Module 1 Assessment

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Rozaine A.

Reyes Living in the IT Era

BSMA 2 – 6 Prof. Shallaine Hogar

Instruction: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the relevance of ICT in your chosen course?
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is useful in accounting
field. First, it gives instant access to business information. This accessibility
makes it possible for both accountants and business owners to review the
valuable financial information needed to run operations with no delay. Second, it
provides business software advancements. ICT makes software applications
more accurate and easier to use for its users. Next is the bank information
accessibility. Nowadays, banks have their own websites, giving clients an
immediate access of their bank account information. Lastly, document scanning
and signing got a lot easier. Documentation is difficult to maintain back then.
Thanks to ICT, accountants can scan documents and store it on company’s
cloud. So, if the physical copy of the document went missing, they can look it up
on their cloud. These are just the main reasons why ICT is relevant in accounting
2. Name at least 4 uses of ICT in our daily lives and explain.
a. Communication
ICT allows people to communicate with others easily through chatting, e-
mail, voice mail and social networking sites. Decades ago, it would take a
couple of days or weeks to deliver a message to someone but nowadays,
because of the existence of ICT, it would only take just one click to have the
message delivered.
b. Education
Many schools and universities use ICT because it improves the teaching
and learning experience of teachers and their students. ICT became really
useful these days because of the current situation where students and
teachers cannot meet face to face. Applications such as Zoom, Microsoft
Teams, and Google Classroom are being used as platform for the online
classes, enabling both students and teachers to meet and conduct the class
c. Socializing
ICT is undeniably the reason why socializing became so easy. People can
socialize with anyone around the world. People use platforms where they can
express themselves and know people who have the same interest as them.
These platforms are called Social Networking Sites (SNS). To name a few,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are examples of SNS. These
sites are helping people to know more about themselves, their acquaintances,
their idols, and many more.
d. Job Opportunities
Organizations use ICT to operate their business more efficiently. Most of
their jobs and operations involve ICT. That’s why employers want employees
who have basic ICT skills. Learning and knowing how to use ICT is an
advantage for job seekers.
3. Give 5 positive impacts and 5 negative impacts of ICT in the society.
Positive Impacts
 Access to information: Increase in access to information and services that
has accompanied the growth of the Internet. Some of the positive aspects
of this increased access are better, and often cheaper, communications,
such as VoIP phone and Instant Messaging.
 Improved access to education, e.g. distance learning and online tutorials.
New ways of learning, e.g. interactive multi-media and virtual reality.
 Communication: Cost savings by using e.g. VoIP instead of normal
telephone, email / messaging instead of post, video conferencing instead
of traveling to meetings, e-commerce web sites instead of sales
catalogues. Access to larger, even worldwide, markets.
 Information management: Data mining of customer information to produce
lists for targeted advertising. Improved stock control, resulting in less
wastage, better cash flow, etc.
 Distance learning: students can access teaching materials from all over
the world.
Negative Impacts
 Job loss: Manual operations being replaced by automation. e.g. robots
replacing people on an assembly line. Job export. e.g. Data processing
work being sent to other countries where operating costs are lower.
Multiple workers being replaced by a smaller number who are able to do
the same amount of work. e.g. A worker on a supermarket checkout can
serve more customers per hour if a bar-code scanner linked to a
computerized till is used to detect goods instead of the worker having to
enter the item and price manually
 Reduced personal interaction: Most people need some form of social
interaction in their daily lives and if they do not get the chance to meet and
talk with other people, they may feel isolated and unhappy.
 Reduced physical activity: This can lead to health problems such as
obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
 Cost: A lot of ICT hardware and software is expensive, both to purchase
and to maintain. An ICT system usually requires specialist staff to run it
and there is also the challenge of keeping up with ever-changing
 Competition: this is usually thought of as being a good thing, but for some
organizations being exposed to greater competition can be a problem. If
the organization is competing for customers, donations, or other means of
funding nationally or even internationally, they may lose out to other
organizations that can offer the same service for less money.

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