Test False + False - Reagent Correlations Result Specific Gravity PH Protein

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Specific High concentrations of High alkaline urines …..bromthymol blue

Gravity protein (>6.5)
pH No known interfering substances; runover from Methyl Red Nitrite, Leukocytes,
adjacent pads, old specimens Bromthymol blue Microscopic
Protein Highly buffered alkaline Proteins other than Tetrabrom Tetrabrom Blood, Nitrite, (+): Blue-Green
urine, pigmented specimen, albumin, Leukocytes, (-): Yellow
Phenazopyridine, microalbuminuria Microscopic
Quarternary ammonium
compounds (detergents),
antiseptics, chlorhexidine,
loss of buffer from
prolonged exposure of the
rgt strip to the specimen,
high S.G
Glucose Oxidizing agents, High levels of ascorbic Glucose oxidase Ketones, Protein Copper reduction
(Dextrose) detergents acid, ketones, high Peroxidase test:
S.G., LOW TEMP, (+): Copper Oxide
improperly preserved Brick red
urine (-): Copper Sulfate
Ketones Pthalein dyes, highly Improperly preserved Sodium Nitroprusside Glucose (+): Glucose
pigmented red urine, urine Glycine
levodopa, medications with
sulfhydryl groups
Blood Strong oxidizing agent, High S.G., crenated Di….tetramethylbenzidin Protein, Microscopic (+): Green to Blue
bacterial peroxidases, cells, formalin, e
menstrual contam. captopril, high
concentrations of
nitrite, ascorbic acid
(>25mg/dL), unmixed
Bilirubin Highly pigmented urine, Spx exposure to light, -dichlor…..diazonium salt Urobilinogen (+): Tan or Pink to
phenazopyridine, indican, high conc. of nitrite, Violet
metab. of Iodine ascorbic acid
Urobilinogen Ehrlich-reactive comp. Old specimens, PDAB or Ehrlich rgt Bilirubin (+): Cherry red
(porphobilinogen, indicant, preservation in 4-methoxybenzene-
methyldopa, procaine formalin, high conc. of diazonium-
sulfonamides, p- nitrite tertafluoroborate
aminosalicylic acid, (specific for UBG)
pigmented urine

Nitrite Improperly preserved Nonreductase- quinolin quinolin Protein, Leukocytes, (+): Uniform Pink
specimens, highly containing bact., Microscopic
pigmented urine insufficient contact
time bet. bacteria &
urinary nitrate, lack of
urinary nitrate, large
quantities of bacteria
converting nitrite to
nitrogen, antibiotics,
high ascorbic acid,
high S.G.
Leukocytes Strong oxidizing agents, High conc. of protein, M: Derivatized pyrrole Protein, Nitrite, (+): Purple
formalin, highly pigmented glucose, oxalic acid, amino acid ester, Microscopic
urine, nitrofurantoin ascorbic acid, Diazonium salt
gentamicin, C: Indoxylcarbonic acid
cephalosprorins, ester, Diazonium salt
inaccurate timin

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