowel hernias using Valsalva
appropriateness recommendations maneuvers. This maneuver may reveal an intermittent
hernia [14]. US is also useful in evaluating transient
Plain radiograph intussusception because of its real-time capabilities [15].
The imaging workup of patients with acute abdominal Sonography is the imaging modality of choice to
pain often starts with radiographs including, supine and evaluate hepatobiliary pathologies and has been assigned
upright abdominal radiographs, and upright chest radio- an ACR appropriateness score of 9/10 in patients with
graph [2–4]. A left lateral decubitus may replace the up- RUQ pain [16]. It is a useful modality for image-guided
right abdomen if the patient is severely ill and cannot be procedures such as abscess drainage and cholecys-
positioned upright. The ACR appropriateness criteria rate tostomy tube placement, as well as biopsy guidance.
abdominal radiographs as a 5 out of 9, below CT and Additionally, ultrasound is also useful in evaluating
ultrasound, though they provide a caveat of utility to as- pelvic organs, gynecological, and renal pathologies [17].
sess for bowel perforation. Over-utilization of radio- The major disadvantages of ultrasound are operator
graphic investigations causes significant financial wastage dependence, including inter-observer variability, and
to both patients and the health care provider [5–7]. A few lack of tissue penetration in obese patients.
studies in the literature have concluded that a small bowel In a study by Lameris et al., using sonography as the
obstruction (SBO) can be diagnosed with equal sensitivity primary imaging modality, regardless of the body mass in-
on a supine abdominal radiograph alone and routine use dex, age, or location of pain, followed by CT only in cases of
of the erect abdominal radiograph in the acute abdomen negative or indeterminate sonographic findings, resulted in
should be abandoned [8] because bowel loops are more or the highest sensitivity for acute abdominal and pelvic con-
less at their anatomical position. However, it remains ditions while reducing exposure to ionizing radiation [18].
controversial and most institutions still obtain the upright
radiograph. A lateral chest radiograph has also been rec- CT
ommended by Woodring et al. to achieve a higher diag-
nostic accuracy in detecting free intraperitoneal air than The utility of CT in the diagnosis and management of
with a posterior-anterior chest radiograph [9]. acute abdominal emergencies is well established. CT
Some studies have advocated plain abdominal radio- provides greater accuracy than ultrasonography or plain
graphs for investigation of acute abdominal pain when radiography for identifying pneumoperitoneum, as well
related to suspected intestinal obstruction, urinary tract as evaluation of bowel pathology, retroperitoneal and
calculi, or a perforated viscus [10]. However, other studies bony abnormalities. It has high sensitivity and specificity
[11] have concluded that the clinical diagnosis after evalu- for evaluating most common emergent pathologies such
ation of plain radiographs did not change significantly as acute appendicitis and diverticulitis. Traditionally, the
from the primary diagnosis based on clinical evaluation typically described protocol for evaluating an acute ab-
alone, except in the case of bowel obstruction [11]. In a domen was to administer both positive oral and IV
prospective study Boleslawski et al. [12], only 6% of cases contrast media and scan using a standard radiation dose
resulted in a change in the suspected diagnosis or thera- CT technique. However, using oral contrast slows down
peutic management based on plain radiograph appear- patient throughput and may negatively impact patient
ances in patients presenting with right lower quadrant pain. management in the case of a surgical abdomen. More-
over, the presence of oral contrast helps radiologists in
some aspects but it has not been shown to increase
accuracy [19]. Overall, use of oral contrast should be
Ultrasound discouraged in the evaluation of acute abdomen [20, 21].
US is inexpensive, widely available, and one of the com- CT is the most often used imaging modality in pa-
mon initial modalities of choice for evaluation of tients with right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain with ACR
abdominal pain in the ED. The lack of ionizing radiation appropriates score of 8/10 (usually appropriate) for CT
and real-time imaging are the most important advantages abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast and 7/10 (usually
of US. Another important advantage of US examination is appropriate) for CT abdomen and pelvis without IV
the possibility to correlate the US findings with the pa- contrast [22]. IV contrast and modified (increased) rate
tient’s point of maximal tenderness. The most common US of contrast administration may be necessary for evalu-
technique used in patients with acute abdominal pain is the ating acute vascular conditions like hemorrhage, bowel
graded-compression ultrasound technique helping to dis- ischemia, renal infarct etc.
place bowel loops to achieve better images [13]. Identifi- The major disadvantages of CT are exposure to radi-
cation of a non-compressible bowel loop in itself is an ation and contrast media as well as being far more
indication of abnormalities including appendicitis, intus- expensive than ultrasound. There are new strategies to
susception, malignancy, or luminal distension resulting reduce radiation exposure which include the use of itera-
138 K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies

tive reconstruction algorithms such as ‘iDose,’ ‘100% Acute appendicitis

ASIR’ (adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction), and
‘IRIS’ (iterative reconstruction in image space). The 100% Appendicitis is the most common acute abdominal
ASIR algorithm has been demonstrated to reduce noise emergency requiring surgery in both adults and pediatric
by 47% while a newer algorithm called Veo (General populations with an incidence of about 250,000 cases
Electric Healthcare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) de- reported in the United States each year [29]. The diag-
creases the image noise up to 70% when compared with nosis depends mainly on clinical presentation; however,
the gold standard filtered back projection model [23]. nearly half of the patients have negative or atypical
clinical presentation [30].
There is a correlation between duration of symptoms
MRI and risk of perforation of appendicitis. An overall per-
MRI may be on the way to becoming a potential alterna- foration rate of 16–39% has been reported in the litera-
tive for the evaluation of acute abdominopelvic pain. Re- ture [31] which can lead to several potentially life-
cent advances in MRI have allowed the development of threatening complications such as intrabdominal abscess,
rapid imaging sequences that are particularly suited for ED peritonitis, and sepsis [32].
indications [24]. There are special circumstances wherein The false-negative appendectomy rates range from
MRI is currently indicated [25]. For example, in pregnant 13% to 30% when imaging is not used but has been as
patients who have symptoms of appendicitis, MRI has high as 15–47% in female patients aged 10–39 years [33].
proven to have high sensitivity and specificity [26]. MRI The important clinical symptoms include tenderness
also can be used to evaluate equivocal CT findings in pa- at Mcburney’s point, migratory abdominal pain, and
tients with hepatobiliary pathologies, particularly MRCP fever. Physical examination demonstrates non-specific
for choledocholithiasis and to monitor previously diag- positive signs of appendicitis, such as rebound tender-
nosed acute gastrointestinal disease, especially in young ness, Rovsing’s, obturator, and psoas sign. An increase
patients, in whom radiation exposure is of concern [27]. in the C-reactive protein (CRP) correlates with the
MR imaging has also demonstrated utility in detection of severity of the disease and is a possible surrogate
acute inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, kidneys, parameter for perforation. Leukocytosis is more sensitive
collecting system, bowel, and pelvic soft tissues [28]. for the detection of early-stage appendicitis [34].
Basic MR imaging protocols for emergent evaluation Imaging algorithm varies depending on patient’s
of the abdomen and pelvis include the following se- demography and institutional policies. In general, ultra-
quences: axial breath-hold in-phase and out-of-phase T1- sound remains modality of choice for screening purpose,
weighted GRE, axial and coronal breath-hold T2- when radiation exposure remains a concern (pregnant or
weighted single-shot turbo SE, axial T2-weighted fat- pediatric patient). MR can be performed next to ultra-
suppressed turbo SE with respiratory triggering (or short sound if non-diagnostic. Otherwise, CT is a widely ac-
inversion time inversion recovery), and steady-state free cepted modality of choice to evaluate appendicitis in
precession. Thick-slab MRCP, respiratory-triggered T2- general population.
weighted turbo SE, and volumetric T1-weighted post- Graded compression technique is used in sonographic
contrast sequences are added as necessitated by the evaluation of right lower quadrant pain. US may
clinical indication and with consideration of patient’s demonstrate an enlarged, non-compressible appendix,
ability to tolerate breath-hold acquisitions. Of note, more than 6 mm in diameter. Other ancillary findings
gadolinium is considered a class C medication in preg- include the presence of an appendicolith, a fluid-filled
nancy and is therefore only used in circumstances where appendix, pericecal fluid, inflammation of surrounding
maternal and fetal health would be in jeopardy and there fat, and the presence of a frank abscess.
is no other suitable imaging alternatives available (26). Pertinent imaging findings on CT are in many re-
The duration of the MR imaging examination is typically spects similar to sonographic findings and may include;
20–30 min, still substantially longer than CT. increased transverse diameter of the appendix >6 mm,
The disadvantages of MRI in emergent settings in- increased thickness of the appendiceal wall >2 mm,
clude the relatively longer acquisition times, limited appendiceal wall hyperenhancement, the presence or
availability, the presence of artifacts and to some degree, absence of a focal defect in the appendiceal wall, the
the high cost. presence of an appendicolith/fecalith, periappendiceal
In patients with RUQ pain without fever and with a changes, cecal wall thickening, and right lower quadrant
normal white count showing only gallstones on ultra- free fluid (Fig. 1A). The presence of oral contrast and
sound, the ACR appropriateness criteria rating for use of intraluminar continuous column of air are negative
MRI is only 6/10 (may be appropriate) [16]. In patients findings for appendicitis [35]. The CT findings of focal
with RLQ pain with fever and with high white count as defects in the appendicular wall, periappendicular ab-
well as in pregnant women, the ACR appropriateness scess, larger appendicular diameter (>15 mm), terminal
criteria rating is 7/10 (usually appropriate) [22]. ileal thickening, ileus and extraluminal free air or extra-
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 139

Fig. 1. A Coronal CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing ment and periappendiceal inflammatory changes (asterix); B
increased transverse diameter of the appendix (double ar- Extraluminal air along with features of inflammation consistent
rows), increased mural thickness and mural hyperenhance- with perforated appendicitis.

luminal appendicolith are helpful in differentiating early

perforated appendicitis from non-perforated appendicitis
(Fig. 1B). The presence of extraluminal gas, abscess, and
ileus were more specific for perforation. A transverse
diameter of the appendix greater than 11 mm has the
highest sensitivity (62.7%) while a focal wall defect has
the highest specificity (98.8%) [36]. Although sonography
is recommended in young patients as the first imaging
modality, some studies also advocate low dose CT for
appendicitis in young patients after equivocal findings on
ultrasound [37].
MR imaging is indicated in pregnant patients with
symptoms of RLQ pain. MR imaging has high reported
sensitivity (97–100%) and specificity (92–93%) for the
diagnosis of acute appendicitis during pregnancy [38]. T2
turbo spin-echo sequences are particularly helpful for
identifying the location of the appendix. Edema and
inflammation appear as T2 signal hyperintensity within Fig. 2. Coronal T2w fat-suppressed MR image through right
the wall or surrounding the appendix; fat-suppressed lower quadrant shows dilated appendix (arrow). There is in-
single-shot sequences are useful for depicting these fea- creased T2w signal intensity surrounding the appendix (arrow
tures (Fig. 2). Post-contrast MR sequences may be heads) suggestive of inflammation; (Fetus: f).
helpful in diagnosing appendicitis in children by
increasing the tissue contrast [39]. short axis in the right lower quadrant or pericecal region
Differential diagnosis for acute appendicitis may in- [41]. Terminal ileitis represents inflammation of terminal
clude mucocele, mesenteric adenitis, and terminal ileitis ileum due to variegated etiologies, which could be an
(Fig. 3). Mucocele is defined as dilated appendix inflammatory bowel disease or infections.
(>1.3 cm) with intraluminal accumulation of abnormal
mucus. Symptoms for complicated mucoceles can mimic Acute diverticulitis
those of acute appendicitis [40]. Underlying cause of a
mucocele could be a neoplasm (benign or malignant) and Diverticulosis occurs in 5–10% of people >45 years old
it may be associated with a superimposed appendicitis. and the condition progressively increases in incidence
Mural calcification can be seen. Mesenteric adenitis is a with advancing age. It has been reported to be found in
self-limiting inflammatory process involving mesenteric up to 80 % of people >85 years old. Acute diverticulitis
lymph nodes. On imaging, it can be diagnosed by finding is inflammation of the colonic diverticulum which could
three or more lymph nodes measuring at least 5 mm in be uncomplicated (localized inflammation) or compli-
140 K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies

Fig. 3. Differential diagnosis for acute appendicitis. A Cor- sistent with mucocele; C Thickening and mucosal enhance-
onal CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing mesenteric ment in the terminal ileum consistent with terminal ileitis
lymphadenitis (circle); B Axial CT showing dilated appendix (double arrows).
with low attenuation intraluminal content (double arrow) con-

cated (associated with an abscess, phlegmon, fistula, The presence of free air, abscess formation, and a
obstruction, bleeding, or perforation). ‘‘target pattern’’ of contrast enhancement on CT have all
Patients often present with acute left lower quadrant been proposed to support the diagnosis of diverticulitis
pain and tenderness on clinical examination. Other pos- but with low specificity [47]. A differential diagnosis to
sible symptoms include anorexia, constipation, nausea, consider includes a locally advanced perforated colonic
diarrhea, and dysuria. Tachycardia and hypotension may cancer (Table 2) (Fig. 4).
occur and should raise suspicion for complicated diver- Buckelyet al. [48] reported that it is easier to differentiate
ticulitis [42]. diverticulitis from cancer on MRI than CT due to the fact
Using a graded compression technique, ultrasound that MRI exhibits better contrast resolution which helps in
images of diverticulitis include thickening of the wall of appreciating thickened inflamed bowel and features typical
the colon, which is surrounded by hyperechoic inflam-
matory fat with probe tenderness. Sometimes an in- Table 2. Differentiating diverticulitis and colonic cancer
flamed diverticulum can be visible with intraluminal
Features Diverticultis Sigmoid cancer
coproliths. Abscess and developing phlegmon can also be
visible on US which helps image-guided procedures [43]. Focal thickening with Usually negative Usually positive
Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) depicts early stages of abrupt transition
between normal
diverticulitis and has become the optimal method for colon and thickened
evaluation of diverticular disease in the emergency set- colon
ting, with reported accuracy of 80–100% using helical Presence of free air Usually positive Usually negative(mass
could perforate)
CECT [44]. Acute diverticulitis is graded by using mod- Abscess Usually positive Usually negative
ified Hinchey classification [45] and the corresponding Specific target pattern Positive Usually negative
radiological findings are listed in Table 1 as described by of enhancement
Presence of diverticula Usually seen May not be seen
Kaiser et al. [46].

Table 1. Hinchey classification for acute diverticulitis

Modified Hinchey Severity Accompanying CT findings

Stage 0 Clinically mild diverticulitis Diverticula with or without wall thickening of the colon
Stage Ia Confined pericolic inflammation and Colonic wall thickening and surrounding
phlegmonous inflammation inflammatory changes
Stage Ib Abscess formation (<5 cm) in the proximity of the Alterations as stage Ia + pericolic or mesocolic
primary inflammatory process abscess formation
Stage II Intra-abdominal abscess, pelvic or retroperitoneal Alteration as stage Ia + distant abscess formation
abscess, abscess distant from the (mostly pelvic or interloop abscesses)
primary inflammatory process
Stage III Generalized purulent peritonitis Free air with local or generalized free fluid and possible
thickening of the peritoneum
Stage IV Fecal peritonitis Similar findings to stage III
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 141

Fig. 4. A Colonic cancer: Axial CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing eccentric colonic wall thickening (double ar-
pelvis showing circumferential mural thickening (double ar- rows) and surrounding inflammatory changes (asterix) with a
rows) compromising the lumen (arrow head). See the peri- focus of extraluminal air (curved arrow) representing localized
colonic inflammation (asterix) is much lesser than the mural perforation. Note the lumen is patent despite overlying thick-
thickening. B Diverticulitis: Axial CECT of the abdomen and ening (arrow head) numerous engorged peri-colonic vessels.

Fig. 5. Differential diagnosis for diverticulitis. A Axial CECT with epiploic appendangitis; B Axial CECT of the abdomen
of the abdomen and pelvis showing inflamed well circum- and pelvis showing focal area of fat stranding (circle) and
scribed rounded lesion (circle) next to sigmoid colon (arrow hyperdense peripheral halo consistent with mesenteric
head) showing an enhancing ‘‘central dot’’(arrow) consistent infarction.

for cancer as focal thickening with abrupt transition be- well-circumscribed fatty lesion with a ‘‘central dot’’
tween normal colon and thickened colon. Another study by (which represents partially thrombosis vessel). Mesen-
Oistamo et al. also suggested the usefulness of MRI to im- teric infarcts usually involve right lower quadrant or
prove the differentiation between sigmoid cancer and flank (because of meager blood supply at the periphery
diverticulitis [49], however, larger studies are needed to of right mesentery) measures more than 5 cm.
establish the clinical utility of MRI in these issues.
Differential diagnosis for diverticulitis may include
epiploeic appendangitis and mesenteric infarction
Acute small bowel obstruction
(Fig. 5). Epiploeic appendangitis is usually seen in the SBO is either mechanical or functional and precludes
left lower quadrant or flank in adult population and normal transit of its contents. It represents 20% of all
measures less than 5 cm. On imaging, they appear as surgical admissions for acute abdominal pain [50]. Pa-
142 K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies

tients present with abdominal pain, distension, nausea, Contrary to barium, water-soluble oral contrast
and vomiting. On clinical examination, mild to moderate agents are safe even if intestinal perforation and peri-
dehydration, tachycardia, abdominal distension which is toneal spread occurs [56].
tympanic to percussion, and high-pitched bowel sounds Ultrasound has limitations for complete assessment
are identified [51]. of the bowel due to poor visualization of gas-filled
70% of all mechanical SBO are due to postoperative structures. Sonographic appearance of bowel obstruction
adhesions [52]. Other common causes of mechanical SBO includes dilated bowel loops, and hyperperistalsis. The
include hernias, neoplasms, and inflammatory bowel dis- presence of aperistaltic loops, fluid-filled, and distended
ease. The important clinical decision is whether emergent bowel, as well as wall thickening could represent infarc-
laparotomy is required or if a conservative approach is tion in the relevant clinical context. Sonography has been
sufficient [53]: imaging helps in making these decisions. reported to have a sensitivity of 89% compared with 71%
Useful radiographic signs include a distended stomach for conventional abdominal radiography in diagnosing
and bowel loops (>3 cm), multiple differential air–fluid small bowel obstruction and is superior to radiographs in
levels, a ‘step ladder’ pattern of dilated bowel loops, a its ability to identify features of strangulation and to
‘String-of-beads’ sign corresponding to air bubbles trapped predict the location and cause of obstruction [57].
in valvulae conniventes, the ‘stretch sign’ or ‘slit sign’ in CT is the modality of choice for evaluating suspected
which a slit of air is caught in a valvulae, the absence of or SBO. It can reveal the degree, location, and cause of
disproportionately smaller amount of gas in the recto-sig- obstruction as well as display signs of threatened bowel
moid and increased small bowel to colon ratio. In partic- viability. CT has a sensitivity of 81–94% and a specificity
ular, two findings derived from the upright abdominal of 96% for diagnosing high-grade obstructions. How-
radiograph were found to be the most significant and most ever, there is a decrease in accuracy for diagnosing low
predictive of the higher grades of small bowel obstruction: grade and subacute obstructions (sensitivity of 64% and
the presence of differential air–fluid levels (>3 in number specificity of 79%) [52]. IV contrast is ideally recom-
and air-fluid levels of >1 cm height) and a mean width of mended while assessing SBO on CT, whereas oral con-
air–fluid levels measuring greater than or equal to 25 mm trast can be considered based on patient tolerability. Oral
[54]. Other findings suggesting strangulation or ischemia contrast should not be used if there is a request to assess
include pneumatosis and portal venous gas. enhancement/viability of the bowel wall. The diagnosis
Fluoroscopic small bowel follow-through examina- of SBO is made on the basis of dilated bowel loops
tions have a limited role in diagnosing the cause of SBO >3 cm in diameter with discrete transition point [51].
but may be useful in determining the severity of Passage of oral contrast material through the transition
obstruction [55]. The role of water-soluble high osmolar zone into the distal bowel indicates partial or incomplete
iodine agents has been assessed recently with regard to bowel obstruction. ‘‘Small bowel feces sign’’ is often seen
both diagnostic and therapeutic; proposed mechanisms closer to anticipated transition point and suggestive of
are high osmolality (approximately six times more than slow transit (Fig. 6A). The CT diagnosis of adhesions is
extracellular fluid), which promotes shifting of fluids into a diagnosis of exclusion as adhesions are often difficult to
the bowel lumen and increases the pressure gradient visualize, however secondary findings such as acute
across obstructive sites and also facilitating its passage by angulation and smooth extrinsic compressions could
reducing edema of the intestine wall. indicate adhesions and are important signs for radiolo-

Fig. 6. Axial CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing point; B The adhesions are not usually seen on imaging but
small bowel obstruction due to adhesions. A Small bowel can be identified by acute angulation (arrows) and extrinsic
feces sign (small arrow) is usually seen closer to the transition compression near the transition point.
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 143

Fig. 7. Coronal CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing (asterix); B The twisted cecal pedicle demonstrates ‘‘me-
small bowel obstruction due to cecal volvulus. A The cecum is senteric whirl sign’’ (arrows) in the ileocecal region.
dilated and twisted in the upper abdomen/left upper quadrant

gists to be familiar with (Fig. 6B). In general, imaging low-signal-intensity soft-tissue bands may be seen
signs of high-grade obstruction, an abnormal vascular coursing through high-signal-intensity mesenteric fat on
course, and the presence of a transition zone are useful T2-weighted images. MR/CT enteroclysis provides im-
predictors of a surgical intervention. However, a small proved distention of the small bowel and may demon-
bowel feces sign inversely predicts need for surgery. strate subtle transition points or an obstruction that may
Differentiating congenital bands from adhesions is not be visible at imaging with more routine methods,
challenging but evaluation of thickness as well as the including MR/CT enterography [62]. However, MR/CT
presence of single (bands) versus multiple matted adhe- enteroclysis are rarely needed.
sions could be useful observations [58]. Delabrousse et al.
[59] showed a higher prevalence of the ‘‘beak sign’’ in
patients with bands than in patients with matted adhe-
Acute cholecystitis
sions, and the double beak sign has been reported in Acute cholecystitis is the most common inflammatory
cases of closed loop (two points along the course of a process of the biliary tree and accounts for 5% of ED
bowel are obstructed at a single location) obstruction due visits for acute abdominal pain [63]. The inflammatory
to hernias including internal hernias and volvulus [60]. process may be calculous or acalculous in origin, most
Hence, identification of more than one beak sign could commonly calculous with only 5–10% of all cases of
represent a high risk for failure of non-surgical treatment cholecystitis are acalculous [64].
[61]. CT is an excellent modality for detecting hernias According to Tokyo guidelines [65], a definite diag-
and their associated complications such as strangulation, nosis of acute cholecystitis can be made on the basis of
volvulus, and ischemia. At the site of obstruction, there diagnostic criteria in two scenarios: The first is based on
may be a whirl sign, a beak sign, or triangular configu- one local sign of inflammation (Murphy sign or right
ration of adjacent collapsed loops (Fig. 7). upper quadrant pain with mass, or tenderness) and one
MR imaging also has been shown to be useful for systemic sign of inflammation (fever, increased C-reac-
detecting bowel obstructions in acute settings and dif- tive protein level, increased white blood cell count). The
ferentiating malignant from benign causes. MR is useful second set of criteria is based on imaging findings that
in evaluating low-grade small bowel obstruction which are characteristic which include, a thickened gallbladder
occurs most commonly due to adhesions. In some cases, wall or enlarged gallbladder at ultrasonography (US),
144 K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies

magnetic resonance (MR) imaging or computed tomog- option or serve as a bridge to elective surgery in patients
raphy (CT); positive sonographic Murphy sign; peric- with contraindications of surgery [69].
holecystic fluid collection at US and CT; or
pericholecystic high-signal intensity at MR imaging. Al- Perforated viscus
though US is the initial imaging modality of choice for
Pneumoperitoneum in a patient with acute abdominal
evaluation of acute cholecystitis, CT often is used in the
pain is an important diagnostic sign of gastrointestinal
clinical setting because other disease processes such as
(GI) perforation, which is usually indicative for need for
pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and even bo-
surgical intervention [70]. GI tract perforation is a dis-
wel obstruction may mimic right upper quadrant pain
ruption in the integrity of the gastrointestinal wall that
[66]. MRCP sequences are often used to look for chole-
may be caused by various etiologies including, gastro-
docholithiasis and to make sure that the patient needs an
duodenal ulcers, ischemic or bacterial enteritis, Crohn’s
endoscopic procedure or a surgical procedure. MR
disease, diverticulitis, ingested foreign bodies, bowel
images have excellent soft tissue contrast and can provide
obstruction, volvulus, intussusception, malignancy,
more specific information regarding the complications
abdominal trauma, iatrogenic injury, and postoperative
that arise from acute cholecystitis, such as empyema,
perforation or anastomotic leakage [71].
gangrenous cholecystitis, gallbladder perforation, ente-
Plain radiography is the usual screening modality for
rocholecystic fistula, emphysematous cholecystitis, and
patients with suspected GI tract perforation. The specific
hemorrhagic cholecystitis [67].
finding of GI tract perforation on plain films is the
The imaging findings include the presence of sono-
presence of air outside the gut lumen. The extraluminal
graphic Murphy’s sign, gallstones, gallbladder wall thick-
air may be in the free peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal
ening >3 mm, gallbladder distention >5 cm in the short
spaces, mesentery, or ligaments of organs. However,
axis or >8 cm in the long axis, pericholecystic fluid,
pneumoperitoneum may not be identified if the perfo-
inflammatory stranding, and subserosal edema (Fig. 8) [68].
ration is very small, self-sealed, or well-contained by
Cholecystectomy is the mainstay of the treatment of
adjacent organs. The reported sensitivity in the detection
acute cholecystitis performed either laparoscopically or
of extraluminal air on plain radiography is 50–70% [72].
through open surgery. Minimal invasive procedures,
The ‘‘ligamentum teres sign’’ which is free air confined
such as percutaneous gallbladder drainage using image
along ligamentum teres, can be seen in cases of perfo-
guidance or endoscopic procedures like transpapillary
rated duodenal bulb or stomach [73]. The ‘‘falciform
drainage of the gallbladder at endoscopic retrograde
ligament sign’’ is free air or an air-fluid level crossing the
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic
midline and accentuating the falciform ligament. This
ultrasonography (EUS)-guided gallbladder drainage via
sign can be seen with perforation of the stomach and
the transluminal route, could be a life-saving treatment
small bowel [74].
CT is the most reliable modality for detecting even
small amounts of free air using ‘‘lung window’’ setting.
CT also helps identify the cause of GI tract perforation
(87). The direct CT findings of GI tract perforation in-
clude discontinuity of the bowel wall and the presence of
extraluminal air and/or extraluminal enteric contrast are
considered specific signs of gastrointestinal (GIT) per-
foration in an intact abdomen.
Indirect CT findings of bowel perforation include
bowel wall thickening, abnormal bowel wall enhance-
ment, abscess, and an inflammatory mass adjacent to the
bowel. Extravasation of oral contrast is specific at iden-
tifying the location of a perforation.
Other indirect signs identifying the location of a GI
perforation include:
1. Free air in either the supra or inframesocolic com-
2. Gas bubbles adjacent to the intestinal wall,
3. Localized extraluminal fluid,
Fig. 8. Coronal T2 MR imaging showing imaging findings of 4. Segmental wall thickening (>3 mm),
acute cholecystitis. Note gallstone (arrowhead) in the neck 5. Perivisceral fat stranding and
region with pericholecystic fluid (arrows). 6. Abscess formation [70].
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 145

Fig. 9. Axial A and coronal B CECT of the abdomen on lung static renal cancer. The findings are consistent with
window settings showing septated gas surrounding trans- pneumatosis intestinalis secondary to targeted molecular
verse colon in a patient who is on Sutent therapy for meta- agent therapy.

Acute bowel ischemia

Intestinal ischemia has a relatively low incidence with
estimated incidence around 1% in patients hospitalized
for acute abdomen. However recently, owing to longer
life expectancy and consequent greater incidence of
atherosclerotic vascular disease, it is more frequently
observed in current clinical practice [75]. Bowel ischemia
and infarction result in a high mortality and morbidity
with mortality rates exceeding 60% [76].
The primary causes of insufficient blood flow to the
small intestine are arterial occlusive disease (throm-
boembolism), veno-occlusive disease, non-occlusive
ischemia resulting from low-flow states such as
hypotension, bowel obstruction, neoplasms, vasculitis,
abdominal inflammatory conditions, trauma,
chemotherapy, radiation, and corrosive injury [77].
The designated ACR appropriateness score in pa-
tients with acute mesenteric ischemia for CTA abdomen
with contrast is 9/10 (usually appropriate), radiographs
of the abdomen is 7/10 (usually appropriate), MRA ab-
domen without and with contrast is 7/10 (usually
appropriate), and US abdomen is 6/10 (may be appro-
priate) [78]. Although radiography is usually the initial
test requested in patients with acute abdominal pain, but Fig. 10. Coronal CECT of the abdomen and pelvis showing
usually remains non-diagnostic in most cases of mesen- descending colon thickening and edema and increased bowel
teric ischemia. enhancement with ascites. The rectum is fluid filled and
Computed tomography angiography (CTA) has high demonstrates luminal dilation (circle). The walls are paper
sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing acute mesenteric thin, non-enhancing, and non-perceivable. These imaging
ischemia and should be considered the first-line imaging signs represent impending perforation due to ischemia.
in most cases [79].
CTA identifies atherosclerosis, thrombus, occlusion, mucosal hemorrhage predominantly in cases of venous
compression or invasion by tumor, and trauma. Other CT infarction, increased bowel enhancement in the early
findings include bowel wall thickening and edema, sub- phase or decreased enhancement of the bowel wall in later
146 K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies

Table 3. ACR appropriateness criteria for most commonly used imaging modalities in setting of RUQ pain, RLQ pain, and acute mesenteric
ischemia (Rating Scale: 1, 2, 3 Usually not appropriate; 4, 5, 6 May be appropriate; 7, 8, 9 Usually appropriate)
Variant ACR appropriateness ACR appropriateness ACR appropriateness ACR appropriateness
score-plain radiograph score-US score-CT with contrast score-MR with and without

RUQ pain-fever, elevated white blood cell N/A 9 6 6

count, positive murphy sign
RUQ pain-no fever, normal white blood N/A 9 6 6
cell count
RUQ pain-no fever, normal white blood N/A N/A 7 6
cell count, ultrasound shows only gall-
RUQ pain-hospitalized patient with fever, N/A 8 6 6
elevated white blood cell count, and
positive murphy sign
RLQ pain-fever, leukocytosis, and classic 5 6 8 4
presentation clinically for appendicitis
in adults
RLQ pain-fever, leukocytosis; possible 6 6 6 5
appendicitis, atypical presentation,
adults, and adolescents
RLQ pain-fever, leukocytosis, pregnant 2 8 6 7
RLQ pain-fever, leukocytosis, possible 6 8 7 5
appendicitis, atypical presentation in
children (aged <14 years)
Acute mesenteric ischemia 7 6 9 (CTA) 7(MRA)

phases, mesenteric stranding or fluid, and pneumatosis in and/or admitted to hospital. There is a broad differ-
cases of bowel necrosis and perforation [80–83]. ential diagnosis to consider ranging from benign to
There are some non-ischemic factors that can induce life-threatening causes. Early diagnosis and timely
pneumatosis including chronic lung disease, peptic ulcer management of these patients is the top priority be-
disease, collagen vascular disease, use of steroid, and cause if delayed, may lead to poor clinical outcomes.
treatment with certain molecular agents (Fig. 9). How- Imaging plays a pivotal role in solving this issue along
ever, the clinical state of the patient generally differen- with appropriate history, physical exam, and labora-
tiates ischemia from non-ischemic causes of pneumatosis tory results. Educating ED physicians regarding ACR
[84]. Portal venous gas is associated with advanced appropriateness criteria could be of great value in
mesenteric infarction (present in 9–36% of cases), but it ensuring that appropriate imaging algorithms are fol-
does not necessarily indicate transmural bowel necrosis. lowed for these patients (Table 3). Radiologists should
The presence of air in the portal branches can also be act as consultants with respect to performing the best
caused by other diseases such as a perforated gastric imaging based on clinical suspicion. Although each
ulcer, pelvic abscesses, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, dia- modality has specific indications and contraindications,
betes mellitus, necrotic neoplasia of the colon, divertic- the diagnosis by imaging is usually driven by ACR
ulitis, or may be associated with ingestion of caustic appropriateness criteria for acute abdomen depending
acids. upon location of pain and patient’s relevant history.
Impending perforation can be identified by fluid-filled CT is the primary imaging modality for these cases
dilation of hollow viscus and paper thin, non-enhancing, although US is more specific for conditions like acute
and non-perceivable walls (Fig. 10). cholecystitis. MR imaging is very helpful in patients
MRI is used for assessment of chronic mesenteric where radiation exposure remains a concern. MR,
ischemia and is currently more sparingly used in the is the primary imaging modality for evaluating chole-
acute setting. MRA is a useful way of non-invasive docholithiasis or acute abdomen in the pregnant pa-
evaluation of mesenteric vessels: sequences such as Time tients. The usual causes of acute abdomen including
of Flight (TOF) do not require intravenous contrast acute appendicitis, acute diverticulitis, acute cholecys-
agents to visualize the vessels. However, longer acquisi- titis, and acute SBO are to be kept in mind and have
tion time, artifacts due to patient’s inability to hold the to be thoroughly evaluated according to the clinical
breath and availability are the limitations. scenario.

Conclusion Compliance with ethical standards

Non-traumatic abdominal pain is one of the most Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
common symptoms in patients presenting to the ED interest.
K. Gangadhar et al.: Multimodality approach for imaging abdominal emergencies 147

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