Changemakerxchange China 2018

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ChangemakerXchange China 2018

Co-created by Ashoka and Robert Bosch Stiftung, ChangemakerXchange is a global collaboration

platform for young social innovators to connect and develop cross-border collaborations. This special
China summit is hosted by Code For Asia Society Ltd. and Ride with Books and is made possible by
our exclusive partner in Ginkgo Foundation. The summit will take place from Monday, 15 October
evening until Friday, 19 October morning and participants must be able to attend all days.

The deadline for applications is midnight GMT +8 on FRIDAY, 3 AUGUST 2018.

Please make sure to read the following information carefully before applying. Should you
have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at


Applicants for ChangemakerXchange:

**Must be aged between 18 and 35. Please note a limited number of three places is available
for people aged 30 and above.
**Should lead, co-lead, have founded or co-founded their own social venture which is up and
running and addresses a relevant social problem. We are unable to accept applicants with an
idea only or who are volunteering for an organisation.
**Must have a good level of English that enables them to understand, present, and
collaborate throughout the summit.
**Should have the skills and know-how to be part of a special community of collaborative
young social entrepreneurs and be willing to play an active role within this community.
**Must be based in Australia, Bangladesh, China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam,
regardless of nationality.

Please visit to read the full details of our selection process.


ChangemakerXchange covers your travel costs to/from Guizhou/China as well as all of the
conference costs for all four nights and five days (including hotel accommodation, inner city
travel, food, entrance fees, etc.). However a modest participation fee of 100 EURO / 120
USD to cover part of the costs will be charged. Foreigners will also need to cover own visa
costs. (A limited number of stipends in special cases are available upon request. If you really
do require a stipend please let us know in the application form).

Top tip: Please draft your application in a Word document before filling out the following
form, as it does not allow you to save your progress.
Best wishes and good luck!

Your ChangemakerXchange China Team

What is the name of your social venture? *

The Leader

Describe your social venture in one (yes, just one!) sentence

The Leader is a creative learning center that bring extensive professional training in youth
empowerment, social entrepreneurship, non-formal education, social impact measurement,
organizational development and social justice, among many more to youth in Indonesia.

Website / online presence of your venture *

Social media presence of your venture *

Please link to Facebook / Twitter accounts of your venture if you have them.

What social problem are you solving with your venture? *

(Max. 200 words)

In the last three decades, multi-layered violent conflicts involving groups from various
ethnicity, religions, races and economic backgrounds erupted in various provinces of
Indonesia including Aceh. From 1998-2015 alone, the violence rate has reached almost
to 200.000 incidences. Aceh have high rate of violence, unemployment, poverty, and
limited access to good quality education. Aceh is a western part of Indonesia that have
experienced long term armed conflict and stroked by Indian Ocean tsunami on 2004.
Now, after the peace agreement was signed, the youth generally hardly had access to the
outside world. Youth in Aceh are more vulnerable than ever to join violent groups
without having the right knowledge and capacity that they needed to strive as change-
maker. The Leader ambition is to empower youth to actualize their true potentials and
live up their dream right after the catastrophes were over.

In the last three decades, multi-layered violent conflicts involving groups from various
ethnicities, religions, races and economic backgrounds erupted in various provinces of
Indonesia including Aceh. From 1998-2015 alone, the violence rate has reached almost to
200.000 incidences. Aceh have high rate of violence, unemployment, poverty, and limited
access to good quality education. Aceh is a western part of Indonesia that have
experienced long term armed conflict and stroked by Indian Ocean tsunami on 2004. Now,
after the peace agreement was signed, the youth generally have experienced a significant
terror and hardly had access to the outside world. Youth in Aceh are more vulnerable than
ever to join violent groups without having the right knowledge and capacity that they
needed to strive as change-maker. In post conflict contexts, where violence is prevalence,
youth opt to use adversary approaches in dealing with conflict thus violence is part of
their daily life. The Leader ambition is to empower youth to actualize their true potentials
and live up their dream right after the catastrophes were over. We don’t want to be
remembered as victims, we wanted to be known as survivors and resources.

Please summarise your venture (elevator pitch). *

(Max. 150 words)

The Leader is a platform as a creative learning center for youth in Aceh, Indonesia. We provide
classes and curriculum for youth age 15-30 to learn about leadership, public speaking,
communication skills, as well as social change. We Design training modules for classes using
experiential learning pedagogy, emphasizing on dialogue and reflection and incorporating
group work, group discussion, presentation, role-play, simulation, case study, river of life, digital
storytelling, and interactive games for team building. Our training offer technical as well as
philosophical guidelines to equipped youth with specific skills that they need.

The Leader is a platform as a creative learning center for youth in Aceh, Indonesia. We provide
classes and curriculum for youth age 15-30 to learn about leadership, public speaking,
communication skills, as well as social change. We Design training modules for classes using
experiential learning pedagogy, emphasizing on dialogue and reflection and incorporating group
work, group discussion, presentation, role-play, simulation, case study, river of life, digital
storytelling, and interactive games for team building. Our training offer technical as well as
philosophical guidelines to equipped youth with specific skills that they need. We also provide
counseling service, with rapid change in society, past violence experiences, as well as public
policies that is affecting well-being of youth negatively, counseling platform that is designed
specifically for youth are needed more than ever. Youth that has been experience public caning due
to Sharia, victims of sexual violence, or those with LGBT background need professional supports.

What is the social impact of your venture to date? *

(Max. 150 words)

The Leader have been trained and working with more than 5.000 youths and have been touring
to 11 districts in Aceh and 6 provinces in Indonesia to reach out for them. We encourage them
to speak up in forums, join the international conference, spread the volunteerism spirit, aware
with social issues and problems, and make a difference. The youth participant is also asked to
contemplate their life, analyze their resource, formulating idea, plan the project, and rule out
action. This work has been a kick off set within my community circle to raise awareness about
diversity within youth as the world future agent. For our effort and will to empower youth, in
2014 The Leader have been awarded by President of Republic Indonesia with Indonesia MDGs
Award in Education category.

The Leader have been trained and working with more than 5.000 youths and have been touring to
11 disctricts in Aceh and 6 provinces in Indonesia to reach out for them. We encourage them to
speak up in forums, join the international conference, spread the volunteerism spirit, aware with
social issues and problems, and make a difference. The youth participant is also asked to
contemplate their life, analyze their resource, formulating idea, plan the project, and rule out
action. This work has been a kick off set within my community circle to raise awareness about
diversity within youth as the world future agent.

For our effort and will to empower youth in Indonessia, in 2014 The Leader have been awarded by
Pressident of Republic Indonesia with Indonesia MDGs (the Millennium Development Goals) Award
in Education category.

What is your role within your social venture? *

Please put your position within the organisation here (e.g. founder, co-founder, director,

My responsibility in this organization as Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Leader, as a

director I oversee programs held by The Leader, monitoring and evaluate within my team work,
and I support for development projects in order to keep the programs sustainability. The most
important responsible I necessarily maintain is the commitment of my team member through
capacity building and regular meetings.

Please summarise yourself *

You can provide a brief education/career history here. (Max. 100 words)

My name is Muhammad Fathun from Aceh, Indonesia and a clinical year student for medical
doctor in Banda Aceh. Besides studying medicine, I am passionate in youth development, civic
engagement and conflict resolution. Since 2008 I am actively volunteering as Sending
Coordinator in Bina Antarbudaya Chapter Aceh, The Indonesian Foundation for Intercultural
Learning and a partner of AFS Intercultural Program, Inc. In Aceh, Indonesia, I and 9 other
friends found a youth organization called The Leader (see more at

Your LinkedIn profile. *

If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, please indicate "CV" and send it to Ernie

I do not have a LinkedIn profile so I will send my CV to Ernie. Thank you

If you are a Twitter user, please share your Twitter handle.
Twitter: @fathuun ( )

What are your hopes and expectations from joining ChangemakerXchange? *

In this ChangemakerXchange I will meet young social innovators with social enterpreneurship
skills from different backgrounds and disciplines; this would be an open eye and mind moment,
as well to create the sense of fraternity. In this summit we will share skills, resources and
brainstorm solutions to each other’s challenges. I will learn how to enlarge youth network. With
this connection I will be able to raise awareness to my organization The Leader. This summit is
an opportunity for me to advance my personal and professional skills and competencies to
grow, scale and take the organizations I founded to next level.

My organization and team recognizes that we have limited technical and organizational
capacity. Limited capacity was identified in fundraising, governance and technical areas of
development. I want to improve my leadership skills, the management of organization and
approach in order to solve the problem in my own community. I also want to expand my
international connection to work together and collaborate with young social entrepreneurs for
global issues such as enterpreneurship, civic participation, public engagement and youth
participation in conflict resolution and education. I am optimist that this ChangemakerXchange
will equip me with skills and knowledge that I need in order to be able to work in grassroot

What are the super-powers that YOU bring to the ChangemakerXchange community? *
Please share below three of your super-powers as a bullet point list. ChangemakerXchange is more
than a conference. It is a collaboration platform where participants co-create cross-border social
innovations. It is a network where participants share skills, resources and brainstorm solutions to
each other’s challenges. It is an on- and offline community where great ideas are born and
connections are made.

1. Leadership Skills. Since established in 2012, The Leader apply horizontal leadership for
team working where we believe each member have their own super-powers. Each
member have the same right to create their own project based on their background and
interest. Within The Leader, I successfully led a variety of youth capacity and education
projects such as DreamMaker Camp and Kelas Kreatif (Creative Class) which facilitates
the marginalized child community such as the orphans and rural kids to be more
creative in the teaching-learning process.
2. Networks and Affiliations. The Leader have a great positive influence among Indonesian
youth and now is creating a good reputation as an organization that work in youth related
issues. We have local partner in several provinces in Indonesia and in 11 cities in Aceh. Our
organization has good relationship with government and non-government institutions, from
Indonesia Ministry of Sport and Youth, U.S Embassy in Jakarta, the Young Southeast Asian
Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), British Council Indonesia, to (online media)
and OZ Radio in Aceh.
3. Training Methods. In my organization for classes and training we using experiential
learning pedagogy, emphasizing on dialogue and reflection and incorporating group work,
group discussion, presentation, role-play, simulation, case study, river of life, digital
storytelling, and interactive games for team building. In 2016, I was certified as National
Qualified Trainers (NQT) for Intercultural Learning as AFS Program.

With this three super-power I have, my experiences in leading group and project using
horizontal leaderhsip, the networks and affiliations we have been working, and the method of
training we have been using, I would be able to collaborate and share skills with other youth
leaders in this summit.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself. *

E.g. you have a black belt in karate!

In 2011 I was selected as 1st Winner for Tourism Ambassador (Duta Wisata) of Banda
Aceh City and the next year as 1st winner for Tourism Ambassador of Aceh Province
from Department of Culture and Tourism.
When I was participated in Youth Event and the Sixth Global Forum of the United
Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) in Bali-Indonesia, I had a change for Courtesy
Call with United Nations Secretary-General H.E Ban Ki-moon and I was selected as 1 of 3
people that was able to ask him questions directly.

Optional: References
Please write the names and emails of two referees. Please note these should be
professional referees, e.g. from your work or education, rather than friends (unless they
are related to your project of course) or family.
1. Julia Novrita, email:
2. Mifta Sugesty, email:

The deadline for applications is midnight GMT +8 on FRIDAY, 3 AUGUST 2018.

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