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CHE 3131-3498

Graded Assignment #1

Read the following scenarios and answer the questions that follow. Limit your answer to
three sentences each.

A manufacturing company imports process water from the river and discharges it back.
It has a stack for its atmospheric discharges.

1.Give two possible violations the company is committing and what could be done to
avoid these.

Since the manufacturing company uses process water for industrial purposes,
which results in a stack's production, here are their possible violations: 1. Presidential
decree no. 984 or the Pollution Control Law, and 2. Republic Act 8749: Clean Air Act of
1999. To avoid these violations, the company must make sure that they comply in terms
of discharge of the stack, which may cause air pollution and may post health risks. Also,
they must comply with the proper disposal of wastewater in their treatment plant, which
may affect the life of aquatic organisms.

2. Their manufacturing involves Cacodylic acid and sodium cyanide. Name four
legislations that they need to take into consideration.

1. Republic Act No. 6969

2. Presidential decree no. 984

3. DENR Administrative Order 29 series of 1992

4. Presidential Decree No. 1152: Philippine Environmental Code

3. They want to increase their yield by expanding their plant, but its immediate
surrounding is a forest. Suggest an environmental legislation and how can they avoid it.

The company should be aware of Presidential Decree no. 953. The expansion of
their plant will surely kill thousands of trees in the forest, so they must also do their part to
replace those that they have destroyed. And since growing trees take time, they should
make sure that the trees have grown well as time passes by.

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