Module 3A Self-Assessment#11 - DE GUZMAN, MARRIANE CAMILLE J PDF

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CHE 3131-3498

Self-assessment #11

To check if you have understood the lesson, explain the difference of the four
classifications of municipal water use by giving examples that can be found in your

A. Domestic water usage

Domestic water use consists of the water used in the household--indoor or outdoor
purposes. All the things that we do at home that involve water usage are examples of
domestic water usage. Washing the dishes, bathing your dog, watering the garden, and
brushing your teeth are some specific examples. However, it may also consist of the water
supplied for general and sanitary purposes. For example, the water used in schools,
public swimming pools, and other institutions used for sanitary purposes is also classified
as domestic water usage.

B. Industrial water usage

There is a Coca-Cola plant in our community (Calasiao, Pangasinan). And I
believe that it's one of the biggest companies that consumes vast amount of industrial
water. The water supplied for non-domestic purposes, such as in Coca-Cola, is an
example of industrial water usage.

C. Public service water

Public service water consists of water used for the benefit of the public. Some
examples of public service water in our community are:
1. The water used in Calasiao fire station
2. The water used for municipal landscape irrigation, and most importantly
3. The water used for system maintenance

D. Unaccounted water use

Unauthorized water use is rampant in some areas of our municipality. Examples of
unauthorized water use are water theft and water smuggling. These are a few of the
examples of unaccounted water use.

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