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Multiple Choice Questions

Section 1: Androgen Production and c) gonadotropin release

Mechanisms d) all of the above

Henry G. Burger, M.D., Ph.D. 77(Suppl 4):S3–5 Abdul M. Traish, Ph.D., et al. 77(Suppl 4):S11– 8
Androgen production in women Role of androgens in female genital sexual arousal:
receptor expression, structure, and function
1. Androgens and androgen precursors are synthesized by
what glands? 1. In women, where are androgens synthesized?
a) anterior pituitary gland a) ovaries
b) adrenal medulla b) adrenal glands
c) ovaries and the adrenals c) ovaries and adrenal glands
d) only by the ovaries d) ovaries, adrenal glands, and in peripheral tissues
2. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) is quantita- 2. The androgen receptor is a member of the steroid/thyroid
tively the most abundant circulating sex steroid in superfamily. It elicits its activity by interacting with
women. Which of the following statements characterizes a) specific androgen response elements in the DNA of
its secretion? target genes
a) It increases during puberty and early adulthood. b) a nuclear membrane protein located in the nuclear
b) It decreases significantly as a result of the meno- pores
pause transition. c) a glycoprotein on the membrane of the lysozomes
c) It reaches its highest levels in old age. d) G-protein in the plasma membrane
d) It is controlled by FSH. 3. Because no biological receptors have been identified
3. Which of the following statements concerning serum which bind dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), its actvity
concentrations of testosterone, the most important biolog- is attributed to its conversion in peripheral tissues into
ically active androgen in women, is true? a) ⌬5-androstenediol
a) They do not vary during the normal menstrual b) testosterone
cycle. c) 5␣-dihydrotestosterone
b) They fall markedly during the menopausal transi- d) estradiol
tion. e) all of the above
c) They are higher in women aged 40–45 than in
women 20–25. Richard F. Spark, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S19 –33
d) They are partially dependent on the concentration Dehydroepiandrosterone: a springboard hormone for
of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). female sexuality
Evan R. Simpson, Ph.D. 77(Suppl 4):S6 –10
Aromatization of androgens in women: current 1. The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS)
concepts and findings is synthesized in the
a) ovary
1. In postmenopausal women, circulating testosterone is a b) testicle
precursor for which of the following steroids? c) adrenal gland
a) androstenedione d) pituitary gland
b) cortisol e) pancreas
c) dehydroepiandrosterone 2. Subnormal dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS)
d) estradiol levels are common in which of the following conditions?
2. Which of the following enzymes convert circulating tes- a) Cushing’s syndrome
tosterone to biologically active compounds? b) adrenal insufficiency
a) 5␣-reductase c) precocious puberty
b) 17␤-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II d) virilizing adrenal hyperplasia
c) 11␤-hydroxylase 3. In patients with sub-normal DHEAS levels who are given
d) AtPase DHEA (50 mg per day), which of the following serum
3. In which of the following conditions does peripheral hormone levels increase above baseline levels?
conversion of androgens to estrogens play a significant a) DHEAS
role? b) testosterone in aging women but not men
a) osteoporosis c) testosterone in women with adrenal insufficiency
b) breast cancer d) androstenedione

S104 Multiple choice questions Vol. 77, No. 4, Suppl 4, April 2002
e) all of the above 2. Which aspects of quality of life are directly affected by
the hormonal changes of the menopausal transition rather
than by aging?
Section 2: Androgen Effects on Female Health a) mood
b) sexual functioning
Constantine Dimitrakakis, M.D., et al. 77(Suppl 4):S26–33 c) cognitive functioning
Androgens and mammary growth and neoplasia d) all of the above
3. Which of the following hormones show marked changes
1. What are the effects of flutamide, an androgen receptor related to the menopausal transition rather than to chro-
antagonist, on mammary epithelial proliferation (MEP) in nological aging?
normal-cycling rhesus monkeys? a) testosterone and DHEAS
a) increased by 50% b) cortisol
b) decreased by 50% c) LH
c) increased by 100% d) estradiol and FSH
d) decreased by 100%
2. Research on androgen effects on breast tissue in rhesus Barbara B. Sherwin, Ph.D. 77(Suppl 4):S49 –54
monkeys indicates that Randomized clinical trials of combined estrogen-
a) androgen supplementation of ERT likely increases androgen preparations: effects on sexual functioning
breast cancer risk
b) androgen supplementation of ERT likely decreases 1. For whom is combined estrogen-androgen replacement
breast cancer risk therapy indicated?
c) androgen supplementation of ERT has no effect on a) all postmenopausal women
breast cancer risk b) surgically menopausal women
c) women whose sexual complaints persist following
Morris Notelovitz, M.D., Ph.D. 77(Suppl 4):S34 – 41
treatment with estrogen-alone
Androgen effects on bone and muscle
d) women under the age of 60 years
1. Estrogen and androgen receptors are found in which of 2. Randomized controlled trials of the efficacy of combined
the following bone cell types? estrogen-androgen drugs for postmenopausal replacement
a) osteoblasts therapy show that
b) osteoclasts a) route of administration of the drug is related to
c) osteocytes symptom relief
d) all of the above b) side effects always occur with physiological doses
2. Compared to estrogen alone therapy, combined estrogen of testosterone
and androgen therapy has what effect on bone mineral c) the combined drug has its major effects on hot
density (BMD)? flashes and atrophic vaginitis
a) lowers the BMD response to ERT d) the combined drug has its major effects on sexual
b) increases the BMD response to ERT desire and satisfaction
c) has no effect on the ERT-mediated BMD response
3. Progesterone receptors are present in human osteoblasts John Bancroft, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S55–9
and osteoclasts. Which of the following therapies en- Sexual effects of androgens in women: some theoretical
hance the ERT mediated increase in BMD? considerations
a) micronized progesterone
b) medroxyprogesterone acetate 1. What effect does exogenous testosterone commonly have
c) norethindrone acetate on mood?
a) induces depression
Lorraine Dennerstein, Ph.D., et al. 77(Suppl 4):S42– 8 b) increases irritability and anger
Hormones, mood, sexuality, and the menopausal c) improves sense of well-being
transition d) none of the above
2. Which of the following effects are commonly experi-
1. Which hormone relates best to changes in sexual func- enced by women using combined oral contraceptives?
tioning during the menopausal transition? a) reduced interest in sex
a) estradiol b) no apparent effect on mood or sexuality
b) testosterone c) worsening of premenstrual symptoms
c) inhibin d) reduced symptoms around menstruation
d) none of the above e) all of the above


Section 3: Androgen Deficiency States and b) supplement the actions of estrogens in controlling
Sequelae hot flushes
c) neutralize the effects of estrogens on markers of
Jan L. Shifren, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S60 –2 bone resorption and formation
Androgen deficiency in the oophorectomized woman d) increase the occurrence of sexual aversion
e) all of the above
1. Following oophorectomy, approximately what is the de-
crease in circulating testosterone concentrations? Susan R. Davis, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S68 –71
a) 30% When to suspect androgen deficiency other than at
b) 50% menopause
c) 70%
d) 90% 1. Which of the following may be associated with lowered
2. Although studies demonstrate that the majority of women bioavailable (free) testosterone in women?
experience an improved sexual life following hysterec- a) panhypopituitism
tomy, women were less likely to report improvement and b) oral contraceptive pills
more likely to report sexual problems if their ovaries had c) oral postmenopausal estrogen therapy
been removed at the time of surgery. d) all of the above
a) true 2. Under which of the following circumstances would you
b) false suspect that androgen insufficiency may be contributing
3. In a small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled to loss of libido and diminished well-being?
trial of physiologic transdermal testosterone replacement a) a 26-year-old woman presenting with low libido
in estrogen-replaced oophorectomized women with sex- who has regular menstrual cycles and is not on any
ual dysfunction, while they were receiving the higher therapy
dose of testosterone, women reported significant im-
b) a 30-year-old woman who has undergone bilateral
provements in
ovariectomy and who is using a transdermal estro-
a) sexual activity and pleasure
gen patch
b) psychological general well-being
d) a 28-year-old woman on high dose SSRI therapy
c) both
for depression
d) neither
e) none of the above
Philip M. Sarrel, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S63–7
Gloria A. Bachmann, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S72– 6
Androgen deficiency: menopause and estrogen-related
The hypoandrogenic woman: pathophysiologic
1. Estrogen depletion at menopause is associated with
a) an increase in sex hormone-binding globulin 1. Androgen replacement therapy should not be used
b) a decrease in sex hormone-binding globulin a) for symptomatic postmenopausal women, espe-
c) an increase in bioavailable testosterone cially women who have had their ovaries removed
d) a decrease in bioavailable testosterone b) in postmenopausal women who are already on es-
e) b and c trogen replacement therapy but who continue to
2. Which of the following statements about testosterone is have menopausal symptoms
(are) correct? c) in the same manner and the same doses for both
a) During a woman’s reproductive years her serum men and women
testosterone levels are usually higher than her se- 2. Symptom(s) associated with androgen decline include
rum estradiol levels. a) acne, alopecia, and menstrual disorders
b) Testosterone is the ovarian substrate for estradiol. b) android obesity and infertility
c) Oral estrogen replacement therapy can lead to a c) diminished sex motivation, fantasy, arousal, and
decrease in bioavailable testosterone. quality of life
d) Oral methyltestosterone decreases serum sex hor- d) migraine headache and other neurologic symptoms
mone-binding globulin levels. 3. Androgens do not affect which of the following?
e) all of the above a) muscle development
3. Androgen replacement therapy for postmenopausal b) bone mass
women has been shown to: c) sexual function
a) oppose the actions of estrogens in controlling hot d) cognition
flushes e) gastrointestinal function

S106 Multiple choice questions Vol. 77, No. 4, Suppl 4, April 2002
Section 4: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis a) 10–20%
b) 21–30%
James A. Simon, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S77– 82 c) 31–40%
Estrogen replacement therapy: effects on the d) 41–50%
endogenous androgen milieu e) more than 50%
2. What is the most widely used physiological method in
1. The so-called “androgen deficiency” syndrome is often
confused with laboratory studies of female genital arousal?
a) clinical depression a) Doppler ultrasonography
b) chronic fatigue syndrome b) vaginal photoplethysmography
c) hypothyroidism c) labial thermocouplers
d) all of the above d) magnetic resonance imaging
2. Which of the following common treatments reduce bio- e) none of the above
available androgens? 3 What are the major advantages of self-report (question-
a) oral contraceptive pills naire) measures of female sexual function?
b) glucocorticoids a) standardization
c) oral estrogen replacement therapies b) non-invasiveness
d) all of the above c) lack of expense
3. Methyltestosterone is the most commonly used androgen d) ease of administration
in women in the U.S. Which of the following is not true e) all of the above
about this androgen’s actions?
a) It binds to and stimulates the androgen receptor.
b) It is aromatized to estradiol. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D. 77(Suppl 4):S94 –9
c) It liberates both endogenous estradiol and testos- Androgen insufficiency in women: summary of critical
terone. issues
d) It reduces SHBG concentrations.
1. Which of the following steroids, measured in serum, best
André T. Guay, M.D. 77(Suppl 4)S83– 8
Screening for androgen deficiency in women: reflects the androgen status of a woman?
methodological and interpretive issues a) testosterone
b) androstenedione
1. When is the best time to measure testosterone levels in c) dihydrotestosterone
premenopausal women? d) dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
a) during the early follicular phase of the menstrual e) androstenediol
cycle 2. Which of the following is not associated with a decreased
b) during the middle third of the menstrual cycle free testosterone level in woman?
c) in the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle
a) hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
d) anytime in the menstrual cycle
b) primary adrenal insufficiency
2. The most accurate measurement of testosterone in women
c) secondary adrenal insufficiency
d) natural menopause
a) total testosterone
e) exogenous estrogen administration
b) bioavailable testosterone
c) analog free testosterone by analog assay 3. The best method for assessing the serum free testosterone
d) free testosterone by equilibrium dialysis concentration in a woman suspected of having the andro-
gen insufficiency syndrome is
Raymond C. Rosen, Ph.D. 77(Suppl 4):S89 –93 a) measurement of sex hormone-binding globulin and
Assessment of female sexual dysfunction: review of testosterone concentrations and calculation of the
validated methods Free Androgen Index
1. Approximately how many women in the general popula- b) equilibrium dialysis
tion aged 18–59 complained of one or more sexual prob- c) direct immunoassay using an analog ligand
lems in the past year? d) measurement of 3␣-androstanediol-glucuronide level


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