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Intro – Prayer & Anthem

H1: Before we start the orientation, we would like to remind everyone to mute your microphones when
you are not speaking so that we may avoid unnecessary noise.

H2: Furthermore, we encourage everyone to pay attention to our speakers this afternoon so that we
may leave this virtual meet with meaningful insights instilled within our minds. Thank you!

H1: A good beginning is half the battle won – Jenny John. Therefore, we should put emphasis on proper
planning so that we may avoid difficulties and constraints throughout our journey.

H2: That being said, we are gathered this afternoon to witness just how vital good planning is to the
success of an individual.

H1: I am Jean Carmela Belen,

H2: and I am Dan Lorenz Olbes. We’ll be your hosts for this event,

H1: and we wish you all a lovely afternoon.

H1: The long wait has finally come to an end for the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021
has arrived.

H2: Yes indeed, and for us to be prepared, we must first equip the right mindsets and proper
approaches towards facing the rest of the academic year.

H1: In behalf of BS Accountancy 1 Block E, we are honored to welcome you to this virtual seminar
entitled Perspectives from Practice: A talk with students about Business Logic and Human Behavior in
the Organization

H2: To formally start, let us all bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord as we offer Him a prayer
lead by Mr. Nathan John Evasco to be followed by the singing of the Philippine national anthem.

Opening Remarks

Sit. 1 (open cam)

H2: This afternoon is as delightful as you Ms. Belen,

H1: Why Thank you! You look dashing as well Mr. Olbes

H2: Anyway, the past semester has not been the most ideal one. We experienced several storms which
pummeled our spirits to the ground.

H1: Indeed, however, we now approach the dawn of a new chapter which hopefully will not be as rough
as the previous one. Henceforth, to lift our spirits and start the 2 nd semester fresh, let us welcome Ms.
Franchesca Leigh Fazonilla, block president of BSA-1E for the opening remarks.

H2: Tapos thank you Ms. Franchesca (insert ng something abt sa sinabi niya or kahit wag na)
Introduction to the Resource Speaker

H1: ------

After ni Resource Speaker

H2: -----------

H1: We will now proceed with the Question and Answer where the queries and doubts of students of
BSA Block E will get answered. Students, the floor is yours.


H2: We now move to the evaluation phase of this seminar. Students, please click the link chuchuchuchu

Closing Remarks:

H1: This seminar has been filled with several significant lessons waiting to be applied. To give his insights
about the event, may we call on Mr. Darren James Tayco for the closing remarks.

H2: Thank you Mr. Tayco. This is truly chuchuchu

H1: Moving on, to express our gratitude for today, may we call on Mr. Justin Victor Haja for the
thanksgiving prayer

H2: And that conclude our activity this afternoon.

H1: We would like express our utmost gratitude for our professor and our resource speaker for this
wonderful opportunity. In behalf of BSA 1E, thank you so much.

H2: Again, I am Dan Lorenz Olbes

H1: And I am Jean Carmela Belen, and we wish you a pleasant afternoon.

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