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• OneDrive Overview
OneDrive & Webinar • How to Access and Edit
Overview • Submission procedures
• 2019-2020 PD Edits
PD Champions: • Format
Dyan Harris
• Due Dates
• 2020-2021 PD Proposal
• Due Dates
How to Access OneDrive
(Google Chrome Browser is best)

Select “Employee Email (Office 365)” Enter HISD Credentials

Select the OneDrive Icon
OneDrive Home Screen

Shared: These are files that you Preview Panel:

have shared with others in the This is a preview of
organization. anything selected in the
task bar
FACE Workshops 2020-2021:
All webinars will be stored here

FACE Specialists Team:

This has all the
documents uploaded to
our channel in TEAMS

“Create shared library”: Some of you may have

additional duties this is where you create a
library if you choose.
Note: All libraries can also be a TEAM.

Classic OneDrive: Select this if

you are unable to view
FACE Workshops 2020-2021

You will submit all PD’s here

2019-2020 PD Edits
• You will be given 2 Workshops to
revise & edit.
• Some Workshops will be combined
• Correct Spelling and Grammatical
Tuesday, June 23rd by 2 PM.
• Add Visuals
• Combine and Omit slides Vacation Dates: If you will be on vacation starting Thursday June
18th, we will send you alternative dates for submission via email.
• Utilize Design Ideas
• Utilize HISD Style Guide
for additional editing
support (email coming soon)
Additional Tips for PD Editing and Format
• Be sure your content flows with your objectives (or vice versa)
• Add Visuals, Gifs, etc. (assume your audience has different learning styles)
• Be sure to keep the same Font size for all
• Titles should all be uniform (centered, left centered, etc.)
• Capitalize the first word and all nouns, verbs, and adjectives for title slides
• Take advantage of the “Design Ideas” feature for slides that do not have a lot of information on
• Utilize spell check (sometimes this feature catches grammatical structure with a blue line and
misspellings with a red squiggly line)
• If you have any items with bullets do not put an end punctuation
• Everyday language is good but avoid idioms and slang
• Try not to be too wordy (we want our guests to understand the point not read it)
• Get a second opinion, do not wait until the due date to ask for help
How to Make Edits in OneDrive
1. Select designated workshops 2. You may make live edits in OneDrive or select
“Open Desktop App” (suggested). All edits will be
automatically saved.
Do NOT download a copy and edit
2020-2021 PD Proposals
• You will receive confirmation for PD Proposals by
Wednesday, June 17th EOD
• Submit PD’s in “Webinars_ENG”
• Follow the same guidelines for editing and format
• Vetting and Editing dates coming soon

Thursday, June 25th by EOB.

Vacation Dates: If you will be on vacation starting Thursday June
18th, we will send you alternative dates for submission via email.

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