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1 Determination Temperature With the data given, it is observed
of that temperature of the water sample
Temperature, can affect its pH level, the
pH, Turbidity temperature increases as the pH of
and water increases. Having a mean
Conductivity temperature of 22.8333⁰C the pH
mean using paper indicator is 5 and
using the pH meter it increases to 0-
.03. With the accepted pH level of
Turbidity the drinking water 6.5-8.5, with the
Conductivity result computed the water is acidic
which means that it is not potable. It
is also shows that using two different
tool may result into varying result.
Conductivity The mean turbidity of 36.6667, this
shows that the water has some solid
suspended and conductivity of
187.66667 which indicates that there
are ions in the water.
2 Determination Solids The total of the suspended and
of Solids dissolved solids is equal to the total
of the fixed and volatile solids. In
general, higher amounts of total
solids are in highly mineralized
waters, which results in unsuitability
for many industrial applications. And
it indicates effectiveness of
sedimentation process and
disinfection process in killing
3 Determination Chlorides The calculated Chloride content of
of Chlorides the water sample are 27.781 mg
NaCl/L and 25.4 mg NaCL/L. A high
chloride content may indicate
pollution by sewage or industrial
wastes or by the intrusion of
seawater or saline water into a
freshwater body or aquifer. And
increasing chloride in surface waters
results in increased salinity, thereby
affecting the ability of some
organisms to effectively regulate,
which could in turn affect endocrine
balance, oxygen consumption
following chronic exposures, and
overall changes in physiological
5 Hardness of In this experiment, the total hardness
water Total hardness of the water sample was determined
by titrating it with standardized EDTA
using an Enriochrome black T
indicator. It was found out that the
water sample has an average total
hardness of 338.3997 mg/L, which
indicates that the water sample is
classified as very hard.

Permanent The water sample was boiled prior to

hardness titrating it. The calculated permanent
hardness was 317.4414 mg/L. This
value indicated that the water
sample, even if subjected to boiling,
is still classified as very hard. It also
shows that the hardness of water
can’t be reduced by boiling alone.

6 Determination The average concentration of nitrate

of in the water sample was 3.4777 mg
Nitrates NO3- /L. This value indicates that the
water sample has a low
concentration of nitrate as compared
to the acceptable levels of nitrogen in
the form of nitrate in freshwater and
marine water in the Philippines which
is normally low at 0-18 mg/L. While, it
is lower than the federal standard for
nitrate in drinking water which is 45
mg NO3/L. This amount will also
won’t do much effect on human
health, even for infants who are more
susceptible to experience the effects
of nitrate.

7 Determination Average mg The average amount of ammonia

of Ammonia NH3 -N/L calculated in the sample is 0.2715
mg/L. The ammonia content in the
sample water is relatively low;
therefore, the sewerage treatment in
the area is quite successful in
reducing ammonia in the water
8 Determination The average concentration sulfates
of Sulfates in the sample water was 19.5515 mg
SO4-2/L. The concentration shows
that the water sample has a low
concentration of sulfate in which it
may be considered as a good water
source. Moreover, this amount won’t
do much adverse effect on human
health, as well as on water plumbing
and piping.

9 Determination In this experiment, the water sample

of Phosphates has an average concentration 0.0875
mg P/L which signifies that the water
is not safe to drink. The sample water
exceeded the 0.025 ppm required for
reservoirs of drinking water and it
also the natural background levels of
total phosphate which is generally
less than 0.03 ppm.
10 5-DAY BOD Water that is clean has a BOD5 of
Test less than 1 mg/L and a moderately
polluted water ranges from 2-8 mg/L.
The calculated BOD5 of the water
sample is 2.1958 mg/L indicates that
the water is moderately polluted
hence, enough oxygen is being
removed from the water resulting in
its pollution.

11 Total coliform Presumptive It was found out that the MPN /100
and fecal test mL were 34.4464, 25.6684, and
coliform test 30.4953 for the presumptive test,
fecal coliform and total coliform,
respectively. These MPN values per
Total coliform 100 mL indicate the possible
presence of pathogenic diseases in
the water sample. Hence, it’s not safe
to drink or even use for other

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