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A. The nine (9) Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

(1 Corinthian 12:4-10).

1. WISDOM – concerned with the best way to live. It is God’s guidance on

how to live as a Christian. It is being able to know the will of God
through prayer. (E.g. Mark 10:20, 1 Cor 12 14)
2. KNOWLEDGE – refers to doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church. It
speaks of the understanding of the truth and mystery of Christ. (Eph 1)
3. FAITH – “it is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things
not seen” (Heb 11:1). The charismatic gift of faith seems to be a special
gift of prayer. Praying with a God given confidence which produce
extraordinary results. It's knowing that what one asks for will be given
(Mark 11:23 24).
4. HEALING – a powerful special gift similar to prayer for healing which is
part of the ordinary life of a Christian community. (James 5:14)
5. MIRACLES – are God’s ways of using people as instruments for His
purposes. They are rare but still happen in little and great instances.
6. PROPHESY – is the gifts by which God speaks through a person and the
message is intended to be shared to an individual or to the entire
community. To speaks to people for their upbringing, encouragement and
7. DISCERNMENT – is a kind of vision to distinguish and make a good
judgement between two good things. The gift by which a person is able to
tell whether in a situation what is at work is the Holy Spirit, an evil spirit
or just man's own spirit.
8. TONGUES – is a special gift of prayer that only God can understand.
Because of this gift, our souls are able to say what it really wants to
express to God.
9. INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES – Does not refer to the abilities of
an interpreter of languages. The one who exercises this gift does not even
understand the tongues. It is an accurate interpretation of a revelation,
knowledge, and instruction or prophesy.

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