CLC 12 - Capstone Journal 6

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JANUARY 18th, 2021

My planned to-do list for this week was:

1. Ask Ms. Walks about the code I need for the JSTOR articles (January 12th, 2021)
2. Complete first draft of essay (January 16th, 2021)
3. Post twice on @Strands.By.Sukhi (on January 13th, 2021 and on January 15th, 2021)
4. Set-up and attend meeting with Mr.Chow (Ask about meeting before January 15th, 2021)

The progress I have made during this past week:

1. Post twice on
This week I successfully posted on Instagram twice. I have also increased my platform to 407
followers which is really great compared to where my account was at before. This week my
posts were about bringing attention to people who were held of importance for their role in hair.

First post:
Marie Antoinette
Caption: Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, used her hair as a way to express her
social and political views. Her hair is said to be the “palette of power.” One of her many
famous hairstyles featured a model ship to celebrate a French Naval victory. Over one
night Marie Antoinette’s hair went white possibly from the stress of her persecution.
Today this is known as, “Marie Antoinette Syndrome.”

Second post:
Angela Davis
Caption: The afro became a very powerful political symbol. It not only reflected the pride
one had in their African ancestry, but it pointed out that Black people were no longer
attempting to assimilate. Angela Davis rocked an afro that started a trend amongst many
women. It is important for us to acknowledge and love our differences! The afro was a
very powerful symbol during the civil rights movement. The Civil Rights Movement
sparked a change in the way Black people viewed their hair and embrace motivated
them to love who they were.

2. Set-up and attended meeting with Mr. Chow

This week I attended a meeting with Mr. Chow and learned a lot more. We went through my
current outline and I explained what each topic is going to be about. Mr. Chow helped me find
more subtopics in some of the topics that were more empty or I didn't have a lot for. I think this
meeting really helped me find all the topics I could possibly talk about in my essay and cut it
down to what I felt was most important. We discussed teens and the role hair played in their
lives, what contemporary means when it comes to hair, and much more. We also discussed the
cultural versus political versus social role of hair.
3. Complete first draft of essay
Since I added a couple more topics when I was meeting with Mr. Chow I still have some topics
to finish. I will be working on the essay today in order to get closer to finishing this essay. I am a
little nervous about the deadlines as they are coming up quite quickly, but I hope to plan this
week out thoroughly in order to finish this. Currently, I am about 85% done my first draft and I
don’t think it will take too long to complete this over the week. I hope to start

4. Ask Ms walks about the code I need for the JSTOR application
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to ask Ms.Walks about the code, but I don’t think it will be necessary
because I already have pdf’s of the articles I need. I still have access to the World Book which is
what I mainly needed, but if anything does come up I will make sure to go and ask .

What I need to move forward with my Capstone (time, space, materials, contacts):
Moving forward I will need to put aside at least 10-15 hours throughout the week in order to
complete a good chunk of my project. Most of this time will be dedicated to completing my
research paper and getting things started for my capstone presentation. It seems like a lot, but I
really need this much time in order to not leave everything to the last minute.
I will need only my laptop to complete the upcoming parts of my project.
I also hope to get some time to edit my essay with Mr. Chow or anyone who is available to edit
so I can work on the final copy near the end of the week. This way I can start fixing anything for
my final copy and fix any quotes that need to be cited properly.

Obstacles I have encountered and how I’ve moved forward:

I think that organization played a huge role in the success of this project. I think it was the one of
the few things I was struggling with from the beginning since all my writing pieces were in so
many different places. Making an outline definitely helped, but creating a final doc where I put
each paragraph as I completed it was very helpful. I am mentioning this specific obstacle now
because I feel like I finally have everything organized and this is really helpful in understanding
what I still need to complete/ what I have completed. This something that I think will be really
helpful in the future as I will be able to better organize my research.

The skills I’ve used and what I’ve learned”

Skills I used:
- Creative mindset
- Organization
- Time management
- Strong grammar skills
- Writing
- Captions that are interesting but brief
- In my research important it's important to determine when I need to add more
information or keep something brief

What I have learned:

Analytical Skills and making connections:
Writing the research paper has forced me to learn how to support my evidence and more
importantly how to find evidence that supports my overall topic. I have also learned how to make
important connections to past events and people that relate to my essay topics. Part of writing
this essay means to learn and use my knowledge of constructing important arguments in order
to sustain my essay readers attention. This skill will be vital in the future because oftentimes I
forget to provide evidence for each topic I talk about.

I learned when planning works better with detail and when it is better to have a more broad
schedule. Oftentimes it is always better to plan with detail, but I learned from my posting
schedule that sometimes you need more broad planning. For example, when posting on
Instagram I feel like in the beginning I was being too broad, by writing down I need two posts
this week, but when I would write down a specific person or topic I wanted to talk about I would
always change it to something else I found more interesting. So I started writing down more
broad but semi-detailed goals like posts about two people. This method motivated me to learn
about various different people and events related to my topic and then pick who I felt would be
most interesting to talk about on my page.

My goals and deadlines for the next week:

1. Complete First Draft (Jan. 20th, 2021)
2. Get First Draft edited (Jan 22nd, 2021)
3. Begin editing final writing piece (Jan. 23rd, 2021)
4. Post about an event on instagram (Jan 23rd 2021)

Evidence of Progress:

Post #1
The afro became a very powerful political symbol. It not only
reflected the pride one had in their African ancestry, but it
pointed out that Black people were no longer attempting to
assimilate. Angela Davis rocked an afro that started a trend
amongst many women. It is important for us to acknowledge and
love our differences! The afro was a very powerful symbol during
the civil rights movement. The Civil Rights Movement sparked a
change in the way Black people viewed their hair and embrace
motivated them to love who they were.
Post #2
Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, used her hair as a way to
express her social and political views. Her hair is said to be the
“palette of power.” One of her many famous hairstyles featured a
model ship to celebrate a French Naval victory. Over one night
Marie Antoinette’s hair went white possibly from the stress of her
persecution. Today this is known as, “Marie Antoinette

Overall Page:
Access to my Essay outline:
Access to my Essay:


Total hours ported on the last journal 1 hour

Hours used since the last journal entry 10 hours

● 1 hour for post #1 (research, creation,
and caption)
● 1 hour for post #2 (research, creation,
and caption)
● 3 hours on research and outline
● 4 hours spent on essay writing
● 1 hour meeting with Mr. Chow and
going over my outline

Total hours used towards the capstone 11 hours

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