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+62 21 780 1388
Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training

The survival of an offshore worker can depend on their
knowledge of what to do in an emergency and how to
prevent an emergency from occurring.

This course trains the worker to prevent emergencies

and to respond to an emergency situation, which may
occur when working on an offshore installation. This
course is designed for persons working on offshore
installations in tropical regions.

This course covers all the mandatory requirements for

the issue of certificates specified in the OPITO common
induction standards. The course also covers all the
mandatory requirements for the issue of certificates for
offshore safety training in Indonesia.

General Course Objectives

The objectives of the BOSIET are that delegates will be
able to:
a. Identify the generic hazards that are specific to
offshore oil and gas installations, potential risks
associated with those hazards, and how controls
are put in place to eliminate or reduce risks.
b. Identify key offshore related safety regulations
and explain the basic safety management
c. Demonstrate that they can use the safety
equipment, and follow procedures in preparing
for, and during helicopter emergencies with
particular focus on escaping from a helicopter
following ditching.
d. Demonstrate sea survival and first aid techniques
e. Demonstrate that they can effectively use basic
fire fighting equipment, and practise self-rescue
techniques in low visibility situations, to include
smoke filled areas.
Accrediting Body: OPITO
Course Code: 5202
Course Content Course Duration: 3 Days
Course Validity: 4 Years
• Safety Induction
Course Venue: Cilegon
• Fire Fighting & Self Rescue
• Sea Survival & Lifeboat (TEMPSC) training • Valid medical certificate
• First Aid & Hypothermia Optional Add-ons:
• Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
• Helicopter Safety Procedures & Helicopter
• Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS)
Underwater Escape Training (HUET). Training on
the use of Emergency Breathing Systems (EBS) is
an optional add-on.

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