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4th JUNE 2020








1.0 Introduction 1-2

Article Mind Map 3

2.0 Article Summary 4-7

3.0 Conclusion 8


‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Allah, the Almighty, for His showers of
blessings throughout my assignment to complete the research successfully.

In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of some

respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the completion of this assignment
gave me much pleasure, I would like to show my gratitude Sir Asmad, my lecturer for IMD315
subject, at UiTM Kedah for giving me a good guidelines for assignment throughout numerous
consultations. I would also like to expand my gratitude to all those who have directly and
indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.

Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to do the assignment
work directly or indirectly.


Management is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-

for-profit organization, or government body. “The process of planning, organizing, leading and
controlling resources in an organizational (Holt). Library management is a sub-discipline of
institutional management that focuses on specific issues faced by libraries and library
management professionals. Library management encompasses normal managerial tasks, as
well as intellectual freedom and fundraising responsibilities. Issues faced in library
management frequently overlap with those faced in managing non-profit organizations.

The principles of management have been categorized into the four major functions of
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling popularly an organization (a group of one or
more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal known as the P-O-
L-C framework.

After that, planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and
determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Planning requires that managers
be aware of environmental conditions facing their organization and forecast future conditions.
It also requires that managers be good decision makers. Planners must establish objectives,
which are statements of what needs to be achieved and when. Planners must then identify
alternative courses of action for achieving objectives. After evaluating the various alternatives,
planners must make decisions about the best courses of action for achieving objectives. They
must then formulate necessary steps and ensure effective implementation of plans. Finally,
planners must constantly evaluate the success of their plans and take corrective action when

Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an organizational

structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of objectives. The
structure of the organization is the framework within which effort is coordinated. The structure
is usually represented by an organization chart, which provides a graphic representation of
the chain of command within an organization. Decisions made about the structure of an
organization are generally referred to as organizational design decisions.

Next, Leading involves the social and informal sources of influence that you use to
inspire action taken by others. If managers are effective leaders, their subordinates will be
enthusiastic about exerting effort to attain organizational objectives.

` Last but not least, controlling involves ensuring that performance does not deviate from
standards. Controlling consists of three steps, which include (1) establishing performance
standards, (2) comparing actual performance against standards, and (3) taking corrective
action when necessary. Performance standards are often stated in monetary terms such as
revenue, costs, or profits but may also be stated in other terms, such as units produced,
number of defective products, or levels of quality or customer service.

Based on article that I have been chosen, it is about two case studies of change
projects in academic libraries resulting in new management can be found. One leader
describes the changes resulting from the announcement that she was to be the new director;
the second leader goes through a management restructuring process to introduce a less
hierarchical structure into their academic library. There will be a these processes in detail,
beginning with the change project in the library, followed by the aspects of leadership style
during this change process and the communication style and tools that were used or, rather,


Based on mind map and the article that I have chosen, this article is about 2 different
leader or manager or two case studies of change projects in academic libraries resulting in new
management can be found. This article or book was published by Dr Petra Düren which is
Professor of Management of Library and Information Services at the Hamburg University of
Applied Sciences.

Her subjects range from Management of Library and Information Services, Information
Controlling, Media and User Research, Personnel Management and Change Management for
undergraduate studies toward a Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science to Quality
Management, Business Management, Human Resources Management and the Learning
Organisation for studies toward the Master’s degree in Information, Media, Library. Her
research projects include leadership aspects, change management, the organisational culture,
quality management and knowledge management in libraries.

This article was about 2 leaders performing their roles in changes of management in the
library in a different way.. The first topic is about changes resulting from the announcement of
a new director in an academic library. For the library and its change project which is new head
librarian was announced in this Greek university library with a total of eleven employees. The
management was totally change into a new one when the new and this change to the top
management led to several alterations in the administration of this library to try to cut back the
old and bureaucratic processes as much as possible. For example, they no longer undertake
double cataloguing and they have stopped recording data on both computer and paper. All the
staff was affected with the change and the announcement because it happen all sudden.

After that, leadership during the change process. We all know that this new role in the
academic library resulted in new behaviour and a new leadership style. Important aspects of
this new style of leader were a cooperative attitude, the setting of goals as well as the assignment
of the implementation of these goals to the other members of staff.

As we know, in leading, managers or leader must determine direction, state a clear
vision for employees to follow, and help employees understand the role they play in attaining
goals. The leader must play important roles to make sure the staff is comfortable and be able to
do their duties.

Next is the communication style and tools. This new leader of the library practicing to
visiting her team members in the office. It was a good move for a new leader to show to the
staff an example that he also has an initiative by visiting them to know what happened. By
discussion with everyone or staff in the library at their own department, it will open up space
for them to discuss more detail about their problem, difficulties and sharing their views as well
as opinion. She also can tell the staff about her plan and her vision towards library and it was
really good because they can see their goals more clear and straight forward. They still
communicate by sending emails which is an information can send trough the email without
need to seeing each other face to face.

After that is recommendation. It is very important to have clear vision about the change
project for the leader itself and of course, the staff. So, they will know what to do and prepared

Last, is the change project. Their leader mentioning that the planned project is going as
planned but some of the changes have already implemented and it was successful. It shows that
the staff can accept the changes without changes their behaviour because of the leader is doing
great with her roles.


Topic two which is 7.2 in this article was about management restructuring across the
whole organisation for a less hierarchical structure in an academic library. Baed on what I have
understand for the library and its change project, there is one academic library in Scotland with
280 staff or members are having over a nine-month period management levels were reduced
with the aim of introducing a ‘flatter’ structure. Basically all the staff members in every
department were affected because of the change project.

Next, leadership during the change process. During the change project process, the
leader plays important roles to make sure all their staff members are physically and mentally
fine while doing their parts. The head of the business unit dealing with reference enquiries and
reading room services offered her support to those team members that were directly affected
by this change project throughout the whole process. They take a move for the staff members
and shows some support by support for their comments and suggestions regarding the draft
organisational structure given to the top management. They also provide feedback about the
new organisational structure. The leader also changing her leadership style and behaviour so
that they can work together without any problem. The leader show her support by becoming
more proactive and supporting them. All team members were invited throughout the whole
process to give their feedback on the proposed new organisational structure and this leader
encouraged her team members to do so. The staffs will get comfort by their leader’s act and
managerial functions, worked.

After that, communication style and tools. Their leader insist that it is important to stay
communicated and dialogue with each other while the change process is happening with
someone leading such a major change project. It is also important for giving her own voices
such as comment and suggestion. Throughout such a deliberate large-scale change process
there needs to be a sufficient amount of consultation time to put aside the members to be able
for them to give feedback or comments. Because some of them may have children, or some of
them are taking their leaves for holiday. The communication tools that used in this library was
formal team meetings and formal as well as informal discussions with individuals to email to stay
connected among themselves.

Next was, After the change project. The change project in this academic library has
been successful as the final organisational structure has been agreed on. All the suggestions or
comments from the staffs will be taken for research if it is acceptable and can be practiced in
this library. This project was not finished implemented till July 2012 so it was early to say that
this final organisation will work.

Last, recommendation. First, leader who are involve in this kind of big change or sudden
change should have broad communication skills, in both verbal or written and as well as a good
listener. The leader should also be able to show empathy for those affected by the change
process. If the leader was able to manage change perfectly, it will always include the ability to
maintain a positive outlook throughout the whole change project when it is happen. Next, leaders
handling such a change process should also have a certain amount of assertiveness. It is
because, it will help the leader object or challenge any decisions as well as give feedback. Good
negotiating skills and creative is a bonus and something that needed by the leader.


For the conclusion, we know that leader play important roles to make sure their staff
especially who those involved in any kind of changes that they didn’t usual with to stay energized
and efficient to do their work. Leadership is an important function of management which helps
to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. If there is no leader in organization,
there is no management that can be proceed in that organization and the organization cannot
achieve their goals. Management also is important, their leaders shows by planning, leading,
organizing, and controlling (PLOC) their staff.

. In leading, managers determine direction, state a clear vision for employees to follow,
and help employees understand the role they play in attaining goals. Leadership involves a
manager using power, influence, vision, persuasion, and communication skills. The outcome of
the leading function is a high level of motivation and commitment from employees to the
organization. A manager must have traits of a leader, they must possess leadership qualities.
Leaders develop and begin strategies that build and sustain competitive advantage.
Organizations require robust leadership and robust management for optimal organizational

As we can see, in this article shows that their leader had a skills to handle changes in
their organization and manage to make their staff to work together. They put an effort to make
sure their staff members had a space to talk, give suggestion and many more. This will help
their staff to stay work efficient and effective. Their manager or leader are the people who
responsible for supervising the use of an organization’s resources to meet its goals.


Leadership Skills: Definitions and Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved June 03, 2020, from

Boundless. (n.d.). Boundless Business. Retrieved June 03, 2020, from

MSG Management  Study  Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved June 03,

2020, from

Rihal, C. (n.d.). Charanjit S. Rihal. Retrieved June 03, 2020, from

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