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CHE 3131-3498


Self-assessment #3

To see if you have really understood the different processes involved in self-purification of
natural water streams, pick two physical processes with heat transfer as the third one.
Explain how the physical processes affects the chemical and biological processes
involved in natural water treatment. Discuss each of the physical processes in not more
than three sentences.

1. Sedimentation
Sediments may serve as a home for benthic organisms. Bottom sediments
help in controlling the concentration of dissolved oxygen and other compounds
present in bottom waters. However, colloidal particles may affect the natural
chemical conversion inside the water, such as photosynthesis.
2. Gas transfer
The process of oxygen diffusing into the water from the air is an example of
gas transfer. The oxygen requirements of aquatic organisms depend on the
metabolic rate of the fish. It also depends on the nutrients present in the water, for
example, the concentration of carbon dioxide.
3. Heat transfer
The higher the heat transfer rate from the surrounding to the water bodies
results in the higher metabolic rate of fishes. An increase in metabolic rate causes
a decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen. A reduction in the amount of
oxygen in water is critical for many major chemical conversions and dissociation

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