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Carlos Eduardo Ponce M

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12739 ENGLISH IV CGT / English Course ID: 58D3-6973

Cyber Homework | Unit 10 Lesson 3

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Unit 10 Lesson 3 110 / 116 points (94%)

2019-11-30, 10:00 pm 11 / 11 exercises (100%)


Dialogue – Giving advice

2019-08-27, 05:10 pm
9 / 9 points (100%)

A I'm feeling really stressed at work.
B You shouldn't work too much.
A But I have so many things to do!
B Perhaps you should try yoga.
A I'm not really into yoga.
B Well , why don't you look for a new job?
A But I have a really good salary in this job.
B Perhaps you could talk to your boss.
A Yes, that's a good idea. I'll try that.

Dialogue – Giving advice

2019-08-27, 05:11 pm
3 / 3 points (100%)

A I don't feel well. My head hurts.
B I'm not surprised. You spend too much time sitting in front of your computer. It's not good to be inside
all day. Why don't you go out for a walk and get some fresh air?
A You're right. I'm going to put on a pair of shorts and tennis shoes. Would you like to come with me?
B OK. Where should we go?

A Perhaps we could go to the supermarket and get some stuff.

B That's fine, but we shouldn't carry too much weight.

A I know. Just a few things.

B Let's go, then!

Grammar – should
2019-08-27, 05:12 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)

You shouldn't use an elevator when there's a fire in the building.
You shouldn't do exercise after a big meal.
You should walk at least 30 minutes a day.
You shouldn't smoke if you are a professional athlete.
Children shouldn't talk to strangers.
You shouldn't play loud music at night.
You should switch off your phone if you're at the library.
You shouldn't speak loudly on the phone when you're traveling on a train.

Grammar – should
2019-08-27, 05:19 pm
14 / 18 points (77%)

My teeth hurt. (see / psychologist / dentist) Should I see a psychologist or a dentist?
You shouldn't see a psychologist. You should see a dentist.
I have an exam tomorrow. (watch TV / study) Should I see a psychologist or a dentist? (Should I watch TV or study?)
You shouldn't watch TV (You shouldn't watch TV.) You should study (You should study.)
I'm traveling to Chicago in January. (pack / summer clothes / winter clothes) Should I pack summer clothes or winter clothes?
You shouldn't pack summer clotes. (You shouldn't pack summer clothes.) You should pack winter clothes.
My back hurts. (lift weights / rest) Should I lift weights or rest?
You shouldn't lift weights. You should rest.
I want to get in better shape. (drive a car / ride a bike) Should I drive a car or ride a bike?
You shouldn't drive a car. You should ride a bike.
I want to get a really good seat. (book / late / early) Should I book late or early?
You shouldn't book late. You should book early.
I would like to have a healthier lifestyle. (drink / soda / water) Should I drink soda or water?
You shouldn't drink soda. You should drink water.

Grammar – Review
2019-08-27, 05:22 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)

What are you going to do on the weekend?
They aren't going to go on vacation this time.
The plane is going to take off.
Playing golf is more boring than playing tennis.
Doctors are better paid than nurses.
You shouldn't have too much to eat late at night.
Should I join a salsa class?
They both enjoy playing sports.

Reading – Three tips for a healthier life (1)

2019-08-27, 05:23 pm
3 / 3 points (100%)

Move around more – sit less
Use the stairs at home or at work, not the elevator. Walking is a great form of exercise. Did you know that people who walk their dogs for 20 minutes a day
five times a week can lose 15 pounds in one year? There's a lot of exercise that you can do at home, too. Buy a mat and try yoga. It helps you feel and
sleep better. Go online and look for videos on exercising at home that you can do on your mat.
Change the way you eat in restaurants
Studies show that if you drink a full glass of water before a meal or if you start your meal with soup, you eat less. Water makes you feel full and helps with
digestion. Leave one third of your main course and ask the waiter or waitress to put it in a box for you so you can have it next day. Have a glass of fresh
orange juice for dessert. A side salad or boiled potatoes are healthier than fries.
Think about things, not results
Instead of saying “I want to be slimmer,” tell yourself “I'm going to go jogging twice a week.” You can also write one goal on a piece of paper just before you
go to bed and put it next to your pillow. For example, write “Tomorrow I'm going to eat three pieces of fruit” so you can read it when you wake up in the

Reading – Three tips for a healthier life (2)

2019-08-27, 05:23 pm
5 / 5 points (100%)

You can't exercise at home. FALSE
Yoga helps you sleep well. TRUE
Only eat one-third of your meal when you go to a restaurant. FALSE
Water makes you hungry. FALSE
Telling yourself “I'm going to go jogging once a week” is betterthan saying “I want to be slimmer.” TRUE

Vocabulary – Parts of the body

2019-08-27, 05:25 pm
10 / 10 points (100%)


Vocabulary – Parts of the body

2019-08-27, 05:27 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)


Vocabulary – Adjectives
2019-08-27, 05:29 pm
36 / 36 points (100%)

I love these shoes. They're so c o m f o r t a b l e .
He exercises every day. He's very f i t .
Bobotie is a very p o p u l a r South African dish.
Some people want a c o m p l e t e ban on smoking in public.
Women are usually more f l e x i b l e than men.
Turtles aren't very a c t i v e animals.
Nuts and grains are very h e a l t h y foods.
A visit to Madame Tussauds wax museum should be i n t e r e s t i n g .

Vocabulary – Adjectives
2019-08-27, 05:30 pm
6 / 8 points (75%)

Drinking too much soda is a very unhealthy habit.
She was very unpopular in her first year of high school, but everyone loves her now.
I'm sorry I can't give you full points for this answer. It's incomplete.
He's a very strict and inflexible teacher. He won't give you any extra time for the class projects.
It was such an ubinteresting (uninteresting) movie that I fell asleep.
I need to start exercising soon. I'm very unfit.
This chat room is inactive. No one is saying anything. I think I'm going to leave it.
The seats on this bus are very unconfortable (uncomfortable). I think I'm going to travel by train next time.

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