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1. Write instructions to move the value 0x34 into the R29 register.

2. Write instructions to add the values 0x16 and 0xCD. Place the result in the R19 register.
3. . True or false. No value can be moved directly into the GPRs.
4. What is the largest hex value that can be moved into an 8-bit register? VVhat is the decimal
equivalent of that hex value?
5. True or false. The CPU itself does not use assembler directives. They are simply a guide to the
6. which ones are assembler directives and which ones are assembler instructions?
A. LDI R16, 0x25
B. ADD R23, R19
C. .ORG 0x500
E. .set temp=R12
7. Find theR20 value after each of the following codes
(a)LDI R20,0x54 (b)LDI R23,0 (c) LDI R30 0xFF
LDI R25,0xC4 LDI R20,0XFF LDI R20 0x05
ADD R20,R25 ADD R20,R23 SUB R20,R30
8. What can the following code do and in which memory can be written?
a. Data: .DB 0x09, 0x33, 0b00011111
b. Data: DW 0xFFEA, 0x5bc
c. Var: .BYTE 4
d. .def temp=R16
e. .EQU temp=0x04
f. .SET input=0x02
g. .ORG 0x300

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