Swot Analysis of K&N'S: Strengths

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Swot Analysis of K&N’s

K&N’s use Swot analysis to gather information about their position in the market. Swot
analysis help them to improve the overall standard of their products and brand reputation
among the customers.

 K&N’s has its own logistics, shops and production farms.
 K&N’s has online quality control system.
 Along with their good brand reputation K&N’s has established his name at
international market. Because they have self-production plants which are self-
sufficient to produce ingredients and help themselves for K&N’s finished products.
 The supply chain department is very strong through its distribution channels.
 One of the country’s largest producer of broiler chicken.

 No company is perfect itself in business activity performance, pricing strategies have
been the pinching element in company’s market positioning.
 Less access to major part of the market.
 The products are cost effective as they take quality under consideration most of the
products are targeted for the upper class of society.

 K&N’s majorly operates in Pakistan, distribution of products is limited to specific
areas within urban areas hence there is always a opportunity for K&N’s by improving
their distribution channels as well as pricing strategies.
 K&N’s can improve their haram obligations.
 K&N’s can increase the trend of quick serve food.
 The number of working women is increasing in Pakistan demand for ready to cook
products is growing.
 There are always a threat in poultry-oriented firms. Now a days one of a major
threat for K&N’s is diseases spread among broiler chicken.
 The wet market is still a major threat to K&N’s because of the high number of sales.
 High tax on export
 There is a big threat from competitors like Menu, Man-o-Salwa, and Zenith etc.
 Dawn Foods is the major competitor of K&N’s which is better than K&N’s in many
ways. Dawn foods launch brand of frozen parathas, which are currently the leading
brand in that category. Dawn foods also makes samosas and recently join frozen
meat product business which is less in price then K&N’s.

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