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About the number 666?

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The number 11, which is that of the letters of the word, combines the unity of the
initiate with the denary
of Pythagoras, and the number 66, the added total of all the letters, form kabalistically
the number 12, which is the square of the triad and consequently the mystic quadrature
of the circle. We may remark, in passing, that the author of the Apocalypse, that key of
the Christian Kabalah, composed the number of the beast, that is to say, of idolatry, by
adding a 6 to the double senary of ABRACADABRA, which gives 18 kabalistically, the
number attributed in the Tarot to the hieroglyphic sign
of night and of the profane – the moon, together with the towers, dog, wolf and crab – a
mysterious and obscure number, the kabalistic key of which is 9, the THE TRIANGLE
OF PANTACLES 25 number of initiation. On this subject the sacred Kabalist says
expressly: “He that hath understanding” that is, the key of kabalistic numbers – “let him
count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six
hundred three score and six.” It is, in fact, the decade of Pythagoras multiplied by itself
and added to the sum of the triangular Pantacle of ABRACADABRA: it is thus the sum
of all Magic in the ancient world, the entire programme of human genius, which the
Divine Genius of the Gospel sought to absorb or transplant.

Eliphas Levi, Transcendental Magic, Part II (Dogma et Rituel, Part II.)

Most Christians say that 666 is the number of the beast, the number of Satan, or
something along those lines. What does the occult say of this and the mentions of it in
the Christian Bible?

I hope this answers some of your questions. taken from

Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati

Number of the Beast

by Joshua Jacob Seraphim {Frater Annuit Coeptis}

copyright © 2002 all rights reserved.

It is revealed unto us in The Book of the Law: "Every number is infinite; there is no
difference." (Liber Legis I;4) The Number of the Beast 616 is the most Exalted Number
of the Sun. 616 is the Arcane Archetype of the solar-phallic-hermetic Lucifer, the
Black Seraph of G.O.D., Ancient Horned-Serpent , Morning Star, He who bade "Know
Thyself!" and taught Initiation, the Great One of the Night of Time whom begets men
and demons, but who, rebelled against Jehovah and loved Lilith the Queen of Hell, and
was banished from the Empyrean Throne unto the abominable lands of Nod, and with
him a third of the Angels of the Kingdom of Heaven, and who is now the Dark Lord of
all Kindred who shall reform the world in his unholy visage and abolish the dead
religion of Christianity. The seal of Occult Antichristian Initiation is the Number of the
Beast, a hieroglyph of arcane perfection. In the Kindred Arts and Sciences of Magic(k),
the Holy Number 666 is consecrated to a Eucharist of the Sun, initiating a Solar Sabbath
of Ra-Hoor-Khuit the Sun. Last of the Mystic Numbers of the Sun, 616 unveils to
Potentates the Arcane Mysteries of Magic(k), Mysticism, and Religion in Qabalistic
portals of wisdom sanctified unto the Great Architect of the Universe.

The Qabalah can further elucidate upon us the Mysteries of the Exalted Number of the
Beast 666. The arcane number 666 is symbolized by the Hebrew letter Shin, which
characteristically consists of three Hebrew Vavs, so that its essential magickal nature is
666. The Hebrew letter Shin is the 31st Path entitled the "Perpetual Intelligence" on the
Tree of Life, linking Hod with Malkut; it implies the Holy Angel descending in tongues
of flame. 666 is the arcane and mystick sum of the Qabalistic Veiled black spheres of
Initiation. The Mystick Number of the Beast Qabalistically translates to Vav (6), Mem
(600), and Samekh (60). The Tarot Atu of Thoth embodied with these Hebrew letters
are Atu V the Hierophant, Atu XII the Hanged Man, and Atu XIV Art. The initiate will
unveil in working with the Sacred Qabalah innumerable ways to unearth the
unexpressed solar-phallic archetypes of the Ancient Mysteries of the Abominable
Number 666.

Since the dawn of the human spiritual epoch, the Mysteries of the Number of the Beast
have captured the futile and obsessive imagination of Christian eschatology. The false
waning religious institution of Christianity was born of eschatological hope and
expectation, promulgating the Great Lie of Sin. The Book of the Apocalypse correlates
the Mystick Number 616 with the identity of the Antichrist, supplying fundamentalist
hordes of apocalyptic zeal with an all-obsessive clue to the identity of the awaited
"Beast." Secular debates rage at present to the identity of the scribe of the Apocalypse.
In about e.v. 135, Justin Martyr concluded that the Book of the Apocalypse was scribed
by one, "John", one of the original mythic Apostles of the Christ. The theological
scholar Irenaeus decided the Book of Revelations to have been scribed by John, son of
Zebedee, whom he also alleged wrote the fabled Gospel of John. The literary style or
theological terms employed in the Book of the Apocalypse fail to link any connection
with any earlier mythic scribe of the profane Gospels. The Greek term apokalypsis
means an unveiling, an uncovering, a revealing of what is normally concealed. As
applied to the Book of Revelations, and the Number of the Beast 616, it means the
unveiling of a dimension of human history that is ordinarily closed to the worldly view.
Concerning the revelation of number of the Beast, the Book of the Apocalypse states:
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man may buy or sell, save
he had that mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast; for it is the number of a
man, and his number is Six-hundred and sixty-six." (The Apocalypse XIII; 16-18)

For nearly two thousand years, this Mystick Number 616 has been the prophetic
obsession of an unending breed of paranoid hordes of persecuting Christian
fundamentalists and soothsayers of the Advent of Antichrist and his hieroglyphic
number. The false religion of Christianity intertwines the identity of the Antichrist with
that of a mythic figure of Satan, a human incarnation of ultimate evil, a malicious devil
invented by priests of the obsolete church adoring a vulgar image of Baphomet
consecrated to insidious forces of ruin and desolation. The Abominable Number of the
Beast 616 has been assigned unto various historical personages and archetypes, often
with the most deplorable paranoia and misperception. 616 originally was thought in
history to be associated with the Roman Emperor Nero, translated into Greek as Neron
Kaiser (Nero Caesar). The numerical value of this title in Hebrew (NRVN KSR) adds
up to six-hundred and sixteen, and as alleged Roman persecutor of the early Christians,
this fitted convenience with history. The Mystick and eminent Number of the Sun
transcends the vicissitudes of time and religious tribulation, assigned to such personages
as American Presidents, scholars and statesmen, religious figureheads, and is even
unveiled by obsessive Christian hordes to be in such places as the U.S. One dollar bill,
pervading the ascension of information technology. The number of the Beast, be it 616,
or the more infamous 666, has even been employed in the fanatical identification of the
historical Antichrist with the Vatican Papacy, revealed by the profane masses as the
sum numerical value of the official title of the Roman Catholic Pope - Vicarivs Filii

The Exalted Number of the Sun, also is the arcane number of the occult Hexagram, the
hieroglyph of the Sun, as a single line of a Hexagram essentially constitutes three
interdependent parts, each of which may be symbolized by the numeral 1, thus every
line in the Hexagram signifies characteristically the occult number 111. In the
Hexagram is contained six lines so esoterically, we arrive at the Mystick 666 via 111 x
6. Upon the Hexagram each angle measures to 60 degrees, as 360 is the sum of six
angles of 60 degrees upon the occult Hexagram (60 degrees x 6 = 360). Sixty is the
value of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which correlates to the Infernal Fallen Angel (called
by Aleister Crowley the "Holy Guardian Angel") in the Magick of Thelema, or the
solar-phallic force of the Sun. The number 360 is the sum value of the Hebrew letter
Shin spelt in full. Shin embodies the Sun and its Unholy Number 666, it is the Mystick
and Magick archetype of Resurrection hidden in Death. Concerning the Sun and its
Dominion of Life, the Occult nature of 666 relates to the procession of the Zodiac. The
Zodiac is divided into twelve signs, or Houses, each thirty degrees with sixty minutes
constituting the cyclic time of each degree. Again is seen the solar interplay of the
Sun's sojourn throughout the heavens, the Resounding Tides of Life - wherein the
Qabalistic nature is 666, as the 12 Houses of the Zodiac x 30 degrees again is the sum
360, the value of the Hebrew letter Shin in full. A length of sixty minutes in each
degree again arrives upon the value of the Hebrew letter Samekh (60).

The Infernal Number of the Sun 616 is the Number of a Man, it is His Unholy
Talisman. In the Magick of Thelema, 666 is the sum equivalent of the enigmatic
Aleister E. Crowley, the historical personage of the Apocalypse whom is ThRIVN
(Therion = 666), the Great Beast of the Sun, who was ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV (T).
The Arcane Number of the Sun 666 also is equivalent to the sum of OMMV SThN
(Ommo Satan) the esoteric Sabbatic triad of Typhon-Apophis-Besz; also SVRTh, the
Spirit of the Sun and the Qabalistic value of ShMSh IHVH, the all-pervading Sun of
Tetragrammaton. The Last of the arcane Numbers of the Sun is bonded unto the
mystical nature of ShM IHShVH, the name of the mythic Christ-Jesus as solar logos.
Thus, the Occult nature of the Number of the Beast, 616, refers the Initiate to
incalculable and arcane Mysteries of the Sun, its earthly emissaries, esoteric noumenon
and involution of solar-spiritual consciousness. The Holy Number of Our Lord the
Beast is Sol Invictvs, the "Unconquered Sun", a source of creative solar-phallic
Illumination, the primal isolation of Life in the Macrocosm, and inner passion. The
obsessive identifying of the Mystick Number 616 with insidious images of Lucifer as
ultimate evil incarnate in Man, a malicious devil adoring a false countenance of
Baphomet consecrated unto vile and profane forces of ruin and desolation, has, in short,
been the rallying cry for Christian crusades of hatred.

O' Brothers and Sisters, the Arcane incalculable Number of the Beast 616 has no place
in the slavish hordes of religious fundamentalism, laws and lies of restriction, nor is the
Unholy Number of the Sun to be found in subservient behavior developed from a failed
philosophy of inner guilt and repression, which is the Great Lie of Sin! An end to the
masquerade of the Old Æon! The Exalted Number of the Sun, of His Bride the Serpent-
Beast, 616 is a hieroglyph of arcane perfection, psychological equilibrium, and
Initiation of the Thelemic current. 616 is an inestimable hieroglyph of the Sun and a
Eucharist of the Knowledge and Conversation of our Infernal Fallen Angel. The Path of
the Beast and His hieroglyph 616 leads the initiate as an intermediary before the
perilous Black Flame, in the shadows of which we partake of the Sacrament of Lucifer
the Lightbringer, consecrated unto the Arcane and Unholy Number of the Beast-

to the best of my knowledge the number 666 became anathema when the emporer Nero
began to persecute the jewish community. every letter in the old jewish script has a
numeral correspondent and if you take the numbers that correspond to nero in the
jewish script and add them together in some specific way it equals 666. therefor the
number of a horrible man and the jews way of smack talkin (power to the people)
without getting killed for treason.

Shin: I believe this elaborates on what you were saying:
Quote from: Joshua Jacob Seraphim (Frater Annuit Coeptis)

616 originally was thought in history to be associated with the Roman Emperor Nero,
translated into Greek as Neron Kaiser (Nero Caesar). The numerical value of this title
in Hebrew (NRVN KSR) adds up to six-hundred and sixteen, and as alleged Roman
persecutor of the early Christians, this fitted convenience with history.

Star: Actually, that doesn't really help :P I don't quite understand what it is saying, but is
there some occult view that the Fallen Angles and some Unholy Lucifer is actually a
divine thing? Is that a veritable source? I hope I'm not too ignorant here.


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Qual a importância dos números 11 e 666 em magia?

O que é a Besta do Apocalipse?

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