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Factors Affecting Morale

The factors affecting morale of the employees in an organization:

1. Organization: The morale is based upon the understanding that an employee's future depends
upon the success of the organisation, and that the efficient service leads to high pay, job
security, and promotions. Employees morale must be won through, sound personnel policies. A
clear structure with well-defined duties and responsibilities encourages people to work with
confidence To maintain employees morale every organisation is required to ensure the
a. human relations programme
b. Survey of employees attitude should be undertaken to initiate corrective action
c. Free flow of information to and from the employees and among employees
d. A reward system for good work
2. Nature of Work: Employees want jobs that match their needs, values and personalities.
Employees will be happy when they believe themselves to be competent in performing
meaningful work. Work is the most important activity which influences the self-esteem of an
employee. Tedious, boring and routine work will not contribute morale building. The building
and its appearance, the condition of machine tools available at work place, provisions for safety,
medical aid and repair to machinery, etc. have an impact on employees morale
3. Fellow Employees: Co-employees interaction also influences employees' morale. Fellow-
employees non-cooperation, jealous attitude. Carelessness create undesirable work
environment. Man, being a social animal, finds his work more satisfying if he feels that he has
the acceptance and companionship of his fellows. If he has confidence in his fellow employees
and faith in their loyalty, his morale will be high. Poor attitude of co-employees influences
4. Supervisory Techniques: An important step in the morale-building programme is to instill in
supervisors the need for applying human relations in supervision. Supervision must help the
employees to enjoy the anticipation of future satisfactions of their drives. Supervisor should be
fair and impartial in dealing with his assistants. He should also build up the pride of the
employee in his work by explaining its importance and giving recognition for good work. Page 1

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