Angelo Fernando 01012190021 Tugas Akm2 Pertemuan 14 PDF

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Brief Exercise 24.

Penley 600
Konami 650
KSC 250
Red Moon 275
Cheng 225
Takuhi 200
Molina 700
Total 2900

2900 X 10% = 290

Panley, Konami, dan Molina memenuhi tesnya karena revenue

sama atau melebih 290.

Brief Exercise 24.6

Penley 90
Konami -40
KSC 25
Red Moon 50
Cheng -20
Takuhi 34
Molina 150
Total 349

349 X 10% = 34,9.

Panley, Konami, Red Moon, dan Molina memenuhi tesnya karena
profit or lossnya sama atau melebih 34,9.

Brief Exercise 24.7

Penley 500
Konami 550
KSC 250
Red Moon 400
Cheng 200
Takuhi 150
Molina 475
Total 2525

2525 X 10% = 252,5.

Panley, Konami, Red Moon, dan Molina memenuhi tesnya karena
asetnya sama atau melebih I dari 252,5

Brief exercise 24.8

a. X + 500,000 = 5X
500,000 = 4X
X = 125,000
Current Liabilities = 125000

b. Cost of goods sold last year = 200,000 X 5 = 1,000,000

1,000,000 / 8 = 125,000
Average inventory in current year = 125,000

c. Current raio = Current asset / Current Liabilities

Current ratio = 90,000 / 40,000 = 2,25 : 1
Acid test ratio = (Current asset - Inventory and prepaid items) / Current Liabilities
Acid test ratio = (90,000-40,000) / 40,000 = 1,25 : 1

Current ratio = (90,000 + 15,000) / (40,000+15,000) = 1,91 : 1

Acid test ratio = (105,000 - 40,000) / (55,000) = 1,18 :1

d. Before payment : (600,000) / (240,000+180,000) = 1,43 after declaration

After payment :(600,000-180,000) / 240,000 = 1,75 : 1

Brief exercise 24.9

Inventory turnover = COGS / Average inventory
99,000,000 / (99,000,000/9) = 9

Average inventory (new) =

99,000,000 / (99,000,000/12) = 12

(11,000,000 - 8,250,000) X 10% = 275,000 cost savings

Exercise 24.7
a. 1:00 Dividends Payable 45000
Retained Earnings 45000

2:00 Retained Earnings 500000

Deferred Advertising cost / 500000
Prepaid advertising

b. Net change in equity = 45,000 - 500,000 = (455,000)

Exercise 24.8
a. 1:00 Retained Earnings 75000
Warranty Liability 75000

2:00 Building 60000

Accumulated Depreciation 1500
Retained Earnings 58500

b. Net change in equity

= (75000) + 58500 = (16500)

c. Lombardo harus meng-disclose bagaimana adjustment memengaruhi

pelaporan sofp, financial performance, dan arus kas. Dan juga
Lombardo harus menutupi assetnya 58,500 lebih tinggi, liabilitas
75,000 lebih besar, dan ekuitas 18,500 lebih rendah.

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