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Republic of the Philippines


Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz
Website: www. ph email






Answer the following Question:

1. Discuss what each figure in saying regarding how a teacher should
relate to the teaching community based on Article V.
 The most significant members of our community are arguably
teachers. They give meaning to children, set them up as leaders of
our world for success, and encourage in them a desire to do well
and excel in life. Today's children are tomorrow's leaders, and
teachers are the crucial point that makes a child ready for their
future. A competent teacher should interact with his/her fellow
teachers in collaboration. Destroy collegial relationships with
gossip. It has no place in a group of professionals. A
brotherly/sisterly correction is an act that becomes a professional
for what might seem to be an associate's unprofessional and
unethical conduct. If there is a justifiable criticism against a fellow
teacher, the correct solution is to send such justifiable criticism to
the roper authorities. It is unprofessional for a teacher to apply for
which he is not eligible. Professionalism requires selection to be
based on merit and skill. The distribution of sensitive details about
associates and the school is also unprofessional. In short,
competent teachers must be loyal to each other at all times, and
trust and support each other for the common good.
2. While filing a justified complaint against a fellow teacher do well for
a community of professional teachers? If you where the one intending
to file a complaint, would you do so?
 If I have a justified complaint then ill files it. It does not matter
how it does with the other teachers and honestly I don’t think you
should blab about it to them. Then it probably would make you
look bad you can make a complaint by completing the Teaching
Council's complaint form.
the Investigating Committee can only decide to proceed to consider
and investigate the complaint in exceptional circumstances where
a) The conduct complained of is conduct that, if proven, would have
constituted a criminal offence at the time that it occurred, and
b) The conduct is of such a nature as to reasonably give rise to a
bona fide concern that a child or vulnerable person may be
physically, sexually or emotionally exploited or abused.

3. Which Filipino trait makes it difficult sometimes for professional

teachers to function as a collegial community?
Filipino people also have annoying and bad habits that
sometimes give the country a negative reputation. These habits not
only pull us down personally but the entire nation as well.

Procrastination or “Mañana Habit “

This is the Filipino habit of leaving for tomorrow what can be done
today. They tend to postpone their actions for a later time thus
reducing accomplishments.

Lack of self- discipline

We have laws and regulations in order to achieve a harmonious
community.  However, most Filipinos have this penchant of
disregarding the rules in order to prioritize what they want.
There’s a theory that explains why Filipinos lack discipline or fail to
implement rules, and it is something that is ingrained in our very

Filipino Time
‘Related to the mañana habit, Filipino time refers to the Filipinos’
own unique brand of time, which is known to be minutes or hours
behind the scheduled or standard time. This behaviour drives time-
observant foreigners to get frustrated because Filipinos tend not to
observe punctuality at all.

“Bahala na” Attitude

Roughly translated as “come what may”, this is the Filipinos’ own
version of fatalism, the belief of trusting in Divine providence or
leaving everything to the hands of fate. It is a Filipino’s way of
avoiding rationalization or good reason,

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