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This assessment test consists of three parts.

You need to attempt all three parts

adhering to the guidelines mentioned for each of them. Answers need to be written in a
separate sheet.

(Check the following essay for errors)
● Make corrections wherever necessary
● When making a change add a comment to illustrate the need for the suggested changes
● Edit with track changes setting on in MS Word

Many teenagers spent a lot of time contempleting what they want to do when they graduate
from high school. I am fortunate in that I already know I decided to become a veterinarian when
I was two or three years old. Just like humans animals need people to treat them with the
respect and dignity they deserve, and I want to be one of person. Because of this, I am doing
all I can at Reavis to laid the groundwork for my success in college. Then, once I am in college,
I will studies and learn about all species of animals. Finally, I will find happy in my career as a
veterinarian because when animals need my assistence, I know that I will be able to help them.

First, as a freshman at Reavis High School, I keep in mind my lifelong dream of becoming a
veterinarian. I have taking my education here very seriously, because I know that a person
needs to be not only knowledgeable, but also extremely disiplined in order to became a
veterinarian. Because of this, I work hard to earn good grades, I take pride in my work, and I
have learn to manage my time properly. These skills will be particularly valuable when I
entering college.

After leaving Reavis, I must attend college because it is definately a requirement for becomes a
veterinarian. In fact, a bachelor’s degree is necessary in order to even entering veterinarian
program. One must also posses excellent communecation, leadership, public speaking, and
organizational skills. I has put a lot of thought and consideration into college, and I have been
decided that I would like to going to the University of Illinois. It is wonderful school, and they
even have a graduate program designing for students who want to become veterinarians.

Once I completed a veterinarian program, I can be able to pursue my dream career. This career
is provided numerous benefits, the first of this is salary. The average veterinarian salary is
$60,000 a year, a salary that would definately allowing me to live a comfortable life. Second, it is
a rewarding job. This job would provided me with the satisfaction of knowing that I am helps or
saving an animal’s life. Finally, becoming a veterinarian would assure me a lifetime of happy. I
know I would love go to my job every day, because I would works with what I loving most:

In summary, when I graduating from Reavis, I plan to go to college to become a veterinarian. I

love animals and I want to do anything that I can to help them. I knows I am only a freshman,
but I also knowing that I am growing up quickly. As Ferris Bueller quotes, “Life moves pretty
fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!”

(This task consists of TWO parts; attempt all the questions in each part)

Part 1
Identify and correct the mistakes in the references as per APA 6th edn

Lausen, B., & Schumacher, M. (1992). Maximally selected rank statistics. Biometrics, 73-85.

Hoare, C. A. R. (1978). Communicating sequential processes. Communications of the

ACM, 21(8), 666-677. Retrieved from

Anon., 2020. Elements of costs | Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Costs. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed July 2020].

October 22, 2017. Banning Garrett.

the-path-to-a-sustainable-economy/ About “how technology is driving us toward peak

Groebner, David F., Patrick W. Shannon, Phillip C. Fry, and Kent D. Smith. Business statistics.
Pearson Education UK, 2013.

Fosslien, Liz, and Mollie West. "3 Ways to Hack Your Environment to Help You
Create." Huffpost Preposition Endeavor, Huffington Post, Dec. 7, 2016,

Part 2
Generate references for each type based on the information given below as per APA 6th edn

Article title: The changing of teacher education special education

Ann Nevin
Source (Journal Title):
Teacher Education and Special Education, 13(3-4), 147-148.
Publication Year: 1990

Newspaper article title: Electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon

Author: Geanne Rosenberg
Source: The New York Times, 5.
Publication Year: 1997

Rebecca K. Sayre
Amanda E. Devercelli
Michelle J. Neuman
Quentin Wodon
Title: Investing in early childhood development: review of the World Bank's recent experience.
Source: The World Bank
Publication year: 2015

Title: Psycom 101: Everything You Need To Know About Depression

Author: Dina Cagliostro
Publication year: July 10, 2020

(Chose ONE topic only)

• 1000 words + Harvard References + Plagiarism less than 5%

Q1 Write an argumentative essay on 'Is Watching Television series a waste of time?'

Q2 Write on the effects that non-profit organizations (perhaps pick a particular one) has on social

Q3 Has the family gained during Corona times? The good, bad and the ugly of being
quarantined at home.

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