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CHE 3131-3498


Self-assessment #1

Listen to the song once again and try to pinpoint some violations of environmental
legislations implied with the lyrics of the song. Express your thoughts in not more than six

The song calls for a change-- not just in terms of human negligence but also in the
ineffective implementation of environmental laws. Without a doubt, the song describes
what the world has become because of climate change. I believe that it's implicitly
stated that the government favored greediness and money over environmental
protection, specifically in air quality protection and destroying farmlands to pave the
way for subdivisions and other industrial activities. Also, in the line "to bend or break the
rules back into place," it implies that there were rules, but the rules were not adequately
implemented. Climate change is in front of their eyes, but not everyone is aware of it
because they are too consumed in their world.

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