College of Electronics Technology / Bani-Walid Control Engineering Department Introduction To Control Lab

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College of Electronics Technology / Bani-Walid

Control Engineering Department

Introduction to Control Lab

Experiment No.(3)
Second Order System

Object : to steady the response of second order system with a unit step

Equipment required:

1- Double beam oscilloscope.

2- Function generator.
3- Resistance box.
4- Capacitor box.
5- Inductance box.


Taken lapels transfer for (1) and (2) :

Fig (b): Typical response to the second order system.


:Time constant =1/ = 2L/R

peak time =

: damped natural frequency =

rise time from 10% to 90% of output final value

= .

Experiment Procedure:

1. Set up the circuit as shown in figure c:

figure (c)

2. Adjust the function generator vi=5vp-p sequer wave and f=1KHz.

3. Connect the oscilloscope to the circuit with time base 1 ms/cm.
4. Adjust the resistance (R=2kΩ), capacitor(C=0.001µf), Inductance
(L=10 mH)
5. Sketch the response of the system
6. Measure from the response tr ,tp, wd and fill table 1.

C(µf) 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005



Table 1

7. measure the characteristics for different values of R and fill Table 2

capacitor(C=0.001µf), Inductance (L=10 mH)

R(KΩ) 1 2 3 4 6



Table 2

8. measure the characteristics for different values of L and fill Table 3

resistance (R=2kΩ), capacitor(C=0.004µf).

L(mH) 4 10 20 30 40



Table 3

i. calculate , , , and ,then compare the results
obtained from measurements.

ii. The equation of the system is given by:

Find the value of (K) when

iii. Second order system has damping ratio and natural

frequency rad/sec
 The transfer function.
 Peak time (tp).
 Rise time (tr).
 Settling time(ts).
 Peak over shoot (μp).

Eng :Mohammed N.Eshlipta.

Eng: Ahmad S.Khames.

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