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Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc.


Avenido St., Katipunan, Placer, Masbate, Phils. 5408 Schl.ID. 403785
College of Teacher Education Rule IV of Republic Act No. 7079, otherwise known as the CAMPUS JOURNALISM ACT of
1991, states that all educational institutions on the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels, public or
private, shall be encouraged to publish a student publication.
Dr. Victor V. Lepiten Victor Elliot S. Lepiten, III
FOUNDER PRESIDENT This course provides you with basic concepts of mass communication. It is designed to acquaint
you with the theories and principles of campus journalism. This is also a practical course to students who
are beginners in the journalism field and who want to improve their journalistic skills and provides them
opportunities to produce news and other articles for a campus paper.
CAMPUS JOURNALISM(EES 113) Most importantly, this module is provided to meet your needs to become well-informed and well
SEMI-FINAL—FINAL MODULE educated citizens in the community.

Happy Learning! 


 All activities enclosed should be read carefully and performed accordingly.

 In cases of printed and written activities, all tasks should be printed in a short bond paper following the
given format:
 Name
 Year Level, Subject, Time/Day
 Address
 Contact Info
 Printed activities should be in font size 11 and Font style “Candara.”
 Use cursive writing for every written task.
 Leave considerable storage on your phones for video projects from time to time since this pandemic
does not allow live performances. In every video project, do not forget to introduce yourself. Name your
file to your Last name and first name initial+ Name of the activity (Ex: ALBURO, G.-- CREDO by E.
Christian Buckner)
 Your instructor will provide you further instructions or activities through your GC. Update and check
the it from time to time.
 Deadline is deadline. Late submissions will no longer be catered.
 Failure to follow the instructions would mean deductions on your submitted tasks.
 No part or even a page of this module should be lost. Complete compilation will be collected and
checked at the end of the semester.
NAME:__________________________________ Stay safe at home God bless!
- Your Subject Instructor
CONTACT INFO.:__________________________ INSTRUCTOR
Geralyn Pepito Alburo/
YR. & COURSE:___________________________ Geralyn Pelayo Alburo


Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Expected Outcomes: 2. Before meeting with his subject, the reporter should understand exactly the assignment given to
him by his editor. He should select definite and limited subjects or topics of interest to the readers.
 Knowledge of what an interview is and the basic reason for interviewing a person 3. To make the conversation lively, the reporter should know beforehand about his subject, his
 Familiarity with the different approaches to an interview position, accomplishments, or personality. As much as possible, he should ask thought-provoking
 Knowledge of the do’s and don’ts to observe during the interview proper and in writing the questions.
interview 4. During the interview proper, the reporter should be alert to new unexpected angles of the topic that
 Ability to write an interesting speech and feature interviews. usually pop up. If this happens, he should be ready to forego prepared questions if he can obtain a
better story on another topic that presents itself unexpectedly.
5. General questions such as “What do you think of Family Planning?” should be avoided. Questions
DID YOU KNOW THAT…. should be definite and specific. Also, for better results, the interview should be kept on a
conversational basis.
TWO-THIRDS OF ALL NEWS STORIES in print are produced during interviews? 6. The story should be written right away after the interview. But before this, the reporter should fist
determine what kind of interview he has to write: informative? Feature? Or a combination of
The reporter is not always present in the scene of an event—a fire, a plane crush, a scientific these?
experiment going on or in a policy – making assembly so that he has to get most of his facts by asking
questions from eyewitnesses or from participants. Do’s and Don’ts in Conducting an Interview
A. Do’s
What is an INTERVIEW? 1. Know your subject thoroughly and jot down exactly what questions you want to clarify.
2. Know your interviewee – his habits, strengths, opinion on the topic, achievements, even
An interview is an art of asking questions to obtain information. But technically speaking, it is asking weaknesses.
questions to obtain opinions, ideas, or special information on topics of interest to the general public from a 3. Make an appointment and be there ahead of time. Be prepared to listen, and take brief notes
prominent person or from a recognized authority. when advisable.
4. Introduce yourself again even if you have an appointment. Always be courteous in requesting
KINDS OF INTERVIEWS clarifications, and be friendly and grateful for concessions like the repetition of an explanation
you are getting down verbatim, and for being allowed to tape his explanations.
1. Informative interview. This is conducted to obtain some information from a person responsible
5. Offer to show him your write up before its publication.
for a new idea. He may have made news or participated in a news event like witnessing an airplane
6. Respect “off the record” comments.
crash or discovering a new cure for cholera.
2. Opinion Interview. This is conducted to obtain opinion. What does the source think, for example,
B. Don’ts
of the proposed autonomous form of government, or of parliamentary from of government?
1. Never demand. Request and say “thank you.”
3. Feature Interview. It is the group interview of which there are two types:
2. Don’t react unfavorably to whatever he is saying. Even when asked, be neutral if you cannot
a. Inquiring reporter type – the reporter asks the same question from interviewees he
honestly agree with him. Remember, you will write down his answers, not your ideas.
selects at random.
3. Don’t hesitate to request repetition or clarification of anything not fully understood.
b. Symposium type – the reporter asks one question or related questions from specialists in
4. Don’t take down everything; abbreviate long words and use only key words for main ideas.
a given field.
5. Don’t overstay.
6. Don’t postpone writing your notes. Do as soon as you get out of interview room.
The Easy Method
Guidelines to Observe During the Interview
1. Interviewing is not just a matter of hoping for the best. The reporter should have some advance
preparations. It would be unethical and unprofessional for him to rush into an office brandishing a
notebook in the air without first making an appointment in advance. He should arrange the time 1. Be interested in what your subject has to say. Show it. Give him importance. Do not interrupt
and place convenient to the interviewee. while he is talking.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
2. Do not talk too much yourself. Your views are not relevant except to pump out information and to NEWS PEG This was the core of the speech delivered by Supt. Josefina R. Navarro, DCS,
stimulate a lively conversation. However, be sharp. Your subject may only be using you as a Manila, Sept. 11, when she talked to budding student journalists at Araullo
vehicle for propaganda. In this case, question him. High School in connection with the celebration of National Press Week.
3. Positive questions are preferred to negative rambling questions. DIRECT QUOTE “Under the New Order, high school papers should be catalyst for social
4. Take notes unobtrusively. Some interviewees get frightened or bored with reporters who take change and the national development,” Dr. Navarro said.
down everything they say.
INDIRECT QUOTE According to her, under the new concept, the school paper should no longer
5. Get your subject’s name correctly spelled, his middle initial, his address, age (but do not insist if
be a mere recorder of campus activities but an effective medium of
refused), occupations, among others – anything that is relevant to your story. It would be very
community development.
embarrassing to return for these after you have left his office.
6. Show your quotes or even the whole report in proofs on technical subject – but do not promise to.
PARTIAL QUOTE Speaking of the school paper adviser’s role, the superintendent stressed that
they should make the campus publication a potent instrument for galvanizing
the community into a cohesive force of growth “to differentiate it from the
Guidelines to Observe in Writing the Interview commercial paper.”
1. Correct all grammatical errors and awkward sentences made by the interviewee unless they are
necessary to reveal his personality. In doing this, don’t change the interviewee’s meaning.
DIRECT QUOTE “As a medium of information, it should help advance national, social,
economic, and educational program,” Dr. Navarro added.
2. Make the quotes clear and compact.
3. Avoid any reference to yourself unless needed. ANSWER TO QUOTE Asked how could this be done, she answered, “By simply implementing
4. To avoid monotony, don’t use “he said” many times. Use synonyms of “said” like remarked, social action, food production, reforestation, cooperative promotion, and
stated, concluded, or stressed. community development.”
5. Use noun substitutes like “the speaker,” “the principal,” and the like, to avoid overworking the CONCLUSION Finally, the superintendent advised the student writers to develop
interviewee’s name. independent thinking, enterprise, and willingness to respect the
right of others “to make the student press more decent,
Writing it Up respectable, and honorable.”

For more models and sample interview stories—speech, feature, and opinion, browse the web.
After selecting and evaluating his notes carefully, the reporter decides the kind of interview story
he wants to write. Then, he writes an appropriate lead, which is usually a summary lead – the summary of
the whole story; or a quotation lead – the most striking statement made by the interviewee.
The body follows. Informative and opinion interviews are arranged into alternating paragraphs of TIME TO DO IT!
direct quotations and summary statements.
For news interviews, the main point should be picked. What was the core of the talk? What was the Listen to a radio or TV interview on important topics or relevant issues in our society today and write a
most important thing that the man said? Here, the reporter can give bare factual bones a bit of flesh and report about it. Take note of the quoted portions. Follow the format of the model above. Your output will be
blood. If the man was angry and red in the face, the reporter is entitled to say so provided he takes care to rated based on the following criteria:
keep his own prejudice in check.
Feature interviews have no set patterns since they depend upon the individuality of the interviewee Content -- 35%
and the originality of the interviewer. But for this kind of writing, color is needed. The man’s mannerism, Organization -- 25%
his dress, his attitudes, and even his surroundings may be described. Word Choice/writing style -- 20%
Grammar Usage -- 20%
Speech Interview
SUMMARY LEAD The Philippine press today is becoming conscious of the need for
budding writers and the future of young campus writers.
However, these writers should turn their attention towards
development reporting. WRITING THE SPORTS STORY
Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Expected Outcomes: 1. Must know sports; rules, strategy, team and players’ records.
2. Must attend the games or meets as a reporter, not as a spectator or cheerer.
 Familiarity with the nature of sports story 3. Must know coaches and players as intimately as possible.
 Knowledge of the types of sports stories 4. Must observe accuracy.
 Knowledge of the qualities of a good sports writer 5. Must be able to take notes quickly without losing the sequence of the play.
 Knowledge of the essential information that should be included in a sport story. 6. Must be fair and unbiased in reporting event, although he has a favorite team.
 Familiarity with the sports lingo. 7. Must not make comments without supporting them with facts on which they are based, although
sports writers have more freedom than any other news writers.
8. Must use the specialized language of the particular sports that he is reporting.
DID YOU KNOW THAT…. 9. Must avoid sports slang and trite expressions which hack writers use today. He should tell the story
SPORTSWRITING (SPORTS REPORTING) HAS BECOME one of the most popular forms in plain factual terms that describe the action.
of modern journalistic writing? More and more readers are now turning to the sports section before 10. Must bear in mind that he writes for his readers and not for himself.
looking at the more prosaic news of the day.
But while many talks about sports, there are only a few who can write a sports story. Even Writing the Sports Story
experienced beat reporters get lost covering games and writing about them because it takes more than just The Lead
answering the Five W’s to be able to come up with a comprehensive sports news story. Like any other news story, a sports story has a lead and a body. The sports lead is the attention-
getter, the news in a nutshell.
Structure of the Sports Story The classic “Five W’s” appear in the sports lead as: (1) Who won? ; (2) Against whom? ; (3) By
what score? ; (4) Where and (5) When?
Sports reporting is news writing. The sports story has the structure of an action story, but with
The Torres High School Quintet (1) poured 10 baskets in the last three minutes to edge out the
greater freedom of style in writing. It is considered a specialized field; therefore, the sports writer is
Osmenians (2) 65-63 (3) at the opponent’s homeground (4) yesterday afternoon (5).
expected to possess certain qualities not so common among beat reporters.
Aside having a “nose for news”, he should also:
The Philippines fought with steel nerves and refused to be crushed by a giant‘s 55 points might to
1. have interest in all sports event
nip favored North Korea 87-86, in its biggest triumph yesterday in the Asian men’s Basketball
2. know the rules and regulations of the event or game he is writing about
3. have a working knowledge of the language and jargon of sports writing usually referred to as
sports lingo. In this connection, he should avoid cliches (tired, old phrases) that have seen better
This kind of summary lead may vary.
The lead can also dramatize other elements like:
Three types of stories that can be written:
1. The key play Lead
1. Advance story – sometimes called dope or prognostication, builds up enthusiasm for coming
The Soliman High School sluggers bombed the Lakandula batters with six runs in the third inning to
events. It may be one of the three types: 1.) straight new story, 2.) background story and, 3.)
subdue a nerve-fuzzling Lakandula rally, 14-12 as they clinched the invitation game here, inn
prediction story.
connection with the celebration of the Foundation Day of Lakandula High School.
2. Coverage story – is an on-the-spot coverage of an actual game or event.
2. The Outstanding Player Lead
3. Advance coverage story – includes the information of a coming event as the first part of the story
Romeo Reyes of Roxas High School, after almost four hours of battle over the chessboard, copped the
and the information on the past event as the last part of the story.
most coveted YMCA trophy after outwitting Manila High School Chesser William Santos in 27 moves
of Silician defense.
Qualities of a Good Sports Writer 3. Analytical approach Lead – the outcome of the game is the result of a particular key play or
Aside from the working knowledge of the medium he is going to use in writing his story, the sports writer
should also have the following know-how:
Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Riding high on sizzling spikes and tricky placing, the MLQ netters blasted the Laurel High Killers in 7. Crowd and Celebration –Do not forget the spectators. Was it a record crowd? How did the
the crucial third set to win 15-10, 11-5, 15-7 in a mini-district meet, Sept. 21 at the Torres High School spectators behave? Were they particularly hostile to the referee?
Oval to celebrate the First Filipino Thanksgiving Day.
Sports Lingo and Crutches/Slanguage
The Body
It is important that a sportswriter masters the language of sports because only when he has
After the lead, the other elements follow in descending order. These will include: complete command of the lingo can he sound authoritative and convincing to his readers. In fact, there are
1. Team and/or individual standing – if the event is part of a series of games, the story must report sports terms that enable a sportswriter to explain in only a few words certain happenings in the game.
how the teams or players stand in relation to their competitors. Among these terms are:
2. Decisive Play – This is the most crucial part of the game that gives a certain team the winning a. Basketball – five, quintet, shot twinner, pivot, rally, rebound, technical foul, quarter count, 15-foot
margin. line, hook shot, lay-up, ice-breaker, tip-in, press, one defense, man to man, 30 second rule, full
3. Best Scores for the day – the scores usually appear in the headline and in the lead. However, the court, gun time, lemon time, keyhole area, long tom, follow-up.
writer must not neglect the top scorer of the day. b. Baseball and Softball – diamond, pitcher, backstop, deep center, struck out, lower fourth, shut out,
4. Play-by-play – Due to limited space, play-by-play has to be condensed. In top boxing events, a hitless inning, hit a homerun, one-bagger, two-baggers, force out, scorcher, fly back, pitcher’s
separate round by round account is provided, describing the progress of the fight in detail. mound, upper third, lower fourth, flier, rolling ball, umpire, struck out, bunt, slide, shortstop,
5. Quotation – it is customary for the hero of the day to have his sentiments recorded for posterity. fielder, southpaw, no-hit run, fanned, out-pegged at third, deep center, a scorcher to left outfield.
The above format was a suggestion of sports writer Eduardo Lachica of The Philippines Herald. Former c. Volleyball – spikes, neat placing, change court, Chinese kill, wallop, block, scored off, straight set,
executive editor Jose Luna Castro of the Manila Times likewise listed eight elements that make up a good two out of three, spiker, blocked his kill, booming service, net ball, return play, three out of five
sports story. These are : d. Soccer or Football – soccerites, goalie, full back, corner kick, centrada, penalty kick, free kick,
1. Personalities 5. Quotes by trainers and coaches pigskin.
2. Play-by-play description 6. Background stuff on players e. Sipa – fancy kick, dead ball, ball on play, single, double
3. Statistics 7. The importance/significance of the event f. Track:
4. Quotes by players 8. Background of the game Dashes – 100-200-80-m; Runs – 200-400; 800 and 1500m; Hurdles – 110 m. high, 400 m low and
80 m low; Relay – 4 x 100 m; breasted the tape, burned the cinders, clock a new record, bore down
A story carrying all these ingredients is the interpretive type. on him, home stretch, photo finish, middle-distance runner, long-distance runner, anchor man,
passed on the baton
Suggested Pointers g. Field – heaved the shotput, hurled the javelin, threw the discuss, hop step and jump, broad jump,
high or long jump, pole vault, Grecian disc
1. The Score or Outcome – Who won? That of course is the point of the story. Even if the game h. Tennis – best of three matches, surfeit services, straight set, singles, smash cut
should end in a tie, with a riot or be called off on account of a rain, the outcome is still important. i. Swimming – tanker, naiads, aquabelle
2. The significance of the outcome – Was a championship at stake? Do the standings of the teams
change? Who gets the cup? Is the grudge wiped out? There are aids (crutches) that maybe useful in covering a game:
3. Highlights of the Game – Find the turning point of the game. Describe spectacular plays. Tell
about the last minute fumble, or last three-second basket from midcourt if it were a basketball 1. Basketball – FG (field goal) x2; FT(free throw)x1; PF(personal foul); TP (total points); Js
game. (jumpshot); di (drivein); lu (lay-up); lt (long tom), among others.
4. Comparison of the Teams – Which was the better team? Was the defending champion out- 2. Baseball and Softball – ab (at bat); h (hit); rbi (run or runs batted in); e (error)
jumped on the rebound? Who did better from the foul line? In what department were the losers 3. Volleyball – p(placing); bs(booming service); s (spiker); bb (block ball); cp (change of phase)
5. Individual Stars – While present day sports stories on teamwork have greatly discouraged Sports Lingo for:
individual stars and so-called “grandstand” players, there are still instances where some players  Basketball team : five, quintet, dribbler, cager
stand out from the rest. Who are they? What did they do to become the heroes of the game?  Volleyball team : netters, spikers, tossers, killers, wallopers, smashers, volleybelles
6. Weather conditions – Mud, sunshine, heat, cold or wind may have a bearing on the game.  Swimming team : tankers, aquabelles, naiads\

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
 Boxing : pugilist, pug  IT IS SAID THAT….
Sports Lingo for defeats:
 If the difference in score is big: ….the best scriptwriters are made by the best copyreaders. In other words, if there were no
overwhelms murders crushes good copyreaders, there would be no good news writers.
clobbers demolishes overshoots (basketball)
rips subdues outspikes (volleyball)
What is copyreading? What does a copyreader do?
clouts pummels outbats (softball, baseball)
 If the difference in score is small:
Shades – PNU sluggers shade TUP batters, 18, 16
Noses out – Osmena five noses out Torres cagers, 30, 28
A copy is the typewritten material sent to the linotypist or to a computer typesetter to be typeset. It
may be a news story, a feature article, an editorial, or a literary piece.
Copyreading comes from the words copy and reading.
Reading is editing or correcting errors done by the editor or copyreader.
TIME TO DO IT! Copyreading is much like the work of an English teacher correcting compositions, except that the
copyreader uses appropriate copyreading symbols universally known by printers.
A copyreader is a newspaperman who occupies a seat on the news desk. He corrects errors in
grammar, errors in fact, errors in structure and errors in style. He eliminates libelous and derogatory
Afteropinions in news
learning aboutstories,
sportsand those contrary
writing, with theto our laws
facts to and goodby
be sent taste.
your instructor on
Errors in grammar include errors in spelling, punctuation,
your CAMPUS JOURNALISM GC, create or write a basketball story. capitalization, subject-verb
If thisagreement
module ,
tenses, among others. A copyreader corrects errors in fact as when the reporter calls a principal and assistant
has not provided you with enough details you need in writing, refer to sample stories
principal, or when he gives the wrong middle initial or age of a person.
you found on the
In copyreading internet
a news or the
report, on copyreader
the sport articles you
should see to read
it thaton newspapers.
it begins with the proper lead and
that this lead contains the most important facts. He sees to it that the paragraphs are arranged according to
decreasing importance following the inverted pyramid structure. He kills or eliminates words that tend to
editorialize. He crosses out redundant words and verbal deadwood.

PREPARING THE COPY AND The preparation of copy

Preparing the Copy

Note: Stay updated andistuned

a stepon
in the process
your GC. of putting out a newspaper; this is chiefly the
COPYREADING reporter’s concern as it is he who types his own stories.
However, everyone who expects to submit a story should know how to prepare the copy.. the news
story, editorial, and feature article.
Expected Outcomes: Preparing the copy calls for a knowledge and observance of the paper rules and regulations known
as the stylebook or style sheet.
 Ability to prepare a copy In preparing the copy, the reporter should:
 Familiarity with copyreading symbols 1. Use a typewriter or a computer… never submit it in long hand.
 Knowledge of the duties of a copyreader 2. Type on one side of the sheet only and in double space.
 Ability to copyread using appropriate copyreading symbols 3. Begin his story (for news) about three inches from the top of the page.
 Realization that wide reading and a bifocal mind are necessary to good copyreading 4. Indent deeply—at least five spaces—the beginning of each paragraph.
5. Identify on the first page the story with a slugline—the name of the paper, words identifying the
story like “ fire” or “Student Election”, the reporter, and the date.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
6. Type the word “More” at the bottom of each page except the last, where he has to indicate the end 1. Errors in fact 9. Derogatory statements
of the story with a “30” or # mark. 2. Errors in Grammar 10. Redundancy
3. Opinion in News(editorializing) 11. Verbal Deadwood
After the first page, the succeeding page or pages should carry the original identifying words and 4. Wrong use of Adjectives 12. Errors in Correct Usage
the page number like: 5. Libelous Matter 13. Errors in Structure
6. Seditious/rebellious materials 14. Errors in style (use of the style sheet, stylebook,or style guide in journalistic writing)
Student election 7. Vulgar and indecent words 15. Errors in structure
(…2) 8. Contrary to good taste and to law

The reporter, in preparing his own copy, must observe or follow the style sheet adopted by his n.b. Copyreading is different from proofreading.
paper in all pages, and for all the issues for the sake of consistency. Proofreading is the editing of copy errors, machine errors or operator error made by the linotypist
or computer typesetter.
Duties of a Copyreader Proofreading symbols are different from copyreading symbols.

A copyreader goes over the story once to get a general idea of what it is all about. This will What the Copyreading Symbols Cover
likewise help him formulate the headline, which is part of his job. Symbols Meaning Outcome
Then, he goes over it a second time to do any or all of the following as the case maybe:
1. Straighten out ungrammatical constructions. 1. Punctuation marks
2. Shorten sentences and tighten paragraphs. “ The Bionic Woman” -- Emphasize quotes
3. See that the paper’s style requirements are strictly followed. “ The Bionic Woman”
4. Check names, addresses, titles, designations, identifications, figures, and others. “ Dr . Arthur Cruz Jr . -- Emphasize Period
5. Rewrite the story completely if it is poorly written. Dr. Arthur Cruz Jr.
6. Rewrite the lead or the first few paragraphs whenever necessary, but must never tamper with the Said , “ I must go.” -- Emphasize comma
facts unless he is sure of his corrections. Said, “ I must go.”
7. Delete all opinion, speculations, and statements which are without attribution or sources. 2. Numbers and abbreviations
8. Watch out for slanting or any attempt to present the story in a subtly biased way. in Nov. -- Spell out
9. Watch out for libelous statements. in November
10. Recheck figures and totals. Doctor Arthur Cruz -- Abbreviate
11. Cross out adjectives which tend to make a story sound overwritten. Dr. Arthur Cruz
12. Cut a story to size or to required length if need be. twenty boys -- Use numeral
13. Check attributions and see to it that they are properly identified. 20 boys
14. Challenges facts, claims, or reports when they sound anomalous, illogical and incredible. 2 girls were -- Spell out
15. Check sluglines and paging sequences. Two girls were
16. Write headlines. 3. Special from of type
Manila, philippines -- Capitalize
In copyreading, the corrections are placed inside the text where the errors have been committed, MANILA, Philippines
while in proofreading, the corrections are placed in the margins. Reader’s Digest -- Change to italics
Certainly, a well-edited paper saves the paper from criticism and the editors from libel suits and Reader’s Digest
embarrassment. Finally, it helps the newspaper bring accurate information to the reader. Test III -- Change to boldface
Test III
Common Errors to Correct/ Delete/ Change/ Rewrite 4. Letter and Word Changes

meet on Saturday -- Bridge over

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
meet Saturday 2. Write your corrections, changes, subheads, and headlines so that they can be read quickly and
those boys -- Close up space correctly.
those boys 3. Ring or encircle the slugline, “More”, “30” and all other instructions to the printer called
Fe Cruz Principal -- Transpose printer’s direction or specification.
Principal Fe Cruz 4. It is better to erase pencilled marks that you wish to cancel than to cross them out.
Pamp h let -- Insert letter (Pamphlet) 5. If many changes are made, it is better to retype. Then go over the copy again for errors.
avail himself of -- Insert word 6. Turn out legible copy always. Make it as neat as possible.
avail himself of Whenever the copy leaves your hand, it should be in final form. Dirty copy means a lazy
Manila PAper -- Lower case copyreader.
manila paper Reference: English and Hach, Scholastic
was not untrue -- Delete Journalism
was true
How to Reduce Copy to Fit Space
judgement -- delete letter within
(This is a long and wordy composition. Boil it down)
Through the ideas and actions of members of our student council, another step towards the closer
develope sskill -- delete letter before/after word relationship between the local high schools has been accomplished. This last achievement is in the form
develop skill of an integrated student council composed of the members of student councils of the four local high
Allright wehave time -- insert space schools namely College Prep, Vocational, Evening and Special Science. This council which was
All right we have time organized on November 15th at a special meeting in the library of College Prep is known as the Integrated
considered happy. -- Run in copy Student Council of the Benigno Aquino High School, and its purpose is to bring the local high schools
This is so because considered happy. This is so because into closer relationship with one another to exchange ideas on school government, and to discuss and act
upon problems common to all high schools.
A committee consisting of one delegate from each school and a faculty adviser met last Tuesday
5. Others
afternoon to draw up in a form of procedure. The officers of the integrated council will be elected in the
Paco, Manila -- Indent for paragraph near future and a definite program will be carried out. This is the first time in the history of the Benigno
Today, he will Paco, Manila Aquino High School that an organization of this kind has been formed and it is expected that many good
Today, he will arrangements in the matters of school government will result from its formation.
Welfrido Kruz -- Spell as written Members of the form of procedure committee and the school they represent are as follows: Judel
Welfrido Kruz Roman of College Prep, Albert Francia of Vocational , Alexander Soliven of Evening, and Reinier
more -- Story unfinished Magnayan of Special Science high schools. The faculty adviser is Mr. Ramiro Royo of College Prep.

The Boiled Copy

30 or # -- End of story
The Integrated Student Council of the members of the student council of College Prep, Vocational,
] Elected prexy [ -- Center subhead Evening and Special Science was organized Nov. 15 at a special meeting in the College Prep library. Its
Elected prexy purpose is to bring the local high schools into closer relationships with one another, to exchange ideas on
No -- No paragraph school government, and to discuss and act upon problems common to all high schools.
But he said but he said… A committee consisting of Judel Roman of College Prep, Albert Francia of Vocational, Alexander
stetet Solivet of Evening and Reineir Magnayon of Special Science high schools and Mr. Ramiro Royo,
One boy came -- stay as it is, disregard correction faculty adviser met last Tuesday afternoon to draw up a form of procedure. The officers of the Integrated
One boy came Council will be elected soon.
This is the first time in the history of Benigno Aquino High School that an organization of this kind
“ I did it,” he said. -- Insert quotation marks
has been formed.
“I did it,” he said.
Instruction to Copyreaders

1. Use a soft, black pencil.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Copyread the following news item and prepare a one line headline with a minimum count of  Ability to read galley and page proofs
35(50%). Detach/cut this part and paste on a short bond paper. Your output will also be  Knowledge of proofreading marks
rated based on how well you follow the “ Instruction to Copyreaders” section above. (50%)  Ability to use proofreading marks
 Habit of neatness, thoroughness, and self-reliance

_______________________________________________________________ What to Proofread

AFTER THE COPY HAS BEEN PREPARED and copyread, it goes to the linotypists or
In order to solved traffic problems in the community six local leaders of to the computer typesetter to be set into type. During this process, they may commit any of the
Manila High School attended a training seminar September 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 at following errors:
1. Copy error . These are errors in grammar and word omission that had escaped the blue pencil
the Manila council headquarters room.
of the copyreader and which the linotypist copied verbatim.
They were Renato Lee, Enrico Lucio Fernando Lopez and Basilio Pachecko. 2. Machine errors. These are errors made due to faulty typesetting machines like excessive
The training course staff was composed by Mrs. Jose Ramos, course Director, transposition of letters, blurred letters, poor letter alignment, wrong font, and high or low slug.
Teodicio Ragasa, Assist. Courses Director for administration. 3. Operator’s errors. These include the general run of typographical errors.
Thus, the need for speedy and accurate proofreading.
Scouters from the different district was assigned during their practicum held
last September 5, 1994 at the busy intersection of Manila. Use of Proofreading Symbols
After the precticum, they will assist the traffic in their respected districts and
the communities around Metro Manila. Proofreading is correction of errors in galley or page proofs by the use of proofreading symbols.
Meanwhile a torch parade will be held 5:00 P.M., Oct. 31 st at the Rizal Park in If only few errors were committed, a connecting line is drawn from the error to the margin where
connection to the celebration of national scouting month Senior Scouts from tondo the symbol is marked.
If more than one error occurs in the same line or slug, the symbols are placed in the margin
will merged at the holy child academy and will parade in the national streets. They opposite the line in the order in which they will be corrected in resettling the line. If the connecting line is
will precede to Luneta Park to joined the other scouters from other districts. used, a separate line should join each symbol and the point of errors.
There are cases when the slugs are transposed to such an extent that the correction may not be
clearly indicated with the “tr” symbol. In such situation, the line or slug should be numbered consecutively
in their proper order at the margin.

Reading the Galley Proofs (For Letterpress Printing)

A galley proof is a long, narrow proof pulled from type on a galley. Usually, two proofs are made
– one for reading, and another for paste-up in the dummy (for beginners).
All galley proofs must be checked against the original copy. If only one person reads the proofs, he
should read a line, phrase, or sentence of proofs and then check back to the copy to see that it is being


However, it is more desirable to have two persons to work as a team – the copyholder who reads
aloud from the copy – words, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing; and the proofreader who marks
Expected Outcomes: the corrections in the margin of the galley proofs. The latter should initial all galley proofs that have been
 Awareness of the different errors the linotypist may commit while setting the copy into type read.
 Knowledge of the difference between copyreading and proofreading

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
The corrected galleys are returned to the linotypist for resetting. The composer throws out the
incorrect slug and inserts the correct lines.
Revised galley proofs are made for further editing and resetting until they are entirely free from errors.

Reading the Page Proof

Page proofs are exact replicas of the finished pages. Corrections should be made in the margins, using the
same symbols and procedures in reading the galley proofs.

Duties of the Proofreader (In Page Proof Reading)

The proofreader should see to it that:

1. The dateline, volume and number, and folio are correct and in their proper positions.
2. Their stories carry their proper headlines.
3. The cuts are straight, properly placed, and correctly captioned.
4. The lines of types and column rules are straight.
5. The headlines are typographically correct and well written.
6. “Continued” lines and jump heads are properly placed.
7. Erratic compositions like transposed or inverted letters and loose types are set right.
8. Depth of pages and margins are checked.
9. Poor leading (pronounced leding) or spacing between lines are avoided.
10. Stray bold or light face lines have not crept in.
11. Long stories, usually more than three-inch deep, have subheads.
12. All killed materials have been deleted.
Ethically and professionally speaking, a proofreader should bear in mind that proofreading is no
time for copyreading. This is one grave reason why many school papers do not come out on time.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Photojournalism is the use of pictures or photos and illustrations for publications. It is a
specialized branch of publication, the art and science of photography combined with the written words. The
YOUR TURN! mere taking of pictures is photography, not journalism.
The main purpose of pictures in news and magazines are to expand and clarify written
communication, and act as a bait to lure the reader into the body type.
Fill in the blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on a short bond paper.(Rx2)
1. Proofreading, unlike copyreading, is correcting all errors made by the ____________in setting Picture Selection
copy into type. There are two things to remember and consider when selecting pictures for publications:
2. In copyreading, the editing is done within the page of the manuscript, while in proofreading, all 1. Technical Value – a picture has technical value when it is clear, free from smudges, clear and not
corrections are indicated in the ________________. blurred.
3. All galley proofs must be checked with the _________________copy. 2. Editorial Value – it has editorial value when it tells a story at a glance, when it shows life
4. The most desirable system is to have _________________ persons work together as a proofreading happening, moment of truth and significance – meaning it has news value.
5. After the lines that need correcting have been reset, the printer throws out the incorrect slugs and Five (5) main functions of photos and images :
inserts the corrected lines. He then pulls another galley proof called the 1. to attract attention 3. to tell a story itself through the aid of captions
_______________________. 2. to illustrate a point in the story 4. to tell a story in sequence w/ other illustrations
5.) to give visual relief to the layout

PHOTOJOURNALISM Characteristics of a Good Photographer

A good cameraman:
Expected Outcomes:
1. Should have a working knowledge of his outfit – camera, lens, and film;
 Knowledge of the functions of pictures and illustrations 2. Should know a little of art and be possessed with a notion of contrast, composition, angle and
 Awareness of the editorial and technical values of pictures and illustrations shape;
 Familiarity with the proper use of photos and graphs 3. Must have a nose for drama, oddity, rarity, action and for human interest stories;
 Knowledge of the common illustrative and decorative forms that appear in campus papers 4. Must be acquianted with the important as well as with the notorious people who break into the
 Mastery of caption writing news often;
 Knowledge of the qualities of a good staff photographer 5. Must have diplomacy and tact when covering risky assignments like fires, riots, rallies, and
demonstrations; and
6. Must be acquainted with the libel laws, since libel suits can also proceed from pictures.

Reminders as Regards the Selection, Scaling, and captioning of Pictures
Good picture aid in the effective illustration of the news. They present the pictorial side of the
1. Photo shpuld be cropped tightly to eliminate unnecessary details and to focus attention to its
event, enliven the makeup or layout and give color and variety to a poorly laid out paper.
2. Photo should not lie right next to a heavily shaded advertisment. It wil lose its impact if it is
What is Photojournalism? overshadowed by neighboring material.
3. Multicolumn photos as a rule should be in the uper-left hand corner of the page and should be
displayed without overlines.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
4. The crowded, posed photograph should be avoided, unless it has to get in. if you decide to use it, 1. All rules in newsprinting apply to caption writing.
crop it tightly and blow it up. 2. Captions should be written in short pithy sentences, say an average of 15 words for a sentence.
5. Retouch whenever necessary. 3. The basic question every caption must tell of its pictures are: Who, What, Where, When and
6. Keep caption short. Why. Who are in the picture? What are they doing in it? When are they doing it?
4. Give the full Christian name or first name to identify everyone in the picture and be accurate.
Reminders as Regards the Proper Use of Photos and Graphs This is important, but which of course cannot be done for word scenes. When you name
1. Action pictures are better than posed pictures. people in the caption, make it clear who is who.
2. Don’t put pictures back to back, meaning two pictures facing opposite directions. 5. A gay (happy) picture should have a gay caption. A somber (serious or sad) picture should not
3. Avoid firing line or firing squad or posed pictures. They are dead. Prefer candid shots. Life is not make weak jokes. Match the caption with the mood of the picture. This is a question of
posed. It is active. judgement.
4. If you have to use group pictures, use it big to allow recignition of people in it, unless it is a crowd 6. A caption is conversational. It should exploit the picture potential interest, e.g., President
scene where the crowd is more important than the expression of the faces. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in Filipiniana dress while Vice President Noli de Castro in military
5. Even a carsh scene looks dead with the only the plane shown or the train wreck pictured. People attire. These should be mentioned in the caption.
running away form it, or people rushing to it for rescue would make it lively. 7. Captions should supplement what is seen. They are not captions if they merely tell the reader
6. Small pictures are ineffective. Details and impact are lost. what he can see.
7. Cropping would improve the picture. Cropping means cutting off all that are unnecessary, those 8. The caption should not contradict the photo, e.g., Boy Scout palnting tree seedlings but the
that have nothing to do with the story. Focus the eyes on important details and eliminate irrelevenat boy scouts are looking at the camera smiling and not planting.
ones. For instance, eliminating the body and the other arms of the speaker to show a clench fist in 9. Don’t begin a caption with “Photo shows” especially if it really doesn’t or “In the photo are..”
gesture. This is totally unnecessary.
8. But beware of too much cropping. One needs an overchanging branch in the foreground for better 10. Don’t rewrite the news story as a caption. This merely wastes space.
perspective. A man alone in the desert deserved a picture showing the vastness of the desert. 11. The caption should be intended, say em or en at each side. Choose a type or font different
9. You don’t have to include the whole face in the portrait. You can taje off the ear as long the from the normal body type, either bold or italics but be consistent.
attention is focused on the eyes, the window of the soul.
10. Reverse the negative if you meet the problem of facing in. Facing in means that the person is The Picture Story
looking out of the page. Don’t allow this to happen. However, beware of flop which means that A picture story is the use of a series of pictures with a minimum of words called caption story.
when you reverse the picture, errors will be created. There will be a change in th eposition of the Picture stories are often used in the feature sections and in magazines.
parting of the hair, position of moles, breast handkerchiefs and words in the picture at the The picture story is also used to illustrate a “how to” article. How to play basketball, for example,
background. can be best illustrated with the use of visuals. When the primary goal of the story is to “show” the reader
something and not just “tell” him, then th role of pictures become dominant and words only all
cases, however, a skillful merging of the two is necessary.
Caption Writing
A caption is the text of body type, accompanying photos or art work or any pictorial
illustration. It is sometimes called cutline or underline. The title or explanatory matter above the The Caption Story
illustration is called overline. Most picture in the feature section and in magazines are explained with a caption story in essay
Captions should be closely related to the picture so that the reader may be able to take in from. Unlime in news photos wherein the caption is written in short pithy sentences merely answering the
picture and caption at a glance. This explains why the caption should be underneath the picture 5W’s, captions, aside from answering the important W’s, are descriptive , narrative or expositiry.
when there are other materils on the page. However, there are pictures that tell a story by themselves. Only a minimum of caption is needed
The caption can be at the side when caption and picture are isolated. or even a caption may by superfluous. Editorial cartoons usually don’t have captions, but they tell stories or
make a point.
Things to Remember:

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.
Find at least one interesting news story in the neighborhood. See to it that the event/incident is
newsworthy. Take a photo of it with an appropriate caption below. Follow the guidelines and
reminders you have learned on this unit. Picture should occupy half of the short bond paper.
Congratulations for enduring the
challenges of this semester, young
dreamer! You are a CONQUEROR
because GOD designed you to be!


Research about the “ Code of Ethics of the Philippine Press Council” and explain each.

Southern Masbate Roosevelt College, Inc. School ID# 403785. Printed and reproduced for school use only. Unauthorized reproduction will be penalized.

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