Additional Guidelines For Mindszenty High School: 1. Textbooks

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Additional Guidelines for Mindszenty High School

1. Textbooks

 All students of MHS must have textbooks for their classes. The Administration must see to it
that all students who are enrolled at MHS have the required textbooks for each of their classes.
Subject teachers must record the number of each textbook before they are assigned to the
 Students who lost textbooks should inform the teachers before they could borrow other
textbooks. Students who lost/damaged textbooks MUST pay the textbook. Teachers and class
moderators should inform the Administration about this issue and the Administration should
inform the parents about the situation and the fee that needs to be paid.
 Teachers should use their discretion on how to punish students who “Claimed” to have lost
their textbooks.
 Teachers should remind students to take good care of their textbooks and continue to monitor
 All textbooks should be in “good condition” at the end of the SY 2019-2020.
 Students should be taught responsibility to take care of their textbooks and borrowing
textbooks from classmates should be discouraged
 All textbooks should be properly covered by protective sheet.

2. Student’s Lockers

 All students should have padlocks before a locker is assigned to them.

 Spare keys should be given to the homeroom moderator.
 Students should lock their lockers before they leave their classroom.

3. Seat Plan

 Moderators should make seating plan for his/her classroom. The copy of the seating plan
should be placed on the Teacher's Desk in the classroom.
 Homeroom moderator and subject teachers should continue to dialogue regarding the
effectiveness of the seating plan.
 Students who are not in their proper seat should be punished (may not earn any grade/points
for the class works/assignment).

4. Tardiness and Absenteeism

 Five (5) tardiness, the student will be placed on “Disciplinary Probation”. Student who is placed
under “Disciplinary Probation” will be automatically disqualified for her/his name to be on the
Honor Roll List and all the extra-curricular activities per quarter. 
 Student who is absent for three or more consecutive days due to medical reasons is required to
bring a “medical excuse slip” before he/she can be admitted back into classes.
 Student who is absent for a day is required to bring a written excuse from home before he/she can
be admitted into classes.
 Student who will be absent from classes because he/she will participate in State Games or to
represent her/his State to do cultural performances on island and off-island should provide an
official letter to MHS from the State/Organization she/he represents, two weeks before departure
or two weeks before the event begins.
 Any tardiness between classes is considered late and shall be counted as tardiness for the day.
 Students who come to school 31 minutes after homeroom period or one hour after the first bell,
8:00 AM, will be sent home. Administration Office will call home and ask the parents/guardians to
pick up their child.
 Subject teachers or homeroom moderators should write a note to the Administration Office to
inform them about those students who have asked to go home due to illness. The Administration
Office should inform parents/guardians to pick up their child.
 If a teacher knew that his/her students will be late for the next class, the teacher should write a
note, informing the next subject teacher the reasons why the students are late.
 All students should be in their classrooms before the second bell rings. Student who has 31
UNEXCUSE absences for the whole school year will NOT be promoted to the next grade level.
 Homeroom moderators and all teachers are encouraged to call parents/guardians of the students if
there is a tardiness/absence problem.
 If a student has accumulated five tardiness within a quarter, the student will be referred to the
Dean of Students to serve his/her Disciplinary Probation.
 Student who does not live up with the terms given under the Disciplinary Probation, he/she will be
placed on Off-Campus Suspension. There will be NO class assignments given to the students
during the suspension period. The student and his/her parents should be responsible to take extra
time and commitment for make-up works when the student returns to school. The student who has
been suspended will be placed on disciplinary probation when he/she returns to school.
 The Administration, homeroom moderators, and teachers should discourage parents and guardians
from making hospital appointments and visitations for their children during class hours, except if
there is an emergency (only available time, only available doctors/specialists to meet, etc.)
 Any student who is placed under disciplinary probation must spend some time in counselling
 Every after class each day, the attendance slip should be turned to the Administration for
recording/documentation purposes.
5. Vandalism
 Before the SY 2019-2020 begins, all homeroom moderators must make an inventory of their
 Any vandalism that occurred in the classrooms should be dealt with in a speedy manner. Students
who are caught for such an act should be responsible to remedy the damage. Parents/guardians
should be notified and are responsible to correct the wrong.
 If there is vandalism in a classroom and no one admits to the act, the entire class will be punished
(reasonable punishment, such as keep the entire class in the classroom during recess).
 All classrooms must be locked during lunch period.
 Use class funds to fix damages done by the class.
 No food allowed in the classrooms.
 Homeroom teachers and all subject teachers should monitor their classrooms and any vandalism
should be reported to the Administration right away.

6. Chewing Betel Nuts

 MHS should inform parents/guardians about the No Betel Nut Chewing policy and inform them
about the consequences of providing betel nuts to their child/children while they are still on school
 Chewing betel nut is not only a health issue, but also an economic issue. Students should not
possess and chew betel nut on school campus at all time.
 Chewing betel nuts during school field trips is prohibited. Students may be allowed to chew betel
nuts during retreats (when parents are present) and other community activities, such manual labor
(cleaning/cutting grass in the community). However, in all school activities, students are
prohibited to chew betel nuts.
 Students who are caught chewing betel nuts will be punished in these forms:
 Cut grass around the school campus
 Clean the gym restrooms and other restrooms
 Pick up betel nut husks around the school ground
 Clean any spot on the school buildings that are stained with betel nuts spits
 Clean the classrooms
 Clean the cafeteria
 Clean the teacher's room
 Stay in classroom during lunch
 Wear a sign-board that shows the student is a violator of such rule
 On first offense, the student will do the above activities for three (3) days.
 On Second offense, the student will do the above for one (1) week.
 On third offense, the student will be suspended from classes for two weeks.
 Subject teachers will help homeroom moderators to carry out the punishment.
 Teachers are prohibited to chew in the classrooms. Teachers are only allowed to chew betel nuts in
the teacher's room. Teachers are not allowed to chew and spit outside of the school lawns in front
of students.
7. Cheating

 Cheating is a sin and an act that destroys the dignity and worth of a person. It also destroys
relationships between friends, teachers and students, wives and husbands, parents and
children, governments and people, countries and states, church and people, people and nature,
and God and human beings.

 Any student who is caught cheating on a test, quiz, assignment, project, etc. must be given
zero on that class activity. There will be no make-ups or chances given to any student who
cheats in school. There is a zero tolerance for cheating!

 Any student who is caught cheating will be punished with the terms as indicated in the
punishments for chewing betel nuts.

 Student who is caught cheating will be required to see the Counsellor for counselling sessions.
Parents/guardians will be informed about the cheating.

 Students who are caught cheating will be placed under Disciplinary Probation.

8. School Uniforms

 Boys uniforms: black pants and polo shirt with MHS logo

 Girls uniforms: maroon skirts and white blouse

 Students must wear school uniform during school hours

 Students must wear school uniform during school masses

 Students who show up on school campus with improper uniform will be sent to the
Administration Office and AO will inform the parents and guardians that the student will be
going home and ask parents to pick up their children/child to go home and put on the school’s

 Baggy pants and printed pants are not school’s uniforms. Students who are found wearing
these clothes will be sent home to change (follow the same procedure).

9. Skipping Classes

 Students who skip classes will not be admitted into classes unless the students, their parents,
and the Dean of Students have had a conference. The principal, the counsellor and the director
will be informed about the issue and if it is needed, the three administrators will be asked to sit
in a parent-Dean of Students conference.

 A student who skipped class must have a written excuse from the Dean of Students before
he/she can be admitted to attend classes. No Excuse Slip, no admission into classes!

10. Off-Campus During School Hours

 Students are not allowed to go off campus during school hours.

 Students who are caught off-campus should be punished (Punishments as indicated in the
chewing betel nuts).
 Homeroom moderators and subject teachers should inform students that there will be no going
off-campus to buy food and both the Principal and the Dean of Students will not allow it.
 Students should be responsible to provide their own food for lunch and MHS encourages
students to bring their own food from home.
 Furusato provides limited packed-lunch (bento) due to the loss of revenue when students don’t
buy the packed lunch they have prepared. Students are encouraged to bring their own lunch in
case Furusato does not provide enough packed-lunch.
 Both Principal and Dean of students will not entertain any request from students to go-off
campus to buy food or to go home and get their lunch.
 Students are only allowed to go off campus when there are field trips, retreats, to attend
workshops/seminars/students forum, and anything that would be considered school related
activities. Going off- campus to buy food for lunch is not a school related activity!
 Students should have an Off-Campus Permission Slip if they have to go off campus to do
research or participate in other class activities. Permission note must be in the students’
possession at all times.
 Students who are caught off-campus during school hours without permission will be placed
under Disciplinary Probation. Parents/guardians will be notified.
 All employees of MHS should enforce this CMS policy.

11. Other Policies

 As it has been stated in the Student's Handbook, the following policies should be
a. Body Piercing is prohibited for any MHS students. Body piercing, such as:

 Belly ring (both genders)

 Tongue ring (both genders)

 Eye-brow ring (both genders)

 Nipple ring (both genders)

 Nose ring (both genders)

 Ear ring (for males)

 Lip ring (both genders)

 Class moderators and subject teachers should confiscate these body rings from students
who are caught wearing them on the first offense.
 Punishment/penalty will be given to a student who is caught wearing one of these body
rings on the first offense. Penalties such as cleaning the classrooms, restrooms, MHS
grounds, etc. should be given for the offenses committed.
 Student who is caught on the Second Offense will be reported to the Dean of Students
and his/her parents will be notified. The student will be placed under Disciplinary
Probation. Both the Principal and Counsellor will be informed. The terms of the
probation will be provided by the Dean the Students. Third Offense, the student and his
parents/guardians and the Dean of Students, Principal, and Counsellor, will have a
conference and the student will be placed under Disciplinary Suspension. The Director
will be informed about this case. Fourth offense, the student will be expelled! (Rev. Fr.
Vicar will be informed about the case)
b. Colored hair (boys and girls) and long hair (boys)

 Students of MHS are prohibited to have colored hair. All MHS students should have
natural hair color.
 Students who have colored hair should be asked to go home and remove the color
(follow the procedure: homeroom moderators send the student to the Adm. Office and
Adm. Office calls parents/guardians and send the student home)
 Boys should have short and clean cut hair. Boys who have long hair will be asked to go
home and have a haircut (follow the same procedure: homeroom moderators send student
to Adm. Office and Adm. Office calls parents/guardians and send the student home)
c. Wearing of Sunglasses/Shades and Hats
 Students are not allowed to wear (on the face, on the neck, over the head) sunglasses on
school campus, unless it is required by doctor (with a doctor’s prescription).
 Homeroom moderators and subject teachers should confiscate the sunglass/shade from
the student if caught wearing it during school hours.
 Students are not allowed to wear hats in the classrooms.
d. Driving cars (vehicles)
 Students are prohibited to bring vehicles to school. Any student who is caught driving a
vehicle to school, his/her car key will be confiscated and

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