Math Autobiography Rev 1

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Math Autobiography

Purpose of the Activity: As your teacher, I want to get to know you as a person and as a
student of mathematics. This will also help me better address your individual educational needs.

Content: I’ve listed some questions to help guide and organize your thoughts. You MUST
answer all of the questions in each section, but may also include additional information. You
have to write the autobiography in essay (paragraph) format.

Activity Requirements
1.) Word Processed 2.) 1 inch margin
3.) Double-spaced 4.) Arial, 12 point font

Length: This activity must be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum length of 3 pages.

My Math Autobiography
Section 1: Experience with Math
• How do you feel about math?
• Why do you think you feel this way?
• Do you consider yourself to be good or bad at math? Explain.
• What have been your good and bad experiences with math?
• What has a math teacher done in the past that has really helped you in math class?

Section 2: Learning Styles and Habits (specifically for math)

• Do you learn best from reading, listening or doing?
• Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?
• What do you do when you get “stuck”?
• Describe some of your study habits. For example: Do you re-write notes? Do you
complete example problems? Are you organized? Do you procrastinate? Do you read the

Section 3: The Present and Future

• What goals do you have for math class this year?
• How will you attempt to achieve these goals
• What can teachers or peers do to help you accomplish these goals?
(Note: Do not forget to include introductory statements regarding yourself for me to recognize
your work.)

The following rubric will be used:

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
INTRODUCTION The The The The introduction
introduction introduction introduction does not clearly
includes has some identifies the identify the
specific details relevant details writer and traits writer or address
in regards the in regards to or a defining trait
person’s being the person’s characteristics or characteristic
discussed. It being important to the important to the
identifies a discussed. It individual. individual.
specific trait identifies traits
/characteristic / characteristics
that defines the that define the
individual. individual.
CONTENT The student The student The student The student
describes in describes 3 describes 2 describes one
detail at least 3 important important important
important memories to memories memory from an
memories to include but not among but not early childhood
include but not limited to an limited to his or memory and/or
limited to an early childhood her an early defining memory
early childhood memory and/or childhood from grade or
memory and/or defining memory memory and/or high school
defining memory from grade or defining memory memory.
from grade or high school from grade or
high school memory. high school
memory. memory.
ORGANIZATIO Paragraph has a Paragraph is Paragraph does Paragraph isn't
topic sentence, missing either not include a complete and
OF supporting the topic topic sentence, doesn't include a
PARAGRAPHS details, and a sentence, supporting topic sentence,
closing supporting details, and a support details,
sentence. Each details, or the closing or closing
has at least 5 closing sentence. Each sentence.
complete sentence. Each has 4 or 5 Paragraphs have
sentences. has 5 complete complete 3 or fewer
sentences. sentences. sentences.
GRAMMAR / No more than 2 No more than 3 No more than 4 More than 4 run-
run-on sentence run-on sentence run-on sentence on sentence or
SPELLING / or punctuation or punctuation / or punctuation / punctuation /
NEATNESS /capitalization capitalization capitalization capitalization
errors per errors per errors per errors per
paragraph. No paragraph. No paragraph. No paragraph. 5 or
more than 2 more than 3 more than 4 more spelling
spelling spelling spelling mistakes. Essay
mistakes. Essay mistakes. Essay mistakes. Essay is not formatted.
is formatted is neat. is formatted

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