A Comparative Study: Impact of Time Management To The Academic Performance of The Grade 8 Students in Gerona Catholic School

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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of the Gerona Catholic School
Gerona, Tarlac


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the subject
Research in Daily Life 2



Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.

October 2018

Chapter 1



Time management is an art and a science that everybody has to learn how to do it.

Several people have a good skill in managing time but not everybody. Hence, time is a

priceless source. Time is the single resources that cannot be changed, cannot be taken

back once it is used at the appreciation of the owner. Indeed, no one can control the

moving of time, but everyone is able to decide how to use it. Furthermore, time

management is self-management with an explicitly focus on time in deciding what to do;

on how much time to allocate to the activities; on how activities can be done more

efficiently and on when the time is right for particular activities.

Moreover, time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic

performance. Every student should have time management ability which includes setting

goals and priorities, using time management mechanism. Thus, the basic problems or

constraints related to time management are similar; spending hours on social networking

sites, no proper schedule, organization, guidance, targets, missions, objectives or vision

and social engagement.

In addition, time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and

budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating more effectiveness work and

productivity. It is a priority-based structuring of time allocation and distribution among

competing demands since time cannot be stored, and its availability can neither be

increased beyond nor decrease from the 24 hours. Argarwal in his contribution asserts

that time management is usually a personal problem and if one instinctively knows what

the right is, then there is no need to worry. Daily life is not actually a gamble and

allocating time to every activity will help. Unlike other things, time lost never comes

back. In line with the study of Quek believed that time can be managed because when

one wants to solve the problem of procrastination, one needs to learn and develop time

management skills. In the mind of the researchers, there is an indication that Quek feels

that procrastination may affect time management. Time is natural; however, people live

and work or exist within time. Therefore, time rolls along with human existence.

On the other hand, academic performance is the outcome of education, that is the

extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.

Academic performance is commonly measured by examinations or continuous

assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested or which aspects are

more important. Academic performance seems to increase when time management skills

are well-handled.

Time management is a skill that perhaps impacts the students’ academic

performance. Prioritization of tasks may make studying and schoolwork less

overwhelming and more enjoyable. Academic stress occurs when students feel the

pressure of cramming for exams, rushing through homework and getting minimal sleep

because of disorganizations and worry. Effective time management techniques should not

only be applied to the students’ academic life but to their overall schedule to achieve

success and peace of mind.

Hence, this study aims to determine the impact of time management to the

academic performance of the grade 8 students in Gerona Catholic School using the

various methods in order to find out the solution in the problems of the students in

managing their time in terms of their academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to compare and present the Impact of Time Management to the

Grade 8 students’ Academic Performance in Gerona Catholic School of Poblacion 1,

Gerona, Tarlac. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that affect the academic performance of the Grade 8 students

in terms of:

1.1 Time Planning; and

1.2 Time Attitude?

2. What are the advantages of time management to the 8 Grade students?

3. What is the impact of time management to the academic performance of the

Grade 8 students?

4. What is the importance of time management to the Grade 8 students in terms of:

4.1 Personal; and

4.2 Responsibilities?

Significance of the Study

Time Management performs a vital role in improving each and every student’s

Academic Performance that is used to correlate the total average of all the Grade 8

students that are struggling from procrastination and those who have time management


The findings of this study will be a highly important and will benefit


To the School Administrators. The study will serve as a reference to notify the

school activities, the teachers’ tasks and along with the students’ tasks that includes

managing time effectively, that will enhance the time management skills among their

responsibilities and the given tasks or chores by the school for it will give the

administrators a deeper understanding to respond with utter concerns.

To the Teachers. Who are concerned with the developing the time management

of students’ in their academic performance. This will as well serve as a reference to

illuminate and formulate quality in their time in order to be more attentive and sensitive

towards the student’s needs and particularly to the given tasks to them.

To the Parents. For they play a vital role in improving the time management

skills of their children. This study will benefit them by providing insights and information

about the time management skills or practices of their children, how and where they

normally use their time. The outcome of this study will as well inform them to guide or

educate their children to become more efficient and effective in making decisions about

distributing time in every task or activity that they must accomplish in their study.

To the Students. The result of this study will be beneficial for them to appraise

their practices of spending time in every task or activity. The study will help them to

inform and educate in managing and distributing their time wisely and appropriately.

To the Future Researchers. The study serves as a reference material that can be

their basis if they are working on a study that is similar to this research study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the impact of time management to the academic

performance of the grade 8 students in Gerona Catholic School.


In this study, the impact of time management is use to determine the relationship

of time management to the academic performance of the Grade 8 students. Meanwhile,

the importance of time management to the Grade 8 students where identify in terms of

Personal and Responsibilities. Another is determining the advantages of time

management and the factors that affect the academic performance of the Grade 8 students

in which the researchers identify terms of time planning and time attitudes.

This research is limited on the time management of the Grade 8 students.

Wherein, sixty-one (61) students of Grade 8 in Gerona Catholic School are chosen to

gather data during the survey.

The findings will serve as a bases to improve on having the time management.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to guide the readers in understanding the

concepts presented in the study.

Academic Performance. In this study, it is the result or outcome of working hard

in studying of the students with setting a time management in every works that

they do.

Advantage. Is the benefit of resulting from some course of action a mistake

which turned out to our advantage. In this study, advantage of time management

helps the student to become productive and that productivity will have a big

impact to their academic performance.

Attitude. Is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively

towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. In this study, attitude refers to

how they take an action in different task and activities in their timetables or


Factor. Is one that actively contributes to the production of a result. In this study,

it is the things that you considered such as time planning and time attitudes in

order to accomplish different tasks and activities.

Gerona Catholic School (GCS). The place where we conduct our study and

where we get our respondents.

Grade 8. Is the grade level of our respondents, they are the one who help our

study to accomplish because they will answer our questionnaire or simply they

will give basically the data or information that is needed in our study.

Impact. To have a direct on or impact on. In this study, impact pertains to the

cause or the repercussion of time management to the academic performance of the

Grade 8 students

Management. It is the act of controlling and making decision about time of the

students. In this study, managing time is the only focused of this research is on

how they handle or control their time properly that affects the academic

performance of the students.

Comparative Study. Is a research methodology in the social sciences that aims to

make comparisons across different countries and cultures. The comparative

method, using comparisons across species that have evolved independently, is an

effective means for studying historical and physical constraints.

Personal. Is a belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else or

concerning one's private life, relationships, and emotions rather than matters

connected with one's public or professional career. In this study, personal role

pertains to your own perspective about the importance of time management tour


Responsibility. The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of

having control over someone. In this study, responsibilities Role pertains to the

necessary or needed to be deal with that helps our study through the use of time

management mechanism.

Role. A socially expected behavior pattern usually determined by an individual’s

status in a particular society. In this study, role is basically means the importance

of time management to the students’ academic performance.

Time. Is a priceless source. Time is the single resources that can’t be changed,

can’t be taken back once it is used and is used completely at the appreciation of

the owner. No one can control the moving of time but everyone is able to decide

how to use it. Time management is the process of planning and exercising

conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase

effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. In schools, common planning time refers

to any period of time that is scheduled during the school day for multiple teachers,

or teams of teachers, to work together.

Time Attitudes. It is one of the factors that affect the time management of the

students that has an impact to their academic performance.

Time Planning. It is one of the factors that affect the time management of the

students that has an impact to their academic performance, it is the process of


allocating or distributing time in every task or activities, and it is simply called

scheduling or creating timetables of activities.

Time Management. Plays a vital role in improving student’s academic

performance. Every student should have time management ability, which includes

setting goals and priorities, using time management mechanism.


Chapter 2

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies relevant to the

study. Among these literature and studies, both foreign and local, that includes insights

that served as a reference for the study.

Related Literature

According to Sevari & Kandy (2011) Time management practices have an impact

on the results of students as empirical studies done by past researchers. In spite of

knowing about the impact of time on academic achievement, this relationship is not given

importance by the students.

Kaushar (2013) Stated that at higher education level the study schedule must

properly planned, implemented and controlled for better results. Emphasizing time also

helps to develop cost effective educational policies by the authorities especially at higher

education level.

Ongoing problem of scarcity of knowledge in connection with time management

and academic outputs is due to lack of easiness and of costly ways of collecting data.

Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has been paid in the modern education system to

time management issues by evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time

and its management. Karim, et. Al., (2015).


In addition, based on the necessity of effective time management required from

students during their academic and professional life, field research has been conducted in

the present paper towards the aim of designating their position with respect to effective

time management and determining the effect of their time management skills on their

academic achievements.

Kaushar (2013) stated that the perception of how their time requires to be used up

or planning including utilizing short and long period goals and time attitudes or students

accomplished that both planning and encouraging time attitudes initiated that they had

much more time to finish their everyday jobs because they experience more in control of

how their time was exhausted therefore knowing when they had to state no to activities.

The literature revealed that time management practices that connected to the

individual's awareness and attitudes about time management and is comparable the

perception of having control over time. Therefore, time attitudes comprise the perception

that the individual is in control of time the perception that the person is efficiently

managing his time and the perception that the individual is making constructive

utilization of time. Karim et al., (2015).

Related Studies

The following is the review of related foreign and local studies taken from the

books, journals and other printed material, including online resources gathered by foreign

and local writers.

A. Foreign Studies

Shazia Nasrullah and Muhammad Saqib Khan (2015) in thier study found that to

the relationship between the time management skills and academic achievement of the

students. Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual’s

overall performance and achievements. The data was collected from the students of

Qurtuba University of Science and Technology to analyze that how effectively they are

managing their time for achieving their academic standards.

In his study found that time is a vital resource everyone possesses but fails to

utilize at the same level due to a variety of reasons. All the material and human resources

possessed by organizations can be enhanced in the course of time or be transformed as

time goes on; yet the only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is “time”

itself. He has been demonstrated that there exists a positive significant relation between

students’ grade point averages and the time attitudes sub-dimension and between

financial accounting grades and the long-range planning sub-dimension. It has also been

demonstrated by regression analysis that students’ time management skills affect their

GPA-course achievement and these skills are one of the predictors of grade point

averages and financial accounting grade points. Abdülkadir Pehlivan (2013)

A study by Alrheme and Almardeni (2014) aimed at identifying the students'

viewpoint about how to time in terms of planning, organizing, directing and censorship

and its effect on academic achievement as long as identifying the personal variables

effects on academic achievement. The data were collected through a sample of 300

students. The study results showed that the planning was of high effect on academic

achievement proved by a correlation coefficient. And that there is a statistically

significant positive relationship between time management and academic achievement.


In line with Florence Aduke Adebayo, PhD (2015) in his study time management

is a set of practices that work together to help you get more value out of your time with

the aim of improving the quality of your life. Students most often do not utilize their time

judiciously as expected to attain their goals. Hence, this paper examined the impact of

time management on students’ academic performance in higher institutions Nigeria.

Hypotheses were generated to identify the constraints of time management among

students. The results revealed that procrastination, prioritization and planning were strong

indices that affected the students’ academic performance in relation to time management.

It was strongly recommended that students have to be conscious of time in performing

their academic activities so that the level of their academic performance can be high.

B. Local Studies

According to Mendoza, et.al, there is an old saying that “Time is gold." It is also

the only thing that people cannot replace. Time flies so quickly that once it is gone,

nobody can ever bring it back. According to Ferner, “time controls and limits how we use

other resources. Thus, it is often referred to as our most valuable resource.” Similarly, in

the health care setting, time affects both money and quality according to Severance and

Cervantes. For every individual, there is a finite and identifiable limit to the minutes and

hours available to do work and for leisure. How you use it defines the person’s character

and values about time.

On ‘Manyana Habit’ on her book “Productive Pinoy”--- she says, the Manyana

Habit is something that we Filipino have learned from Spaniards. The word Manyana

means tomorrow or specified future time, also known as procrastination in plain English,

“mamaya na” in tagalog. Yeng Remulla (2011)


Cottrell (2013) stated on her book, sees the main risk of studies crossed time are

(1) feeling there is more time available than there is; (2) not developing sufficient

structure to your time to ensure your one got everything done; (3) missing drifting-not

being sure where one is in time if one has few regular appointments to mark out the time.

Conceptual Framework

This figure presented below shows the conceptual framework that will be utilized

in the study. The researcher believes that impact of time management will enrich or

enhance the academic performance of the students, since time management can never be

exempted which should still be develop as they continue to another level. Thus, the

paradigm of the study illustrates the flow on impact of time management to the academic

performance of the Grade 8 Students in Gerona catholic School.





Figure 1- Paradigm of the Study

The figure above shows the framework of the study. The study focuses into the

impact of time management of the Grade 8 Students in Gerona Catholic School in

relation to their time management, factors that affect the academic performance, impact

of time management to the academic performance, advantages of the time management,

and the importance of time management.


Chapter 3

This chapter presents the research methods use in this study. It includes the

research design, research locale, research respondents, sampling technique, research

instrument, research procedures, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This is a descriptive – comparative study. It describes the differences between the

time management of the two sections of the Grade 8 of Gerona Catholic School. This

method determines the relationship of the impacts on how time management affects the

academic performance of the Grade 8 students. Descriptive – comparative is describing

and perhaps also explaining the invariances of the subject.

In addition, using the descriptive – comparative study it determines and identifies

the effect of time management, the importance of time management in terms of personal

and responsibilities, advantages of time management as well as the factors that affect the

academic performance of the students in terms of their time planning and time attitudes

of both section in Grade 8.

Research Locale

This study covers at Gerona Catholic School, which is located at Poblacion 1,

Gerona, Tarlac. Gerona Catholic School is situated in Poblacion 1 of the municipality of

Gerona, province of Tarlac, and sited in the land owned by the Roman Catholic Church

of Gerona, Tarlac.

Research Respondents

The respondents in this study are sixty-one (60) Grade 8 students of Gerona

Catholic School enrolled during the school year 2018 – 2019. Thirty (30) students in

Grade 8 St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila and thirty-one (30) students in Grade 8 St. Luis

Beltran are both chosen to gather the data that were used in this research.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be utilize in this research is Survey-Checklist in order to

collect and gather information with regards on the impact of time management to the

academic performance of the students. In order for us to have an idea on how we help

them to distribute or accumulate their time wisely.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request that will be given to the principal to allow the researcher to

conduct the study to the Grade 8 students of Gerona Catholic School. Upon approval, the

researcher asks for the convenient schedule and venue of the respondents to know when

to administer the survey-checklist. The respondents answer directly after giving the

instructions. They will be give allotted 1 hour to answer the survey questionnaire. The

researcher asks their adviser or the teacher in-charge to assist and administer

questionnaires together with the supervision of the researcher. Questionnaires and data

were collected immediately after they answered the questionnaire properly.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the detailed analysis of the data gathered. The interpretation

of findings based on the research questions posted as problems are presented.

1. What are the factors that affects your academic performance in terms of the

1.1 Time Planning

Grade 8 St. Luis Grade 8 St.

Beltran Lorenzo Ruiz
De Manila
f % f %
I have a set of goals for each week ready at 10 33% 19 63%
the beginning of the week
I spend time each day planning 13 43% 6 20%
I make a list of the things that I have to do 13 43% 14 47%
each day
I make the schedule of activities that I have 19 63% 16 53%
to do on schooldays/workdays
I have a clear idea of what I want to 15 50% 9 30%
accomplish during the next week
I have a set of goals for the entire 6 20% 7 23%
Generally, I think I can usually accomplish 14 47% 6 20%
all my goals for a given week

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the factors that affect

the academic performance of the grade 8 St. Luis Beltran and St. Lorenzo Ruiz De

Manila in terms of time planning. From the seven choices, the respondents were ask to

choose what they usually do to manage their time properly. There were 10 or 33%

students in St. Luis Beltran while 19 or 63% students in St Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila

preferred to have a set of goals for each week ready at the beginning of the week. There

were 13 or 43% students in St. Luis and 6 or 20% students in St. Lorenzo said that they

spend time each day planning. There were 13 or 43% students in St Luis and 14 or 47%

students in St. Lorenzo said that they make a list of the things that they have to do each

day. There were 19 or 63% students in St. Luis and 16 or 53% students in St Lorenzo said

that they make the schedule of the activities that they have to do on

schooldays/workdays. There were 15 or 50% students in St. Luis and 9 or 30% students

in St. Lorenzo said that they have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish during the

next week. There were 6 or 20% students in St. Luis and 7 or 23% students in St.

Lorenzo said that they have a set of goals for the entire quarter/semester. Lastly, 14 or

47% students in St Luis and 6 or 20% students in St. Lorenzo said that generally, they

think they can usually accomplish all their goals for a given week.

1.2 Time Attitudes

Grade 8 St. Luis Grade 8 St.

Beltran Lorenzo Ruiz
De Manila
f % f %
When I have a lot of things to do, I try to 25 83% 21 70%
do things one-by-one
I set deadlines for myself for completing 12 40% 13 43%
I try to schedule my best hours for my 7 23% 7 23%
most demanding work
I keep my important dates (e.g. exam dates, 19 63% 15 50%
research paper due dates, etc.) on a single
I set and honor priorities 8 27% 10 33%

I am able to make minor decisions quickly 5 17% 11 37%

I usually keep my desk clear of everything 11 37% 12 40%
other than what I currently working on

Table 1.2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the factors that affects

the academic performance of the grade 8 Student of the St. Luis Beltran and St. Lorenzo

Ruiz De Manila in terms or time attitude. From the seven choices, the respondents were

ask to choose what they usually do to manage their time correctly. There were 25 or 83%

student in St. Luis Beltran while in the St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila they have 21 or 70%

said that when they have a lot of things to do they try to do things one-by-one. There

were 12 or 40% students in St. Luis and 13 or 43% students in St. Lorenzo said that they

set deadlines for themselves for completing the work. There were 7 or 23% students in

both section said that they try to schedule their best hours for the most demanding work.

There were 19 or 63% students in St. Luis and 15 or 50% students in St. Lorenzo said

that they keep important dates (e.g., exam dates, research paper due dates, etc.) on a

single calendar. There were 8 or 27% students in St. Luis and 10or 33% students in St.

Lorenzo said that they set and honor priorities. There were 5 or 17% students in St. Luis

and 11or 37% students in St. Lorenzo said that they were able to make minor decisions

quickly. Lastly, 1 or 37% students in St. Luis and 12 or 40% students in St. Lorenzo said

that they usually keep their desk clear of everything other than what they are currently

working on.

2. What is the impact of time management to your academic performance?

Grade 8 St. Luis Grade 8 St.

Beltran Lorenzo Ruiz
De Manila
f % f %

I distribute the hours to each subject 17 57% 17 57%

I set priorities daily and weekly based on 11 37% 11 37%
importance for goals
I identify study times prior to exams 14 47% 14 47%
I set time at the weekend for reviewing 20 67% 14 47
I schedule hours for studying and doing 23 77% 19 63%
I schedule sleeping and wake up time 19 63% 16 53%
I schedule time for my leisure’s (watching 15 50% 16 53%
TV, hanging out with friends, playing
games etc.…)
I complete activities on time set 15 50% 13 43%
I go early to the school to avoid arriving 18 60% 18 60%
late to class.
I use computers for research and doing 17 57% 16 53%
homework instead of entertainment.
I acquire the habit of studying at the 8 27% 4 13%
library without any interruption with my

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the impact of time

management to the academic performance of grade 8 students. From the eleven choices,

the respondents were ask to choose what they usually do to manage their time properly.

There were 17 or 57% respondents in both sections said that they distribute the hours to

each subject, there were 11 or 37% students in both sections said that they set priorities

daily and weekly based on importance for goals, there were 14 or 47% students in both

section said that they identify study times prior to exams. Then 20 or 67% students in St.

Luis Beltran and 14 or 47% students in St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila said that they set

time at the weekend for reviewing lectures, 23 or 77% in St. Luis while in the other

section 19 or 63% students said that they have a schedule hours for studying and doing

homework. There are 19 or 63% students in St. Luis and 16 or 53% students in other

section said that they have a schedule of sleeping and wake up time. Then in ‘schedule

time for my leisure’s’ there are 15 or 50% of students in St. Luis and in other section

there are 16 or 53% of students who also doing it. There are 15 or 48% in St. Luis while

in other section 13 or 43 % of students said that they complete activities on time set, and

then there are 18 or 60% of students in both section said that they go early to the school

to avoid arriving late to class. There were 17 or 57% of students in St. Luis and 16 or

53% of students in St. Lorenzo said that they use computers for research and doing

homework instead of entertainment. Lastly, 8 or 26% of students in St. Luis while 4 or

13% of students in St. Lorenzo said that they acquire the habit of studying at the library

without any interruption with my classmates

3. What are the Advantages of time management to you as a student?

Grade 8 St. Luis Grade 8 St.

Beltran Lorenzo Ruiz
De Manila
F % F %
Time Management makes an individual 19 63% 13 43%
punctual and disciplined
One becomes more organized as a result of 12 40% 7 23%
effective Time Management
Effective Time Management boosts an 9 30% 9 30%
individual’s morale and makes him/her
Time Management enables an individual to 9 30% 7 23%
prioritize tasks and activities at workplace
Time Management are less prone to stress 8 27% 8 27%
and anxiety
Time Management helps an individual to 9 30% 8 27%
adopt a planned approach in life
Develops Responsibility 12 40% 18 60%
Leads to Effective Learning 12 40% 16 53%
Prepares them for the Working World 5 17% 5 17%
Time to study what is taught by teachers in 17 57% 12 40%
Time for class homework 20 67% 16 53%
Preparation for upcoming exams 16 53% 16 53%
Time for Family & Friends 23 77% 23 77%
Time for playing games, watching TV & 14 47% 20 67%

social media
Time for physical activities/Exercise/Yoga 10 33% 10 33%

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage of the impact of time management to

the academic performance to the both section of Grade 8 wherein from fifteen choices,

the respondents were asked to choose the appropriate answer that the respondents usually

do in managing their time accurately in particular to their academic performance. There

were 19 or 63% students in St. Luis Beltran while the students from St. Lorenzo Ruiz De

Manila there were 13 or 43% of the students that answers that Time Management makes

an individual punctual and disciplined. There were 12 or 40% students in St Luis Beltran

while from the section of St, Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila there were 7 or 23% of students

said that one becomes more organized as a result of effective Time Management. In

addition, 9 or 30% of the students in both section of Grade 8 answers that effective Time

Management boosts an individual’s morale and makes him/her confident. There were 9

or 30% of the students in St. Luis Beltran on the other hand from the students of St. Ruiz

De Manila there were 7 or 23% answers that Time Management enables an individual to

prioritize tasks and activities at workplace. Moreover, 8 or 27% of the students in both

section of Grade 8 said that Time Management are less prone to stress and anxiety. There

were 9 or 30% of the students in St. Luis Beltran while 8 or 27% of the students from the

section of St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila answers that Time Management helps an

individual to adopt a planned approach in life. In addition, 12 or 40% in St. Luis Beltran

while 18 or 60% of the students in St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila said that Time

Management develops responsibility. There were 12 or 40% of the students from St.

Luis Beltran while the students in St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila there were 16 or 53%

answers that Time Management leads to effective learning. In addition, 5 or 17% of the

both section of Grade 8 said that Time Management prepares them for the working

world. There were 17 or 57% in St Luis Beltran while in St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila

there were 12 or 40% answers that Time to study what teachers in schools taught. There

were 20 or 67% of the students from the section of St. Luis Beltran on the other hand

there were 16 or 53% students in St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila answers that Time for class

homework. Moreover, 16 or 53% from both section of Grade 8 answers the preparation

for upcoming exams. Further, 23 or 77% of the both section of Grade 8 answers that

Time is for Family & Friends. There were 14 or 47% in St. Luis Beltran while 20 0r 67%

from the section of St. Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila answers that Time for playing games,

watching TV & social media. In addition, 10 or 33% of the both section of Grade 8 that

answers the Time for physical activities/Exercise/Yoga.

4. What is the importance of time management for you in terms of:

4.1 Personal and Responsibilities Role

Grade 8 St. Luis Grade 8 St.

Beltran Lorenzo Ruiz
De Manila
f % f %
Set a goal for myself and to my studies 24 80% 21 70%
Organize my study space 15 50% 14 47%
Tick off subjects that I have already 10 33% 12 40%
Avoid munching while studying 7 23% 8 27%
Do a Strengths, Weaknesses, 7 23% 10 33%
Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
Analysis of myself
Remove all sources of distractions from 12 40% 15 50%
my study zone
Do not go for long calls during study time 8 27% 15 50%
Make sure that my study space is well lit 9 30% 9 30%
and ventilated

It is essential to choose the right time for 9 30% 14 47%

Stick to my schedule 16 53% 12 40%

Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the importance of

time management in terms or personal and responsibilities role for the students in both

section. From the ten choices, there were 24 or 80% in St. Luis Beltran while 21 or 70 %

in St Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila said that they set a goal for themselves and to their studies.

Next, there are 15 or 50% in St. Luis and 14 or 47% students in other section said that

they organize their study space, then in ticking off subjects that they already completed

there are 10 or 33% in St. Luis while 12 or 40% students in other section said choose it to

be one of importance of time management. There were 7 or 23% in St, Luis and 8 or 27%

students in other section said that they avoid munching while studying. While in SWOT

analysis of their own, there are 7 or 23% students in St. Luis on other section there are 10

or 33% of students said it. Then, there are 12 or 40% students in St. Luis and 15 or 50%

students in St. Lorenzo said that through time management they remove all sources of

distractions from their study zone. Through time management, 8 or 27% in St. Luis and

15 or 50% in St. Lorenzo students said that they do not go for long calls during their

study time. Then 9 or 30% students in both section said that they make sure that their

study space is well lit and ventilated. It is said by 9 or 30% students in St. Luis and 14 or

47% students in St. Lorenzo that through time management it is essential to choose the

right time for studies. And lastly there 16 or 53% students in St. Luis and 12 or 40%

students in St. Lorenzo said that they will stick to their schedule because of help of time


Chapter 5


Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered in relation to the statement of the problem, the

following are the significant findings:


Appendix A
Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

September 05, 2018


School Principal
Gerona Catholic School
Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

Dear Sister,

Greetings of Peace!

I the undersigned Grade 12 HUMSS students enrolled in Research in Daily Life 2 of

Gerona Catholic School, Gerona, Tarlac are currently working on a Quantitative
Research Study entitled, “A Comparative Study: Impact of Time Management to the
Academic Performance of the Grade 8 Students in Gerona Catholic School” to
complete our unit in Research in Daily Life 2.

In line with this, I would like to seek your approval to conduct our study and to request
your consent to distribute questionnaires to all the Grade 8 students as our respondents of
the research study. You are assured that the data and the information obtained from the
school will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Adviser Principal

Appendix B


Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

September 05, 2018


Grade 8 St. Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila Adviser
Gerona Catholic School
Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

Dear Teacher,

The undersigned are conducting a study on “A Comparative Study: Impact of

Time Management to the Academic Performance of the Grade 8 Students in Gerona
Catholic School”.
In this regard, I would like to implore for your cooperation to distribute the
questionnaires to all the Grade 8 students in your class as the respondents of this research
Thank you so much and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Adviser Principal

Appendix C


Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

September 05, 2018


Grade 8 St. Luis Beltran Adviser
Gerona Catholic School
Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

Dear Teacher,

The undersigned are conducting a study on “A Comparative Study: Impact of

Time Management to the Academic Performance of the Grade 8 Students in Gerona
Catholic School”.
In this regard, I would like to implore for your cooperation to distribute the
questionnaires to all the Grade 8 students in your class as the respondents of this research
Thank you so much and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Adviser Principal

Appendix D


Poblacion 1, Gerona, Tarlac

September 05, 2018

Dear Respondents,
I are currently working on our Quantitative Research Study entitled, “A
Comparative Study: Impact of Time Management to the Academic Performance of
the Grade 8 Students in Gerona Catholic School”.
In this connection, I would like to implore your cooperation by answering the
attached questionnaire. Rest assured that your answers will be kept confidential.
Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,
Ceballos, Mark Kenneth S.

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Adviser Principal


Direction: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Put a check () in the box
provided before the statement, that indicates your answer.

5. What are the factors that affects your academic performance in terms of the
Time Planning
 I have a set of goals for each week ready at the beginning of the week
 I spend time each day planning
 I make a list of the things that I have to do each day
 I make the schedule of activities that I have to do on schooldays/workdays
 I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish during the next week
 I have a set of goals for the entire quarter/semester
 Generally, I think I can usually accomplish all my goals for a given week

Time Attitudes
 When I have a lot of things to do, I try to do things one-by-one
 I set deadlines for myself for completing work
 I try to schedule my best hours for my most demanding work
 I keep my important dates (e.g. exam dates, research paper due dates, etc.) on a
single calendar
 I set and honor priorities
 I’m able to make minor decisions quickly

 I usually keep my desk clear of everything other than what I currently working on

6. What is the impact of time management to your academic performance?

 I distribute the hours to each subject

 I set priorities daily and weekly based on importance for goals
 I identify study times prior to exams
 I set time at the weekend for reviewing lectures
 I schedule hours for studying and doing homework.
 I schedule sleeping and wake up time
 I schedule time for my leisure’s (watching TV, hanging out with friends, playing
games and etc…)
 I complete activities on time set
 I go early to the school to avoid arriving late to class.
 I use computers for research and doing homework instead of entertainment.
 I acquire the habit of studying at the library without any interruption with my

7. What are the Advantages of time management to you as a student?

 Time Management makes an individual punctual and disciplined

 One becomes more organized as a result of effective Time Management
 Effective Time Management boosts an individual’s morale and makes him/her
 Time Management enables an individual to prioritize tasks and activities at
 Time Management are less prone to stress and anxiety
 Time Management helps an individual to adopt a planned approach in life
 Develops Responsibility
 Leads to Effective Learning
 Prepares them for the Working World
 Time to study what is taught by teachers in schools
 Time for class homework
 Preparation for upcoming exams
 Time for Family & Friends
 Time for playing games, watching TV & social media
 Time for physical activities/Exercise/Yoga

8. What is the importance of time management for you in terms of:


Personal and Responsibilities Role

 Set a goal for myself and to my studies
 Organize my study space
 Tick off subjects that I have already completed
 Avoid munching while studying
 Do a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis of
 Remove all sources of distractions from my study zone
 Do not go for long calls during study time
 Make sure that my study space is well lit and ventilated
 It is essential to choose the right time for studies
 Stick to my schedule


Online Resourses

Abdulkadir Mohamud Dahie “Time Management and Academic Performance: Empirical

Survey from High Education in Mogadishu Somalia”

Oubibi Mohamed “A Study on Time Management: Case of Northeast Normal University

International Students”

S N A M Razali et al (2018) “The Impact of Time Management on Students’ Academic


Faisal Z. Miqdadi, et al (2014) “The Relationship between Time Management and the
Academic Performance of Students From the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi”

Shazia Nasrullah_PhD, et al (2015) “The Impact of Time Management on the Students’


Adebayo, Florence Aduke (Phd) (2015) “Time Management and Students Academic
Performance in Higher Institutions, Nigeria: A Case Study of Ekiti State”
Anjana Rai “A Study of Impact of Time Management on Academic Performance of
Students Studying in School”

Dr. Maysoon Al-Zoubi “The Effect of the Time Management Art on Academic
Achievement among High School Students in Jordan”

Prof. Mehnaz Kaushar “Study of Impact of Time Management on Academic Performance

of College Students”

Wasan Siddiq Yahya Alsalem (2017) “The Effect of Time Management on Academic
Performance among Students of Jazan University”

Alpturk Akcoltekin “High school students' time management skills in Relation to

research anxiety”

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