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Essay about What I Have Learned from School

570 Words3 Pages

School is only for the open minded and strong, the weak
cannot survive. You may have learned about math, science,
social studies, and language arts but only a handful of
students actually learn lifelong lessons to be in a productive
society. School holds many things in its classrooms and
hallways. Having great teachers and mentors will benefit you
in school. Their wisdom and knowledge will contribute to you
in ways unimaginable. School can teach you plenty and these
are a couple of the many of things I have learned over the 3
years I have attended Eagles Landing Middle School. To begin,
I was always a spoiled rotten "know it all" and none of my
teachers could tell me I was wrong without me having to be
disrespectful and…show more content…
After this accident every time Rontavious would have something
rude to say I would ignore him and that made him upset and he
learned to leave me alone. In addition, Ms.Scott taught me to
show kindness to everyone that crosses my path because
kindness turns an inch into a mile. Growing up as the baby in
the house I received everything I wanted and didn't have to
share anything Because everything went my way when I said so
and nobody could change that. Selfish is one word that could
have described me at a younger age. When nobody believed in
me Ms.Scott took a chance and brought me under her wing and
taught me it was acceptable to embrace my feelings and
emotions. For example if someone needs a pencil and you have
one to share gladly offer it to them because it will build on your
reputation and if you don't have that you don't have anything.
Kindness will take you very far in life. Take Dr.Suess The Grinch
Stole Christmas into consideration, the Grinch was foul and
disgusting because no one ever loved him, showed him any
kindness and that slowly but surely ate him from the inside

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