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Miss Garcia’s Class Behavior Management Plan

Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1. Respect each other and selves 1. It will be very difficult to get  1 verbal warning  Can suggest music to be
anything done if we can’t show played in class during work
2. One person speaking at a time  1 written warning (affects
respect to each other and ourselves times
3. Work turned in on time privileges in class)
2. It is important that we respect  School incentive program
4. Cell phones should be put each other’s time and opinions by  Cell phone use leads to cell
(Bulldog Bucks)
away during class time hearing only one person at a time phone confiscation
 Class incentive program
5. Peer issues should not be 3. It’s difficult to have an accurate  Not being on task or talking
(punch cards toward prizes)
addressed in class representation of your grade if I during inappropriate times
don’t have the work will lead to being moved to  Candy/snacks
6. Opinions and thoughts will be a different desk
respected within the 4. Cell phones are a distraction from  Public positive affirmations in
classroom by not being an effective learning environment  Contact your parents class
repeated outside the  Referral to office  Positive phone calls to parents
5. My class is not a place to hash out
problems with each other; come  Homework passes (tied to
talk to me before class so I can punch cards)
accommodate any seating changes
or guidance counselor referrals  End of semester pizza party
6. What is said in the classroom does
not need to be repeated or mocked
outside of the classroom; this is a
safe space for students to share
their thoughts and opinions when

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