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UCSP Reviewer 3)Conveys and facilitates meaning - through

verbal and non-verbal communication

Culture - It refers to the totality of what man
has learned as a member of society. 4)Production of Man-made things- produces
things such as
Society - A group of people who lived in a
clothes,tools,machine,structures,etc. made
particular social system.
possible by technological know how.
Sociology - Scientific study of patterned,shared
5) Human satisfaction- contribute to overall
human behavior.
human satisfaction as we develop ways to make
Cultural Relativism- The principle that an life more enjoyable,comfortable and easier.
individual, person's beliefs and activities should
Significance of Studying Society
be understood by others in terms of that
individual's own culture. 1)Representation of our identity

Knowledge - it refers to any information 2)Characterize the totality of a teritory

perceived and received.
3)Symbol of political independece
Human Cultural Variation- Refers to the
4)Avenue for economic interdependence
differences in the sociall behaviors that
different cultures exhibit around the world. Anthropology - is the branch of knowledge
which deals with the scientific study of man.
Social Differences- Differences among the
individuals on the basis of the socia Political Science- is a systematic study of a state
characteristics and qualities and its goverment. with the relationship of men
in the community.
Social Change- Refers tro adopting a new belief
or a way of behaving which then becomes Ricardo Lazo- the primary goal of P.S is
widely accepted as the norm. citizenship education. to understand and
appreciate the duties and obligations of being a
Political Identity - Refers to a specific political
member of soiety.
party affilation.
Thomas Carlyle- "Culture is a process by which a
Ethnocentrism- The emotional attituedthay
person becomes all that they were created
one's own race,nation or culture is superior to
capable of being "
all others.
Types of Culture
Cultural Variation- refers to differences in social
behaviors that dif. cultures that exhibit the Non-material Culture - Languange and
world. Symbols,Ideas,Religion,Behavior,gesture and
"Change is the only permanent thing in the
world"- Heraclitus Material Culture- Technological
tols,Architecturalstructures,Fashion and
Personal Identity - Is the concept you develop
accessories, Food.
about yourself that evolves over the course of
your life. Elements of Culture
Nation-state - a nation-state is a sovereign state Knowledge- information received and perceived
whose citizens or subjects have a common to be true.
Beliefs- Perception of accepted reality.
Significance of Studying Culture
Social Norms - These are established
1) Adaption and Integration -able to adapt and expectations of society as to how a person is
integrate himself to his environment to survive. supposed to act depending on the requirements
of the time,place and situation.
2)Patterns of Acceptable Social Behavior-
establishes acceptable behaviors such as Kinds of Social Norms
etiquette,protocols, good manners and right
Folkways- patterns of repetitive behaviour that CHAPTER 4
become a part of living .
Socialization-It is the process and outcome of
Mores- Distinguishes human acts as right or integration through association,social
wrong, or good from bad. interaction.

Values- anything held to be relatively Imitation- One tends to duplicate more or less,
worthy,important or valuable. or exactly, the behaviors of others.

Technology- converting raw materials into Norms- rules that regulates the process of social
finished products. interaction.

Evolution- Natural process of biological change Deviance- it is defined as an act that violates a
occuring in a population across successive social norm.
Socialization - is a continuing proces whereby an
HOMO- It is the genus of the modern humans individual acquires apersonal identity
and the first group that came out of africa.
Socialization can be described from two point of
Australopithecus- Considered as the earliest view:
known fossil creature identified as definitely
Objective:Refers to the society acting upon a
man like in form.
Homo habilis- known as Handy Man
Subjective:Processby which society transmits its
Homo erectus- known as Upright Man culture from one generation to another and
adapts the individual to the accepted and
Broken pebbles - Earliest tools used by
approved ways of organized social life.
prehuman primates.
Perspective on Socialization
Paleolithic Age - Unpolished tools,Hunting and
gathering,Nomadic way of living PRD-Process where we develop our sense of
identity and belongingness.
Neolithic- Polished tools,domestication of
plants and animals SDT- The much needed skills such as
com.,interpersonal,and occupational are
Mesolithic- A stepping stone, tend to stay
longer in fixed places.
V.F- Individuals are influenced by the prevailing
Types of Society
values of social groups.
a. Hunting and Food gathering
SIA-Process allows us to fit in and be accustom
b.Horticultural Society to the cultural setting

c.Pastoral Society SCS-To control the society using social norms

with regard to social relationship and behavior.
d.Agricultural Society
Agents of Socialization
e.Industrial Society
Family( Primary)
f.Post-Industrial Society
Civilization- Refers to a high level of cultural and
technological development of human beings. Church

Race- Refers to genetic variation among human Peer Group

groups that characterizes their common
Work Place
biological traits
Mass Media
Ethnicity- Cultural differences among group of
people bounded by certain cultural and Social norms were formed in order to control an
historical commonalities. individual;sbehaviour in a society.

Social Status-It refers to the position an 4.Retreatism-withdrawal from society, do not
individual occupies in a society. care about the success nor about working.

Two types of Social status 5.Rebellion- this occurs when people reject and
attempt to change both the goals and means.
1.Ascribed statutes- assigned to the individual
from birth. Four functions of Deviance( Functionalist theory
by Emile Durkheim)
2.Achieved statuses- Acquaired by choice,merit
or efforts. a.Deviance affirms values and norms.

Conformity- is opposite to social deviance which b.clarifies moral boundary

implies obedience to the norms that make a
c.promotes social unity
person acceptable in a particular society, group,
or social setting. d.encourages social change
Deviance-Deviance is a behaviour that violates
the standards of conduct or expectations or
social norms of a group or society. Alcoholics,
gamblers, sex deviants, drug addicts or late
comers in the class are all classified as deviants
or deviant acts.

Social Control-Refers to the efforts of a group to

regulate the behavior of its members.

Two types of sanction

Informal Sanction and Formal Sanction

Types of Conformity

1. Compliance- when an individual accepts

influence because he hopes to achieve a
favorable reaction from another person or

2.Internalization-accepts influence because the

content of the induced behavior

3.Identification-wants to establish or maintain a

satisfying self defining relationship to another
person or group.

4.Integratiational-To impress or gain

favor/acceptance from other people.

Forms of Deviance (emerge from strain theory

by robertmerton)

1. Conformity-accepting both the cultural goal

of success & use of legitimate means for
achieving the goal.

2.Innovation-accepting the goal of success but

uses the illegitimate way to achieve the goal.

3.Ritualism- this occurs when people reject the

importance of sucess once they realize they will
never achieve it.

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